DHBM Hero Tier List [Update 6.4] + More

I can’t wait!

Do you hear the sounds of Update 4.4?

  • Added Quasimodo!
  • [New Feature] New Heroes will be now highlighted, this will make them easily visible.
  • A LOT heroes movements!
    • Including the ones from the poll from a few weeks ago
  • Changed the background colour of the tier list to gray
  • The :bulb: for refreshed heroes now will stay for 2 updates instead of 1
  • Increased size of the font by 1
  • Removed purple mark for heroes

I would make the argument that Rapunzel’s placement should be higher. Sure, in a vacuum, she’s not amazing, but her Red Skill, combined with Tron and a Skill Power-scaling frontliner, enables some really abusive (and funny) tactics.

If I may, I have one visual suggestion: make the green arrows a darker shade of green. The brighter shade is a bit jarring to look at on the grey background.

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1st, no. So you are calling everyone who agrees with me wrong? yea no. And I did not copy your tier list I made my own, I just agree with you a lot, can u not see that? And “biased” changes, are changes in my opinion, if u notice I changed everything anyone saw wrong that commented.

We don’t agree with you.

what was the point of you replying? i said so you are calling everyone who agrees with me wrong, so the people who do agree with me are wrong.

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Ok, noted.

Problem is, it’s all temporary and it can be also quickly removed by enemy Tron, and just for one ally, where others can give a lot of SP to everyone.
Rapunzel would move higher if blue/purple skill would affect everyone, making her actual support hero.

Would it be possible to make an indicator to see right off the bat which heroes moved?

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@Musketeer Did they modify Guadimodo’s abilities and discs, with that he downgrades the list?

It was a nerf… but not big enough to make him any bad, and likely current position will remain.
Might even top Pacha, but that’s for later. :woman_shrugging:

Never been doing that… I can see what I can do next time.
And technically, on the discord server there are old tier lists available too, so more or less it’s visible to see the changes.


@Musketeer Ok! thanks, I don’t understand why they did it if it was fine before.

You do this for attention. You try to place characters you do not have maxed to understand their ability to help teams or destroy others. Again, I stand with it’s not people agreeing with you, it’s the fact you want attention. Which you’re getting so kudos to you but not your version of a tier list. I can’t make a tier list for restaurants if I haven’t been to all of them, you should do the same for this game….

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I have made my own tier list, and I’m sorry if you think I want attention, I don’t, I just want to share my opinion on what I find correct ^^, I don’t think I will share anymore though because it doesn’t seem to do anything.

What is the point of this? To insult another forumer’s opinion just because a majority thinks otherwise?
@Iconic_Aurora does not just do this for attention, they’re posting because they like the game and want to help others succeed. Have some respect.

About that highlight…
  • Keep it the same
  • Use only blue colour
  • Use only orange colour

0 voters

Talents are coming, and just like red skills they may impact of the hero’s position on the tier list, so once again they would need something to point it out.

How do you want to mark these heroes?
  • [different] Colour their name (like new heroes)
  • Give them a [different] special symbol after the name (like refreshed heroes)

0 voters

A poll to choose the colour or special symbol will be available later!


I voted for a special symbol, but going back and looking at the list, it seems giving the names a colour is easier to see

You can always change your vote, you know?



Choose the icon for heroes with talents!
  • :clapper:
  • :rainbow:
  • :battery:
  • :mag_right:
  • :wrench:
  • :dart:
  • :lock:
  • :stars:
  • Something else → Give a suggestion in a comment below

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