DHBM Hero Tier List [Update 6.4] + More

Okay, thanks for the reply!

Yeah I use Olaf and I’m sad to say he’s quite bad lol. Refresh please!

His red skill is really his only redeeming quality, but needs to be maxed to work.

Stitch being C teir. I feel like if he is trained well I think he should be B tier especially with mad matter disk maxed out can really improve stitch. I’m not saying that the list is wrong just that stitch can be a bit higher (Edit) oh and also another good thing is hes at the back so he will take less damage and the scuffle is good since he damage the enemy healing himself :slight_smile: thanks for any reply

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@Musketeer, ever since maybe… August, your Control A tier and B Tier have been VERY inaccurate, in places of order, really. Here are some things I would change.
First, A Tier Changes.

  1. You have Mad Hatter WAY too high (Maybe not WAY too high, but still too high), no matter how high you promote and promote him, he would still only land Mid-A in my opinion, I recommend moving him, erm below, maybe Angel.
  2. I will just list 3 heroes you have too high, because why not. First, Syndrome, I think he is just going to become quickly outdated and is already not the best option, I consider him mid even low A tier, I suggest moving him below Honey Lemon, Next, Namaari, Namaari has just become completely mediocre and I consider her being mid-low B Tier, I suggest below Anna. Then, 22. She is good and all, but she has bad secondary stats, so I suggest her going below Snow White.
  3. I think you might have Disgust a bit too low, maybe above Lilo, but it doesn’t make much of a difference.
  4. I have a suggestion of heroes that should go to S Tier in no particular order. Aurora, Mary, Angel, and Pocahontas.

Thats all I see wrong with A tier.

Now B tier.

  1. Tia Dalma, simply put, too high, perhaps below the horned king.
  2. I think Sarah, WALL-E, and Donald should go to B Tier, she is WAY better than the horned king, has better stats, and well Billy does a lot of damage, and Donald is pretty much just fit for B Tier, same with WALL-E, so, I guess maybe above Ursula…?
  3. Jumba, Voyd, and Fozzie are too high, I think they should go below Hiro.
  4. Magica, Minnie, and Colette, too low, I think Magica and Minnie should go above Winnie, and I think Colette should go above Mr. Big & Koslov.
  5. Yzma, I think she should go Under Winnie.

Don’t you think you might be a bit biased? :upside_down_face:
Not saying these suggestions are wrong, or that Musk isn’t biased, but sometimes you’re a little enthusiastic about moving these characters up. :slightly_smiling_face:

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If Mad Hatter has a maxed red skill, he’s one of the most useful heroes in the game; if he doesn’t, he’s just pretty good. Whether that qualifies him for the S tier mostly depends, I think, on how one feels about heroes that need that much time and investment to be among the best.


Yeah, maxed-Red-Skill Mad Hatter is pretty much the only hero in the game who is actually outright mandatory.

If you don’t have a maxed Hatter, you are just not going anywhere. Period.

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im sorry u think my opinion is biased???

whats wrong with being enthusiastic…?

in my opinion no, but that’s just me…

Well, I’ve gone far with my Mad Hatter only B2. Period.

Well, I sure hope you won’t mind showing us your special 1st Place Division 1 Challengers Arena/Coliseum border, then.

I’m level 203 on server 25 in Platinum I Arena and Coliseum, so, that’s far in my opinion, and do you have a 1st Place Division 1 border?

That’s pretty good, even if you’re not in Challenger leagues yet. So, how do you counter someone who’s using Mary Sanderson with her Lock, Shock, & Barrel disk?

It’s challenging, but not impossible, to make it to Division II in Challenger Arena without a maxed Mad Hatter. With the right combination of rules, I imagine it would be possible to make it to Division I, but that would take a little luck and a lot of work.

But having a Mad Hatter with a maxed red skill does make some things a lot easier, and can make a war defense much harder to beat.

You’re not even max level and not even in Challengers yet. It’s the equivalent of booting up Vanilla WoW and saying that a 23/28/0 Druid build is totally viable in Naxxramas despite you only being level 47.

You’ve gotten precisely nowhere.


I try to link Meg with Gothel, usually works, just have to summon Stabbingtons before 7.5 seconds is up…

Ok you are basically arguing with yourself, you are saying “I’ve gotten nowhere because i’m not at challengers”, give it a few days, i’m almost there. And even if I did use Mad Hatter it would not make much of a difference, if not ending up worse.

No, the only person who does that here is you, idk how many times I said I won’t make these changes because they are simply wrong but you keep arguing. Not to mention you’re nowhere near maxed level… oh, and you make another tier list in which you literally copied 80-90% of mine with some biased changes as said above and other changes which make no sense. Just stop.

And that’s cherry on the top… eh.

So are Aurora’s… eh.


I still don’t have a maxed Hatter and make it to C2 most seasons. Hecc, before the last merge I was 4th overall and I won the lot without having him…

… if I wanted to reach C1 now, I would need to upgrade my Hatter. He is necessary. :man_shrugging:

I think he does qualify as S tier - this is primarily a PVP tier list assuming maxed red skills.

Mainly due to how PVE is easy in this game, but even then Hatter helps a lot too.

There would be barely any changes for PVE exclusive.

I mean because you use these characters a lot and find them good

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I didn’t use Mad Hatter for two years. With the Wish crate and saved diamonds, I finally got enough hero chips and maxed him. He is amazing. Definitely top tier. Too much starting crowd control. He counters so much of the meta.

I use Ian, Meg, Hatter, Pete, and Angel all of the time in most modes.


@Musketeer what do u think about quasimodo skill set? I know is early and we need test him but he seems pretty cool!

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Looks great by itself, but we know nothing about disks and stats.

If Quasimodo will be finalized today, I would try to release an update for the tier list today, and it will be quite a big one too.

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