DHBM Hero Tier List [Update 6.4] + More

Mayor bellweather
Max skills(not red skills) and max level. My Sally is purple and all others are red and cleared it

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I like these new colors and the gray background! The arrows are more visible but I would prefer them to indicate which hero moved up or down, it would be a cool indicator


Well the only matter here is that she’s not going to be good in arena cause I’m coli she can still stall and gain some points.

With the next tier list update, you can spot real butterflies!
Heroes with butterflies have their final position lowered due to bugs.

  • Current victims are Joy and Bellwether

What bug does EVE have?

She doesn’t use her blue skill immediately when she have red skill unlocked.

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What makes Eve Good

Combination of red skill with Calhoun disk, her damage is very high and applies almost 30s long stun.
But due to bug as mentioned she will move down.

And ursela?

Ursela confuses me so much

She’s great with teammates who remove and steal the enemy’s energy, this way she gains a lot of skill power which can be even shared with allies via Kermit.

Sweet Jesus that’s good

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These are where eve and Ursela are at

Wait what bug does Eve have

@Musketeer if Jafar had his disk not bugged would he move up higher than where he is now? Or is he there regardless of that?

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Both disks will be now preferable now, that’s for sure.

Not sure if he will move up more, maybe if he will get Reality negation…

So EVE is fixed.

But Bellwether not.

@Musketeer in your opinion… Which of them would you pick? The Scar disk has great stats but Gaston does great dmg and i cant decide for which one should i go

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