DHBM Hero Tier List [Update 6.4] + More

Against Hatter, Gaston disk.

Otherwise Scar disk, still. And it’s yet another great Baymax counter, it melts the shields in no time.

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Any tier on Cinderella

She’s not released yet. I don’t know where she’ll be in, but maybe between B and A tier maybe?

She’s already released

Tab her icon and she’ll be usable in the chat spars

If u wanna test her out

They meaning “Cinderella’s Prize Walls hasn’t started yet so we can’t claim her at this moment” 🤷🏻 not spotlight

So, spotlight = final stats
Cinderella will be in S-tier, above Ian.

Full tier list update will be on Saturday to include the 9 refreshes, new feature, and more.


Ok… apparently spotlight now means nothing nowadays… Cinderella is A/B–tier.


@Musketeer Yes, it is very bad even if it is temporary, but you have to wait a long time…

Hello everyone. Can you tell me when the shooting list will be updated? And which of the updated characters is worth attention?

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Cinderella will get her stats boosted back again in 4.6 update. She broke the whole game so while we’re on break for 2 weeks we had to nerf her.


One of the refreshed heroes is placed very high!

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I still don’t get it, why all of her skillset was nerfed, if the only ‘‘issue’’ was energy from Fairy disk, which even then could remain same but just have a limit to 2 stacks max. Zeus’s red skill cause basically same thing and nothing ever was done anything about it. Seems just unfair.

And since you’re here, I will just say that Donald’s purple skill doesn’t work anymore (at all!) after the refresh.


@Loutre I wanna emphasize this. His purple isn’t working at all

I know perblue was supposed to start winter break today. Does that mean he won’t be fixed until it’s over?

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It was a lot of backend things going on with her that broke and would be a 2+ day investigation into what was going on there so we decided this was the best route to take since today is the first day of our break and we don’t come back until Jan 2nd. I’m only working today to keep track of how things are looking, but everyone else is off.

Yes, unfortunately. Obviously not an ideal situation we wanted here.


It’s understandable. Thanks for the reply


I just hope her skillset will return to normal (exactly as it was at start) after the break, and the Fairy disk will get that cap which I mentioned or something.
She was really fun to use in game, pity.


Who exactly? Olaf? And how does Elsa feel now?

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Merry Christmas and Happy 4.5-A!

  • Added Cinderella!
    • Includes the nerf; pre-nerf position was mentioned above: S-tier
  • New 9 Hero Refreshes introduced!
    • Enjoy new-old S-tier hero!
  • Some heroes movements
  • [New Feature] :butterfly: icon means the hero has something (bigger) bugged and their final position on the tier list is significantly decreased
    • As for now: Joy, Bellwether, Donald, and Cinderella
  • Christmas decorations added
  • Problems with strong heroes?
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