DHBM Hero Tier List [Update 6.4] + More

My main team: Felix, Pooh, Peter Pan, Dash, Elsa

1S, 1B, 3A’s.


My Main Team:

Dash, Jack-Jack, Violet, Felix, Sully&Boo

2 A’s, 2 B’s, 1 C

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My main team:

Donald, Oogie, Cheshire, Randall, angel

2Ss and 3As

My main team

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Sorry if I’ve missed this above but why is basil so low? His white skill can wipe out entire teams

Because he’s easy to defeat with CC, his blue skill is trash and the targeting of white skill can sometimes stall against like Hades, Beast or Meg. He is great damage wise and his Mushu disk is good, but he definitely needs some balancements


The above, and Randall disk is trash, as well.

Purple skill blocks the use of green, blue and red skill.

Gonzo is underranked

Tbh Gonzo is pretty weak


Well… Gonzo does get less representation than he deserves

His team-wide stun could be a little annoying if he didn’t die within seconds, I guess? I’ve yet to find a team where he’s actually been a threat. :man_shrugging:

Tbh, I’d bump him down a tier.


It’s all within the cannon

And anyways, with max Duke disk he can end Dash’s attack speed early

with green mods + Nick, vs no T&P = whoop :grin:

(though, Gonzo specifically is hardly the key factor)


My main team:

Dr. Facilier, Animal, Yax (Fi), Nick (Ya), Robin Hood

1 S, 2 A’s, 2 B’s

No offense… but you’re team has barely any synergy and not much defense. I’d replace Facilier with Max, and Yax with someone else. Like Gizmo or Barbossa.


Hmm, I haven’t used Sadness that much but she doesn’t feel like OP material in my opinion. Is Sad that Sadness isn’t OP :frowning_face: (Although I used her without Disks, maybe her Eeyore Disk fixes some of her problems.)
I think she would fit in A tier.

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Coming soon with update 2.3.01 (should be ready for Friday)

  • Added Sadness (A tier)
  • Added LSB (S tier) - if nothing has changed
  • Moved Mike from C to B/A tier
  • Moved Tia from B to A tier
  • Moved QoH from S to A tier
  • Reverting Peter’s and Robin’s places

I’m petitioning for Dash to be considered S rank

Who’s with me?


If you also petition Hiro to A I’m with you lol

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