DHBM Hero Tier List [Update 6.4] + More

Also if you were to swap Robin for someone in A, I’d say Beast should be the one going down in B, def not Peter


I can and I have… in-game…


Peter is pretty fragile… Beast is still annoying. Peter… not so much.

Then Stitch, who’s only great for invasion? Really Peter Pan was underrated since his release…

I’m in

I can do that too lol

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That I agree with.

But the meta has changed over the past 14 months…

Yeah I am aware of that. Meta is in the S tier, A tier can just work well with it

Would also agree with this, but I’m in server 21 so that might make it different than in higher servers.

His evasion and dodging-abilities still can be as annoying as Beast rage, at least in my S21-experience


Think so too! Peter and Beast can both be really annoying! Peter’s dodges are just incredibly annoying… :weary::joy:

He’s even better on higher servers bc he gets good badges on higher red rarities.

WAY more annoying than Beast’s rage. There are a ton of counters to that. Only counters for Peter are precise, and precise heroes still can’t hit him while parrying, and characters who massively buff reality

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Huh? His evasion works only with 21% chance, negation doesn’t work at all and normal crit isn’t that fascinating.

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And heroes that use multiple projectiles (or heroes that channel damage) all at once to attack enemies… e.g. Zurg, Basil, Mushu, and Bo.

Ian also serves as a counter. But only for 5 seconds.

That was about Hiro tho…

If Pan is actively using his white skill, non of those mentioned could stop him. Mushu might be the most dangerous, because of the silence, but then there is still evasion…

I forgot. DOT can stop him (only if he is affected before parrying) mid-parry as I recall

Yeah. From my experience with Peter, he actually counters those by distracting them.

If he’s affected before it, yes.

I’m not calling him S. I’m saying B is too low

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There you do have a point, but honestly I don’t know that much DOT-ers. Kristoff would be the first that comes to mind, but is not one that could stop Pan mid-air

Well, from my recent experience I never found Peter annoying :man_shrugging:

Idk, I usually kill him before he gets to use his white skill…
But different people think different things.

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