DHBM Meme Center

You do not need to make a post saying you like something… if you click the “heart” button next to a post it will be fine

Hey can you do a meme of me


Curse you perry the platypussssss​:joy::joy:

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Who are you talking to?
I could if u want

I think she just wants a meme of her

I really want a VeggieTales mean

Fair enough

I really want a VeggieTales MEME

Apologies if this sounds rude, but you can’t simply ask people to make specific memes for you, especially when they’re about something that doesn’t relate to Disney on Disney-related forums.

Okay I’m sorry

Ok heres the meme

Whaddaya think? :joy::joy:

:joy::joy::joy::joy::joy::joy::joy::joy:So funny

:joy::joy::joy::joy::joy::joy:He the winner

Oh I misunderstood veggie tales and thought you meant a veggie ducktales one because you made the T capital like they do in ducktales :joy::joy:

I’m about to make a meme of wgbh kids

A meme king gotta do what a meme king gotta do

Guys, PLEASE keep your memes related to Disney and DH:BM! This is getting very spammy.


I love WGBH kids Okay

When was that a rule? People posted wandavision memes and you didnt have a problem with that

Because WandaVision is on Disney+, and the ways the memes were being used were related to the game/Disney in general.

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