DHBM Meme Center

I use this


Thank you Rino. You’ve been a great help. :grin:

No problem :slightly_smiling_face:

I just deleted both of my posts until I can learn how to get putting a hide details disclaimer next to both of them right.

When you write out a comment, look at the far right of the top bar for a gear-looking symbol. Under that, there should be an option that says “Hide Details”. Click it, and it will setup the disclaimer for you. In the quotes in the brackets, change “Summary” to whatever you want it to say (in your case, “WandaVision spoilers” or something like that) and you can put the image where it says “This text will be hidden”.

So Like This:

Dis Gon Be Good

I hope this helps.


Wow, I just wanted to share that I got some Wasabi chips for the REGULAR price. I am happy to finally have Wasabi now. That was the point of the meme

Ohh it’s because you didnt show how many you had already so I got confused

And it was really rare that they even showed up

Yes or no is true

I can´t say if it´s true or false since I don´t understand it


I hope I nailed this one.


I think if we flip the images it would work better, but I could be wrong

I think is fine as it is now, but I´ll consider it


For some reason, if I hit like and it says you hit the limit, it will still let me like posts, so I think it is a glitch

It looks that way, but if you look at a post you supposedly “liked” afterwards, it’ll say that you didn’t.

I’ve had that happen to me before.


I fixed the meme. Usually a To Be Continued meme has a green or black and white overlay on it.


Not sure if people even think To Be Continued memes are funny anymore. People aren’t as into JoJo anymore so it would make sense. Also they work much better in a video format.


What do you guys think?

I loved all these memes especially the super bowl rings super bowl 1

600th comment speedy

They deleted there comment so now I got 599th comment :joy:

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