n i c e
You got Sadness’s emoji! LUCKY!!! I really want to Sadness’s emoji!
I can trade it for some cat avatar, preferably Jake.
Always use Chef against Kermit
And I’m the one who thinks that Kermit and Swedish Chef are a good pair…
Now you say:
And? Heroes can be both allies and counters
I know that, it’s obvious
Also… I think anyone can counter Kermit because his basic attack HEALS
How does that make him counterable? He’s a crazy support lol
Chef isn’t the only counter but the safest one
Why? blue skill?
Blue, red and white together.
Quick energy gain and buff copy. He can keep a team invincible for a long time
Can also copy buffs from allies, like for example Dash’s speed buff
It could be but Kermit has a high evasion making him almost immune to disables and his basic attack is not his only strong point.
That’s why Chef counters him
Gives a lot of fatigue
Yeah exactly.
Chef is also a good ally for him tho. He steals buffs from enemies with his blue and then Kermit copies them on everyone
I don’t have jake but I can trade this
for the maui avatar
I know that we can’t trade
i don’t have good chef
this seems to be a bit of a mechanics fail, that Kermit’s invincibility lasts 8 seconds and has a 7 second cooldown. I hoped the +40 purple Louie + Mulan would’ve killed him first.
That’s OP!
Now you have one more