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You should have used Mulan’s power-ups when you had the chance. It helped me a lot.

I did and still Scrooge died…
It’s on 2 stars rn

Your Scrooge must be weak then. Mine survived. But Mulan used her active right after Powerline entered the battlefield, preventing any damage to allies. But Scrooge would survive anyways.

Whats ur mulan rank?
Yeah i should have given it try…Lemme try now…Lemme seee if i can

Around the same level. He’s 4 stars. Maybe that’s why.
But I use LP too.

Scrooge must have extremely poor reality, as on R8 he felt Hank and Powerline’s entrances a lot more than Donald on R3

I beat that stage with a level 131 Mulan at O4. But I used Power-Ups. Currently she is at R0, level unchanged

Coool…My Mulan is R7 :sweat_smile:

Something that could explain it is that I used Jafar to charm H&D and Zurg to take care of the enemies. Except HDL and Powerline.

That is disappointing…

I havent give it a try after upgrading Mulan :man_facepalming:

Well… Zurg is a good one for campaigns, as the above mentioned Anger.
Mulan should do the same, but because she must use Cannon Attack first she simply wasn’t fast enough with Hank.

And Hank has Hardy from both disk and Tron, so he also ignored Hiro’s starting stun.

Use Baymax (Ol). Gets rid of Tron’s hardy immediately.

He removes both stacks? With one freeze?
Also my Baymax is O0, so… probably not.

It’d just simply be much easier to build Anger if I wanted to 3 star that so badly, as he’s already kinda decent.

Actually I haven’t tried after the power up event, maybe I could try it now but without Scrooge

I thought Tron only gave 1…

You have a strong Meg, right?

Get him to 6-stars. He has no trouble surviving Powerline’s entrance.

I am replying the fight… and strangely no one got hardy

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Well that was easy. Hank didn’t have Hardy


Evasion was the answer!

I still did 2 stars only :sob:

But… I clearly remember Hank receiving Hardy. If he didn’t permanently stun Scrooge and Hiro I would have 3 starred it from the start…

Who keeps on getting defeated?

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