DHBM: Saved?!

Lol that’s like saying Taco Bell is complex Mexican food since they have a variety of options. Or Panda Express is complex Chinese food for the same reason. Or Kraft Mac and cheese is complex since the have a variety of shapes.

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Ooh, is TSK a thing now? I like the sound of it!


If you’d like. I was just too lazy to write “Spaghetti King” :joy:


Then I’m TMS! Hmmm, idk if I like that or my full name…

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Why can’t it happen that someone (@Ash_s2) insults a game and someone (Me) defends it and not have someone else insult it and instead everyone respects everyone’s opinions? That’s kinda why I made this thread and I apologized multiple times for being rude earlier.

Now is the part where someone says (Agist thing meant degrade my worth as a person in comparison to you). Now that I have said that people will say something like (Agism isn’t really it’s somthing Millenials say is real to make them selves feel better about how they are wasting they’re lives). Oh but now that I said that people will say (Comeback meant to make me look smarter than you probably pointing out a grammar, punctuation, or spelling error). Jokes on you I purposefully did all 3 of things. Have fun being highly predictable and a large percentile of online bullying all while thinking you are better than everyone.

@Polaris please close this thread and end my misery.

Are you serious? Really? No one has bullied you, you’re making things up. You’re also being difficult, from what I could understand of your post, you used bad grammar, punctuation, and spelling on purpose. And the last sentence is especially rude. We were discussing the battle royal in a civil matter, not bullying you, where you got all that from is beyond me.


How about we all just take a second to breathe? This shall be a civil, orderly discussion that refrains from insulting others. No opinions shall be deemed as “incorrect,” nor shall we accuse others of crimes unless there is sufficient proof. (From what I’m seeing, we’re on the right track. I just feel like we should keep the sarcasm and aggressiveness to a minimum.)

As for my personal opinion, I understand both sides. Although I do agree with TSK that the battle royale format can be a bit repetitive, I can also see how, when you play the game a certain way, you end up using a complex strategy and a variety of skills. (Please don’t end up taking this the wrong way. I’d rather not mediate any fights…)

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Everything was wrong about that. I was being sarcastic because you had used a point to prove that Fortnite is complex, even though I had literally just made that point useless. Do you know how frustrating it is?

I was never “bullying” you, I was literally stating my view on the matter. Online bullying isn’t when people try to disprove something you believe, it’s when people harass something about your real life.

That entire second paragraph made no sense, but the third was partially true. This thread will probably get closed, as literally every post for the last day have been way off topic. We have done nothing to make you miserable, unless having a different opinion than you makes you miserable.

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Yeah you’re right. I’m sorry.

Yeah I’m sorry. I had a particularly bad day and I usually when someone disagrees with me it’s because they think my opinion is pointless stupid or invalid.

That’s because it was out of context. It relates to the terrible day I was having. Shouldn’t have let that affect my actions towards others.

True I was more talking about TED.[quote=“TheSpaghettiKing, post:28, topic:164821”]
Online bullying isn’t when people try to disprove something you believe, it’s when people harass

Yes very true. Once again the whole thing about online bullying was more me venting about my day.

A bad day doesn’t negate the fact that you were rude. A bad day doesn’t mean you can be mean. A bad day doesn’t give you the right to the next day just be like “sorry lol”. And if someone disagrees with you, you just automatically think they think your opinion is stupid? That’s very immature and frankly pretty stupid. You’re gonna have many disagreements in life. The fact you think like this makes me think you’re pretty young.


Both of those effects (If you or anyone else felt them) were unintentional.

I was trying to be sincere if it felt inadequate to you or anyone else I’m sorry about that.

No. But on the internet I get a lot of Agist losers insulting me especially when I attempt to defend Fortnite and expected the Agist insults to come flying quickly. Sorry I really shouldn’t have presumed that.

It would be.

Haha (Sarcastic Chuckle in case you couldn’t tell) yup.

Long Sigh There it is. That is the internet I know. At least it was (Hopefully) Unintentional.

Nope not as young as most people think I am online. Not as old as people think I am in person.

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