Diancie Concept (Unlikely)


“Worrying too much will make you lose your luster!”

Diancie is a unique tank that can create distractions for the opposing team and protect your most important allies!

Team: Yellow
Role: Tank
Position: Front


ENTRANCE: Diancie appears from a Cherish Ball, spinning as it grows into existance

VICTORY: Diancie smiles and spins around.


DEFEAT: Diancie gets dizzy in the eyes and falls back before disappearing.

BASIC ATTACK: Diancie clasps its hands together and casts a Moonblast.


White Skill - Mega Evolution


Diancie undergoes Mega Evolution and becomes Mega Diancie! While in its Mega form, Diancie gains (X) Fantastic Damage and (X) Reality. Additionally, it will completely ignore all debuffs and instead reflect them onto the enemy who inflicted it.

Mega Diancie persists for as long as it has energy. It consumes 75 Energy per second and will devolve back into its normal form once it runs out of Energy.

Green Skill - Diamond Storm :sparkles:

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Diancie casts a storm of diamonds that pelts all enemies on screen. All enemies are dealt (X) damage every second for 6 seconds. If it is currently Mega Diancie, using this skill will also increase its Armor and Reality by (X) for the rest of the wave and Blind all enemies hit by this skill for 10 seconds.

Blue Skill - Diamond Slash :sparkles:


Diancie summons a pink blade and slashes at any enemy close to it. All enemies hit take (X) damage and are Shattered for 10 seconds. If this skill hits an enemy that is already Shattered or Blinded, it does (X) more damage, increases its Armor and Reality by (X), and will increase the duration of those debuffs by 4 seconds.

Diancie can only use Diamond Slash if it is under the effects of Mega Evolution.

Purple Skill - Royal Brilliance


When Diancie casts Diamond Storm or Diamond Slash, it also summons two Carbink. Carbink have (X) health and deal (X) Fantastic Damage by either throwing rocks at enemies or bashing into them up close. Carbink will stay close to Diancie and take hits for it whenever possible.

Additionally, using Diamond Storm while Mega Diancie is active will now generate a shield diamond barrier that can take up to (X) damage from projectiles and will also reflect status effects. The barrier will last for 20 seconds or until it is destroyed.

Red Skill - Fairy Aura
Mega Diancie now passively generates (X) Armor and Reality when it uses a skill. Any bonuses or buffs Mega Diancie receives to either of these stats will be applied to its Royal Brilliance barrier.

Diancie will now passively generate (X) health every 5 seconds, healing any Carbink on the field and any other Frontline allies.

Whenever Diancie Mega Evolves, it reduces the cooldown of all its skills by 0.5 seconds.

Diancie and Cinderlla- Fashion Forward

Diamond Storm Shatters All Enemies
Diamond Storm now also Shatters all enemies damaged for 2 (+2 per star) seconds.

  • (X) max health per active Carbink
  • (X) Skill Power per active Carbink

Allies: Princess Aurora, Merida, Tiana

Cinderella’s latest fashion trend research has shown her that she’s overdue for a refresh of her shop! She turns to Diancie, a fellow princess she’s heard can make diamonds on a whim, to help fabricate and design a new line of footwear.

Diancie and Abu - To Nab a Diamond

Diancie Steals Buffs When Reflecting Debuffs
When Diancie reflects a debuff, she also steals 1 (+1 per star) active buff on an enemy and increases its duration by 150%.

  • Carbink deal (X) damage to nearby enemies when defeated
  • (X) Armor to Diancie and allies
  • (X) Reality to Diancie and allies

Allies: Alladin, Shego, Dr. Doof

Abu’s back to his old ways! He’s been following Diancie around the City, trying to pocket one of her illustrious diamonds, but can’t get in without being spotted by her loyal Carbink followers…


Cool concept :+1:

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