Disgust concept

Quote : Fashion Island! Everyone shut up.

Stars : :star:
Victory : 3b37505948a3a7c45c465be5779032ae
Ko : tumblr_pl181sGnYc1rdvr0eo2_250
Basic attacks : throws brocli
Skills :
White : yuck !!
Passive : at the start of battlefield you can choose an enemy to get disgust by disgust .
The chosen enemy energy getting will reduced by 25 %.
And every time she gets damage by that enemy she gets stack of disgust.
Active : she gets mad and show disgust to enemy dealing heavy damage based on stack of disgust .
When the targets knocked out , she chooses most powerful enemy .
Note : In auto mode she choose the most powerful hero .
Stack up to 6 stacks .

Green skill : no more
She rolls her eyes and gets 2 stack of disgust , she also deals damage to enemies who are near choosen enemy .

Blue skill : charming green
She laughs and charms two enemies to fight the choosen enemy .

Purple skill : disgusting
She can now make chosen enemy immune to any buffs .

Friends :
“Disgusting” now steals the buffs !
She can have 2 buff (+1 each Level ) at same time .
More damage from each stack of disgust
Increase stack of disgust .

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