Disney Elimination Game

@SpiderHog this is not Thor against Wanda, or Hawkeye against Wanfa it is Spidey against Wanda. So leave Thor out of it. the fatcs are, that Wanda can Beat Spidey, even in 20 years Wanda could still beat Spidey. If you.like him for his personality, or because.of something Wanda does, fine. Just don’t argue that spidey could beat Wanda


Oh so you admit that Wanda is stronger, because Peter can’t break reality can he? So…
Widow out! :microphone: drop


Peter could easily win in the Comics though especially the Captain Universe version

I’m the one that reads the comics… and you’re telling me I don’t?

…we are not talking about that Peter…we are talking about Endgame Spidey…goodness me…you just love to bring other characters into this…

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I know that I was just saying that Captain Universe could happen in the MCU

Why you make a comparison about Comics and the UCM, is like talking about CW in comics was a big crossover for the Nitro explosion and a lot of people dies in the UCM was just a fight between ego and justice.

Because Secret Wars is coming soon…

Our dear boy, Peter, is out of the game.

So, here’s the final showdown. Captain America VS Scarlet Witch. We vote for who to eliminate. The one with the most votes will be eliminated and the one with the less votes will be crowned a winner. Let the final battle begin.

  • Captain America
  • Scarlet Witch

0 voters


Please scarlet win! WIN!


This is an intense vote! I like both heroes!


It’s the ultimate showdown

And to add to the drama, we cannot even see what the results currently are :frowning:


Exactly :joy::sweat_smile::sunglasses::wink:


@Champion_David is it dramatic enough? :joy:

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I don’t know about anyone else but my heart is pounding! And it’s just a game


@Black_Widow same here… :open_mouth::open_mouth:


Cap won even tho IronMan is better than him :roll_eyes:

Some People: Get Scarlet out

Most People: Get Captain America out

Me: I’m gonna use my alt accounts

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@Filadae_Djaq no alt accounts allowed…

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