Disney Elimination Game

Probably Hans


I have a few I wouldn’t mind winning like Shan Yu or Mother Gothel.

And Yokai for me was understandable why he did what he did. No spoilers but for that I think he should be one of the first to leave.

Don’t all of the villains have reasons for what they did?

Also, I feel like Mal’s was the most ridiculous.


Well of course but Yokai was doing it for a goodish/understandable reason you could say. Most of the others are jealously, vanity, or just plain crazy.


He’s the oldest Disney Character

Nope not Hans!


My favorite villain isn’t even in the elimination so I’ll root the mistress of all evil


I disagree!

Maleficent was the ONLY person not invited to the birth of the baby, all the peasants were invited, everyone was but her. Imagine if everyone in your school was invited to a party but you. If anything, it makes her more relatable. That being said. I always struggle to choose between all the classic villains. I have a feeling I really won’t mind who is the winner, as long as it isn’t Hans. His deception may have been a good try, but to me he seemed kinda pathetic in the end… But whutever.


I also dislike Hans. He wasn’t evil enough to be cool. Did he even call anyone a fool?

Not inviting Mal was also a political offense. By inviting the three other fairies but not her, the king and queen were taking sides.


And then she tried to give them a chance to apologize and invite her after all…

Side Note: Putting Hans aside, I also really hate Ratcliffe and Shere Khan, lets make them lose. :grin:


But can we agree that Shan Yu and Mother Gothel (and some others that I’m too lazy and tired to write about) are great?

Shan Yu: killed many innocent people and soldiers; didn’t care that Mulan was a girl(like the other people in movie): he just cared that she buried him under snow and got angry and wanted to kill her; died in a fiery explosion

Mother Gothel: kidnapped a baby because she was crazy and vain; lied to her and manipulated her for years in a tower; died a pretty gruesome death

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Everyone is choosing the Sugar Plum Fairy possibly because they don’t recognize her


And abandoned her biological one. Which is even more evil


Hans was okay. Wasn’t the best or worst. There was nothing that really made him stand out.

Wasn’t Elsa originally the villain? She would’ve been a better villain…

Well, at least the “hidden threat” of Frozen works better than Bellwether…well, IMO.
Some of the list, I’m not even sure if they are villains. Hook wanted to take revenge on a person who cut off his hand. I can understand that. Same with Shere Khan, who knew that humans are a threat to the jungle. And Randall…he is just good at doing his job :upside_down_face:

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Yes she was, but after having her sing Let it Go, they just had to change it…

Perhaps you missed the whole story?

Hook and Pan were both teleported to the Never Land, where Hook befriended (and fll in love with) a female Pirate. The Indians, anf Pirates had both been zapped into the Never lands by an orb. Anyways, Peter Pan was injured terribly and saved by the pixies
Who also gave him the means to fly via pixie dust.

This female Pirate was fascinated by the pixie dust and wanted to sell it, but there was a problem. Putting it on anything caused that thing to float for a little while before it exploded. Hook, in love with this woman forced Pan to take them to the place where he obtained his ability of flight, without blowing up. The female pirate swam through the same stream Pan did, but exploded at the end. Pan reasoned it was becaude the Pixies were not there to perform their chant. Hook was beyond furious with Pan forced him to take him to another orb that could teleport them out of there. Once in tje cave, Pan doublecrossed Hook, cut of his hand which fell to a crocodile and got eaten…

(This information may be slightly inaccurate and was taken from the movie…Pan which I saw only once a while ago, so please forgive me if I misremembered the details…)


…wow, original stories are way more confusing :no_mouth:
From all the villains of the list I only compared Frollo with the original, but never paid attention to original Pan :sweat_smile:


So Peter Pan is a crook…

One question: why isn’t Dr. Hämsterviel in the villain poll?

Is it because he would definitely win lol?

Naw, harsh reality is that he’d lose :man_shrugging:

But he’d win in best evil Stitch characters… maybe

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