Disney Heroes: Battle Mode Elimination

I feel like I know that GIF somewhere

Tie breaker time! One must go!

  • Sora
  • Rayman

0 voters

And the limbless hero is out!
Weā€™ve now reached to our top 5!

Round 26
  • Dr. Eggman
  • Crash Bandicoot
  • Sora
  • Tails
  • Waluigi

0 voters

And since weā€™re almost done with this, hereā€™s a little hint on what the next round is gonna be.
Wanna see it?
Are you sure?
Really really sure?
Ok, ok, Iā€™m gonna show it!
In three...

(Seriously, that rocket is a hint) :green_salad:


Uhā€¦ Rayman isnā€™t crossed out in the image.


Oops I forgot. Now he is.

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I see the little salad emoji ya got there

Wait a minuteā€¦

A rocket, and a saladā€¦

I think I know what the theme of the next game is. (Am I allowed to say it here?)


Just wait after 5-7 days to see what itā€™s going to be :bulb:


Idk where you saw the salad but that gives me a pretty clear idea :upside_down_face:

I didnā€™t see it at first until I saw Sparkā€™s comment and looked back at LGDBā€™s hint after:

I know Rocketeer and Coleslawā€¦ But what have they got in common?

:rage: why?! I want rayman in smash!

Both quite recent heroes, so maybe we are going into another round of added heroes and how good they are. (Hamm and Honey Lemon will be my favourites if so)


Thatā€™s what I was thinking.
For me Honey Lemon would win both as ā€œstrongestā€ and ā€œfavouriteā€ anyway. Altough I think Kermit will win if we vote by ā€œfavouriteā€ - and I wouldnā€™t be complaining about it either

Ohh I might have been unclear on this. I think we will vote on strongest and in that case both are favourite for that title.

If it is about character Honey Lemon wins 100% for me!! (Although I would not be that mad at Kermit getting that)

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Ohh yeah.
Hamm is really strong, thing about him is heā€™s slow so not THAT difficult after all.

Iā€™d actually be not that sure about Honey Lemon being strongest, you know? Wasabi and Mr. Big both seem really powerful candidates as well

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What determines a characterā€™s base speed? Is it a certain stat? Is it just a thing we have to look for in battle?

Nah itā€™s mainly animations.
Honey Lemon is pretty slow as well but sheā€™s technically more dangerous than Hamm as her damage can be bigger than his and she slows a lot


Even though weā€™re in a Disney forum, Sora is out! Wreck-It Ralph wouldā€™ve been a better choice anyways.
Just four more left! Whoā€™s next on getting eliminated?

Round 27
  • Dr. Eggman
  • Crash Bandicoot
  • Tails
  • Waluigi

0 voters

Crash! Why isnā€™t he out!?

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