Disney Heroes: Heroes VS Creeps

I had a very busy day yesterday, and I couldn’t have time to post this today. Yesterday’s rewards are merged with today’s!

  • Claim

0 voters

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(couldn’t see the poll so it was remade,)

@TotallyNotDash claimed a Diamond crate and a gold crate!

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Please remember to put all of your heroes in this wiki.

It the easiest way for me to see who has who while I edit my post.

just updated mine.
probably not 100% accurate except for jack

can I open them?

@TheCannonCart claimed 2 gold crates and a diamond crate.
@CodeMore6 claimed 1 gold crate and a diamond crate.
@PawpsicleSticks claimed 2 gold crates and a diamond crate.
@thermasterstitch claimed 2 gold crates and a diamond crate.
@C-train claimed 1 gold crates and a diamond crate.
@Myeong claimed 1 gold crate and a diamond crate.
@Tragic-Magic claimed 2 gold crates and a diamond crate.

If you update the wiki 1 of the gold crates may be removed.


Can I open both crates now or should I wait a few minutes?

In a few minutes yes, currently working a little bit.

Ok then…I can wait

@TotallyNotDash unlocked Pooh and Judy Hopps!

@C-train unlocked Li Shang and Nick Wilde!

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I forgot which heroes I got


try your best to remember

i played this when it first came out so i’m not sure if that data is relevant anymore

it should be

i dunno if you know, but the game was reset

oh i dont
see anyways if it still is

I pressed the claim button :man_shrugging:
Just letting you know

can i open my crates now @Kayia?
should i even ping you?

@MissingLure claimed 2 gold crates and a diamond crate.
@Dash_XXXIII claimed 2 gold crates and a diamond crate.
@Spark claimed 1 gold crate and a diamond crate.
@Filadae_Djaq claimed 2 gold crates and a diamond crate.
@BlackBOY claimed 1 gold crate and a diamond crate.

It is not anymore. So you have received a extra gold crate.

@CodeMore6 unlocked Fred and Oogie Boogie!

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