Disney Heroes: The Telltale Series, introduction and Chapters 1-6

Welcome to the Disney Telltale Series! The Telltale series is a story where the audience will make choices as the main character, Troy. The story is set within a reality in which all the Disney movies were cursed to lose their happy endings. With life set in a different way now, Troy travels through the five kingdoms to recruit allies and complete his quest. But who can he trust, and who will hurt him in the end? That is up to you all to help him decide! Make moral choices, skill choices, and relationship choices in this ~30 chapter long series.

How to play: Some of the storyline will be shown, along with a poll at the end. Read through the story and make a choice at the end. Your choices will impact what happens next within the story. As for details, those will be explained within the story. A new poll will come out every 24 hours.

Rules to rememeber: People live in different timezones, so just because you’ve already read it doesn’t mean they have. Be considerate. No swearing, no fighting, please don’t use alts for votes, but if you want to debate your reasoning for the choice, by all means go ahead. If you have questions, feel free to ask. There’s way to many Disney characters to include them all, but we have quite a large number of them within the story.

Creators: Special thanks to @Scarlet_Captain for coming up with the idea. @Imagineer_V, @Irrer-Minnie and I all have helped write this story.

Thanks for reading and voting, enjoy the story! :grin:


Chapter 1: Agrabah

You wander in the desert outside the capital city of Agrabah following tracks as the wind picks up blowing scalding sand into your face. You squeeze your eyes shut, then pull your cloak closer around you as the wind attempts to strip you of your shelter from the relentlessly blazing sun.

As you crest a sand dune, you notice a tall man wrapped in a cloak. As he notices you, he rips a Saber from his scabbard.

???: "Well well now, aren’t you far from home, little rat?

You: I am…
Tutorial: This is your first choice, and will choose your origin and first skills. Skills will be used throughout the story and are guaranteed to award experience. Unsure which to vote for? Which skills will be most useful to you?

Charisma: Your ability to get people to do what you ask.
Manners: Your knowledge of people and their customs and how to follow them.
Strength: Your ability to use brute force.
Weapon Knowledge: Your knowledge of different weapons, how to use them, and how to dismantle
Agile: Your ability to dodge and get to places that a monkey could.
Cunning: Your street smarts and avility to deceive people.

Dueling: Your ability to use a sword.
Heavy Weaponry: Your ability to use bigger weapons such as axes, spears, even cannons.
Hand to Hand: Your ability to use your body as a weapon.

Choose wisely between your starter skills, and remember you will be able to unlock more later.

  • Not a rat, I am a nobel. (Unlocks Charisma and Manners, fighting skill: Dueling
  • Not a rat, I was a city guard. (Unlocks Strength and Weapon Knowledge, Fighting skill: Heavy Weaponry
  • A rat so good, your pockets will be picked before you can say a thing. (Unlocks Agile and Cunning, Fighting Skill: Hand to Hand)

0 voters

You: I am not a rat, I am a nobel.

Charisma Unlocked.
Manners Unlocked.
Dueling Unlocked.

Your life in the court has taught you many useful things, such as how to smooth talk, and the tradition and mannerisms of all the people of all the kingdoms.

???: Well I couldn’t care less who you are, just hand me your pouch of gold and I’ll let you be on your way.

Tutorial: Skill choices are choices that award experience. There will always be at least two ways to get experience from them. Using the choice that requires a skill is a guaranteed means to get experience. Collect experience to level up and unlock more skills.

If you do not have the skill required, that choice cannot be used.

  • I will talk my way out (Charisma)
  • I will trick him (Cunning)
  • I will show a display of strength (Strength)

0 voters

You: Now, now, what good would it be for you to rob a nobel? As a result, you would have people coming after you. It’s a dangerous world, and you don’t seem like someone who has the connections to make it out.

The would be thief stares at you for a long moment, and for a second you fear that he will attack you, but he relents a moment later.

???: Eh, you ain’t worth my time.

+10 Experience
Experience [10/50]

Tutorial: You get experience by using your skills, making good choices or defeating enemies. Collect enough to level up and unlock more skills. The new skill you unlock will be chosen through a poll.

The thief slowly walks past you at arms reach, and then continues on. You watch him slowly make his way toward Agrabah before turning back to your tracking.

Within another hour, the tracks have been covered by the wind’s spewing sand. Having failed at your task, you make the trudge back to Agrabah and enter the city.

Agrabah, the capital of the Kingdom of Reality is still in chaos from the overthow of the old monarchy. The old Sultan was not particularly well liked, many called him incompetent. Still, for you, it is hard adjust to this Sultan. You father had the trust of the previous Sultan, but now this one had killed your parents and left you in charge of the house, and under close observation.

You drag yourself into your silent dwelling, now barren of all the servants that used to bustle around and wait on your family. You stagger into a plush chair and sigh audibly.

???: Long day, huh, Master Troy?

You glance up at your only servant, a young hunchbacked named Quasimodo, you call him Quaz for short. Despite his disfigurement, he and you are close friends. If being a servant didn’t protect him from death, you’d have had him freed years ago.

You: Come on, Quaz, if I told you once, I told you a thousand times, don’t call me master. It makes me feel old.

Quaz: And I’ve told you each time, I like calling you master. Now, given your sad demeanor, I guess that you didn’t find what you are looking for.

  • No, it’s hopeless!
  • No, but I’ll find it eventually.

0 voters

You: No, but I’ll find it eventually.

Quaz: Of course you will, Master Troy. Your optimism is something more people need!

Quaz Favor +5

Tutorial: When interacting with people, you sometimes have chances to earn favor from them. Throughout the story, there will be Favor Tests, where your relationship status with different people will have consequences. There are three different types of favor. Favor with companions, Favor with big allies, and Favor with small allies. Depending on what type the person is, there Favor tests will have differengt consequences. Try to stay on good terms with as many people as you can.

You: I hope so Quaz.

You sigh tiredly before Quaz hands you a letter.

You: What’s this?

Quaz :grin:: A letter from the palace. Most likely His Majesty Twisted Chin wants to be suspicious of you in his presence.

You: Quaz!

Quaz :grin:: Well, I’m not wrong, am I?

You: No, I suppose not, but…if he heard you talk about him like that…you’d probably wind up dead.

Quaz :grin:: All right, All right, I’ll try to speak with more respect for pur majesty. Meanwhile, I’ve already drawn up your bath, go and wash the desert off your skin, then eat.

You: Okay, Okay I’m going.

You spend ten minutes in a large wooden tub filled with cold river water and soap, and scrub the gritty desert dirt off your skin. After finishing, you eat an apple for dinner and head towards the palace.

Market stalls line the road, and beggars ask for coin to buy food for themselves. You offer a couple coins to one young mother nearly overwhelmed with the guilt that it would hardly make a dent in the hungry beggars within Agrabah. You soon here the cries of guards chasing a thief. A young woman leaps over a barrel and slides beneath a camel before running into you, you feel a tug on your belt, and look down in time to see her lifting the money bag from your waist.

  • Grab the money bag from her hand. (Requires Agility)
  • Let her take it
  • Protest

0 voters

The guards are persuing this thief. A nice loud protest will surely help them keep after her. You don’t encourage stealing, and you certainly cannot afford to let her just take it.

You: Hey! Stop thief!

The woman offers a sly smile as she continues past you with a grin. Your protest did bring the guards, and they rush past you and after her. You sigh. Even if they catch her, you doubt very much they’d return your gold to you. It’s best to continue on without it.

The Doormen let you in when they see you approach and you slowly shuffle through the massive doors before they slam behind you, leaving you in a courtyard.

As you make your way up the steps, a young man in a garish suit and baggy pants comes out of the palace. You bump shoulders and he turns around to stare at you, raising an eyebrow expectantly.

  • Apologize (Requires Manners)
  • Ignore him
  • Wait for him to apologize

0 voters

You dip your head down and close your eyes.

You: My apology

???: Heh, don’t worry about it.

The man grinned then turned on heel and walked away.

+10 Experience
Experience [20/50]

*You mull over how nice it is that a simple apology can stop an argument in the making. You shrug, and then turn back to the palace. Upon entering, you are swiftly ushered into the throne room. You roll your eyes at the massive golden elephant head the throne is carved to. Sultan Jafar sprawls out on throne, resting one arm on a golden tusk armrest, the other arm idly tapping a snake staff against the floor.

Jafar :raised_hand:: Ah, Troy! What have you been up too? Planning an overthrow? Plotting an assassination?

  • I’ve been making myself useful and checking on weapon supplies. (Requires Weapon Knowledge)
  • Just been trying to make ends meet.
  • I’d think by now you’d know I’m not out to get you.

0 voters

You: Just trying to make ends meet.

Jafar :raised_hand:: Ha! That must be a lot tougher without your servants. Oh, except the old Hunchback.

You refuse to take the bait, knowing he just wishes to rile you up. You keep a calm tone as you respond.

You: His name is Quasimodo.

Jafar :raised_hand:: I am well aware. You know, in any case, I am greatly impressed with your effort to show loyalty to me.

+20 Jafar Favor
Jafar now likes you.

Tutorial: Jafar is your first potential major Ally. Allies have their own Favor Test, but you have a shorter time frame to complete it and they usually only have one.

You: Thank you, Sultan.

+10 Experience
Exprience: [30/50]

Jafar :+1:: I wouldn’t thank me just yet. I see your deeds as helpful, but there is a final element needed. There is a cunning young thief whose been stealing from the palace. Assist my thief hunter and catch her. Bring her back to me…alive, or dead.

You: And then the property of my parents will be restored?

Jafar :+1:: Correct. It is a simple task.

  • If it is so simple, why haven’t you done it?
  • Where is your thief hunter?

0 voters

You: Where is your thief hunter?

Jafar: Ah, right to business. I can even appreciate that about your father.

+5 Jafar Favor

You clench your teeth at his snide remark, but no better than to argue with him.

Jafar :raised_hand: : Aladdin will be waiting for you in the market center. Off you go.

In another minute, you exit the Palace and head towards the market, preparing to meet the thief catcher, Aladdin.

Chapter Summary:

Quasimoto: [55/100] :smile:

Jafar: [25/50] :+1:

Chapter 2:Betrayal

Character Status:

Quasimoto: [55/100] :smile:

Jafar: [25/50] :+1:

Experience: [30/50]


Charisma: Unlocked
Manners: Unlocked
Agile: Locked
Cunning: Locked
Strength: Locked
Weapon Knowledge: Locked

Dueling: Unlocked
Hand to Hand: Locked
Heavy weaponry: Locked

Discovered Kingdom skills:


You step into the market square, stalls line the edges and trash litters the ground. A garish fountain sprinkles water cheerfully. Against the marble of the foundation, the man who left the palace before you leans.

You: I presume you are Aladdin, then?

Aladdin?: That’s me. Jafar told me a bit about you, but quite frankly, I am not so sure that you are cut out for this kinda thing.

Tutorial: Do not assume that characters you meet won’t be future allies or partners, interactions now may be considered by them if they officially join you.

  • Give me a chance to show you.
  • Please, I could do better on my own.

0 voters

You: Give me a chance to show you.

Aladdin: Eh, alright, but you better not slow me down.

That was surprisingly easy to convince him.

+10 experience
Experience [40/50]

Aladdin: So, since you have no street experience, I think we can use you as bait.

Aladdin hands you a heavy sack of coin. After this, he crouches down in the dirt and begins drawing out a map of Agrabah.

Aladdin: I’ve narrowed down her resident to these four city blocks. We’re gonna get this dang princess.

You: Princess?

Aladdin: Yup, she is the Sultan’s daughter. Once she is dead, Jafar’s rule will be dominant.

  • And you are okay with that?
  • Then we best make sure to get her

0 voters

You: And you are okay with that?

Aladdin: Hey, I’ve worked my way up from streetrat, to thief catcher by working for Jafar. If he wants something done, I’ll do it. But I’ll be sure to tell him of your hesitation.

-2 Jafar Favor

Aladdin: In any case, let’s get to finding her. Off you go, be the bait.

Aladdin gently pushes you away from the fountain before taking off himself.

You slowly walk through the market, mind whirling from the news. The Sultan’s daughter, Jasmine, is the thief you are trying to catch. If she got the guard on her side, she could possibly claim the throne for herself. However, you’ve worked so hard gaining Jafar’s trust, and this is the home stretch. Perhaps catching her is the best you can do.

A young woman catches the hem of your garment. You look down at her kneeling there, her face is smeared with dirt.

???: Please sir, can you spare a few coins?

  • Give her some gold.
  • Brush her off.

0 voters

You hand her several of the gold coins, and she bows her head graciously.

???: Thank you, sir.

You: You are welcome.

You absentmindly continue down the street, eyes peeled for any sign of the Princess. You slowly turn into a side street, fully aware of how hidden you are from the main street. The young beggar woman you met before slowly amples down the street towards you.

You glance at her face again, this time studying it. From your nobel birth, you have met the princess, and this just could be her! She must have seen your eyes flicker with recognition, because she charges for you a moment later, a knife drawn.

+10 experience
Experience [50/50]

Level Up!

Tutorial: Choose a new skill to unlock.

  • Strength
  • Agility
  • Cunning
  • Weapon Knowledge
  • Hand-to-hand
  • Heavy Weaponry

0 voters

Cunning Unlocked

You glance around swiftly as she charges, you have to disarm her long enough to speak with her.

  • Parry her blow. (Requires Dueling)
  • Knock the dagger from her hand (Requires hand to hand)
  • Catch the dagger in a wooden plank (Requires Heavy Weaponry)

0 voters

You swiftly draw your sword and catch the dagger against your blade before twirling it out of her grasp.

+50 Experience
Experience: [50/500]

Despite losing her blade, Jasmine does not miss a beat, instead elbowing you hard in the stomach. As you fall to the ground heaving, she rips the coin bag from around your belt and books it out of the alley.

You quickly pull yourself to your feet and give chase, but she has an obvious head start. You lose sight of her in the crowd but fight your way through none the less.

After reaching the edge of the mass of people, you glance around before finally seeing her leap across a rooftop.

  • Hoist yourself onto a roof (requires Strength)
  • Climb crates to the roof (requires Agile)
  • Look for a flight of stairs.

0 voters

You scan the area for a means to climb onto the roof. It is rather inconvenient, but you soon find a ladder. You climb up the ladder, chiding yourself for wasting so much time. You glance around from your new vantage point and see her sitting down on a distant rooftop.

You take off after her, carefully jumping from roof to roof. Evidently she didn’t anticipate you getting up here, because you catch her staring at you surprised. Before she can get up, you have already pulled up next to her. You have six seconds to convince her not to run before she starts running.

  • Convince her to stay (Requires Charisma)
  • Make a joke
  • Ask her to wait

0 voters

You: Ma’am, I have a proposition for you, and it’d be really nice if you’d wait long enough to hear it.

*Jasmine’s eyes darted around again as she hesitated. For a moment, you fear she will bolt, but instead, she slowly folds her arms and offers you as cold a stare as she can muster.

Jasmine: Well let’s hear it…and haven’t I seen you before?

+50 Experience

You: Yes, my father was a noble, your father trusted him?

Jasmine: Oh yes, then Jafar has taken as much from you as he has from me.

You: That’s right.

Jasmine: Word out here is you are trying to get into Jafar’s good graces. Is that true?

You: Being in Jafar’s good graces is always a good thing.

Jasmine: I suppose…So, are you here to help me reclaim the throne then? I’ve been stealing gold for bribes, and to cause dissent among the people. With your in with Jafar, perhaps we stand a chance.

You mull it over slowly. Going against Jafar now is risky, it would be easiest to deliver her to Aladdin and get your place back. However, if you were to put her back on the throne, it would prove to be most lucrative in a variety of ways.

Tutorial: Companions are characters with multiple favor tests. Along with Quaz, you will pick up other companions as you continue your journey. Choose your companion well as this choice will impact what happens here in Agrabah, and perhaps what happens later on as well.

  • I plan to help Jasmine reclaim her throne. (Unlock Jasmine as a companion.)
  • I plan to turn her in. (Unlock Aladdin as a companion.)

0 voters

You: Yes, I’m in. We have to do this carefully, and it might take time, but we can pull this off.

Jasmine is now your partner.
Jasmine now likes you.

Jasmine :slightly_smiling_face:: I know this will take time, but it is nice to have someone else to assist me. The main problem I currently have is how to take him down.

Tutorial: Your background will decide the means which you attempt to bring down Jafar, but it will not affect the success or failure of the mission.

  • We’ll get the city guard to depose him (Guard origin)
  • We’ll get the nobles and leaders of the other cities to depose him. (Nobel origin.)
  • We’ll rally the people to depose him. (Thief origin)

0 voters

You: Jafar may be the Sultan of the kingdom, but he has rulers spread throughout the land. Your father put them in place, and Jafar realized the chaos of attempting to break down those rulers. If they all banded together, with the motivation from coin, Jafar will have to step down.

Jasmine :slightly_smiling_face:: Sounds like a plan.

+5 Jasmine Favor

You spend a couple hours a day writing letters and smuggling them out of Agrabah by bribing traders. You still continue your trips into the desert in an attempt to avoid suspicion, but evidently Aladdin has told Jafar about your lack of progress, which lowers you in his eyes.

-10 Jafar Favor

At the same time however, Jasmine is immensely grateful for all of your assistance.

+10 Jasmine Favor

After weeks of plotting, you have finally received letters from each of the other cities in the kingdom, demanding Jafar to restore the post to the rightful heir, Princess Jasmine. You stand outside the palace, with Jasmine in tow, and prepare to enter.

Jasmine :slightly_smiling_face:: Are you ready for this?

You: Yup, I have to be.

Jasmine: You know,I have been meaning to ask, what exactly do you want from helping me?

Tutorial: It is time to decde the moral reasoning behind your actions. Depending on your reasoning, different people will br drawn to you, or pushed away.

Are you in it for yourself or to help others?

Whenever you tell someone your reasoning, your moral compass will shift. Certain events will happen depending where the compass is, so be careful.

  • I want land and riches
  • I am just doing it because it’s what is right.

0 voters

You: I am doing this because it’s what is right.

Jasmine :slightly_smiling_face:: That’s an interesting reason. There aren’t alot of people who would do this for that reason…you might be the only one, actually.

+10 Jasmine Favor
You and Jasmine are now Friends!
Your moral compass has shifted

Without another word, the two of you march into the throne room. Guards flank you on all sides, but you read them the decree, and they each salute Jasmine before joining you in your march to the throne room. Two guards throw open the doors and you enter to see Aladdin kneeling before Jafar, who abruptly stands as you enter.

Jafar :raised_hand:: What is the meaning of this!?

Jasmine :smile:: We’re here to reclaim my throne. These are the orders from the reigning bodies of other cities ordering you to stand down. The throne is mine!

Jafar :raised_hand:: Troy, you are really going along with this? It would seem I was right to take your parents lives.

-50 Jafar Favor

Compass Result!

You: I am doing this because Jasmine should be on the throne, not you. What you did to me is only another nail in the coffin!

+5 Jasmine Favor

Jafar :raised_hand:: Bah! Coffin? It will be your grave, not mine. I must applaud your attempt at this uncultured queue, but did you really think it could be done under my nose?

Jafar pulls out a parchment of his own and tosses it at the feet of the nearest guard. He picks it up and reads its contents before rounding on you with his sword.

Guard: This is a message from the rulers, confirming that the letters ordering the depose of Sultan Jafar are not to be followed, and were part of a ploy to bring the elusive thief claiming to be the deceased Sultan’s daughter to justice.

The guards round on you and Jasmine, and Jafar smirks before settling pack into his throne. Aladdin steps toward you.

You and Jasmine back away as the guards advance closer.

Jasmine :smile:: This…this is not good.

You: This isn’t it, Jafar!

Jafar: Oh yes it is, you don’t get a happy ending.

Chapter Summary:

Quasimoto: [55/100] :smile:

Jasmine: [55/100] :smile:

Aladdin: Now an enemy.

Jafar: Now an enemy.


Chapter 3: Wishes

Character Status:

Quasimoto: [55/100] :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

Jasmine: [55/100] :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

Experience (Level 2): [100/500]


Charisma: Unlocked
Manners: Unlocked
Agile: Locked
Cunning: Unlocked
Strength: Locked
Weapon Knowledge: Locked

Dueling: Unlocked
Hand to Hand: Locked
Heavy Weaponry: Locked

Discovered Kingdom skills:

???: Locked
???: Locked
???: Locked
???: Locked
???: Locked

You and Jasmine are surrounded by guards and Aladdin after you failed to depose Jafar.

Jafar: I must thank you, Troy for your assistance in catching Jasmine. You will be rewarded, of course.

Jasmine glanced at you for a moment, uncertain, then she surveyed the room. Finally, she smirked.

Jasmine :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:: Ha! We’re surrounded on all sides and you expect me to believe Troy set this up to trap me? You really must be an idiot.

Jasmine passed her first Favor Test!

Jafar: It makes no difference, you will be executed as dissidents. Capture them!

The guards surged forward and you drew your blade, prepared to meet them. The first guard slashed at you, but you parried his blow and slashed him lightly across the chest pushing him back with a grunt.

Beside you, Jasmine sidestepped a guard and jabbed her dagger into his lower back. Despite beating those two, you are both hopelessly outnumbered. Once you are taken prisoner, all will be lost. All at once, a short shape barrels past you, an unearthly roar escaping it’s lips. The shape rammed straight into Aladdin sending him reeling.

Before you could identify the shape, your vision is suddenly blocked by a giant cloud of purple smoke. A calloused hand finds yours and pulls you out of the smoke. There before you, is Quaz and a young woman with a giant poof of black hair. Her deep tan paired well with her sapphire eyes as she offered you a dazzling smile.

Beside you, Jasmine splutters a little, clearly having inhaled the smoke.

???: The whole city will be after you soon, let’s go!

You: Quaz? Who on earth is this?

Quaz: Esmeralda arrived with a message informing me that Frollo’s order to depose Jafar was a fake. I’ve already prepared camels for the trip across the desert, we have to move quickly.

  • Why didn’t you tell us it was a fake before we went in there!?
  • Thanks for getting us out of there, Quaz.

0 voters

You: Thanks for getting us out of there, Quaz.

Quaz :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:: No problem.

*+5 Quaz Favor

Jasmine :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:: So now what?

Esmeralda: We hide you all in Notre Dame until we can smuggle you into another kingdom. That’s where we’re heading.

You: Notre Dame? But that’s–

Jasmine :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:: Sorry, Troy, but we gotta run now, talk later!

Jasmine grabs your hand and starts pulling you down the street, you shake your head, but join her in a mad dash through the bustling streets. Esmeralda and Quaz follow swiftly behind you both, evidently letting Jasmine weave through the streets. Clearly her time as a thief is very useful here, she knows the swiftest routes, shortcuts, deadends, and even the common people seem to be offering you encouragement in escaping. You had worried they would try to hinder you.

You: I’m glad the people aren’t trying to stop us.

Jasmine :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:: They wouldn’t betray me, I’m one of them.

You continue through the streets, swiftly losing the guards thanks to the people’s help. At last, you reach the city gate and dash through. Esmeralda tosses a pouch of gold at the nearest guard, and he catches it before looking away from your escaping group.

You struggle onto your camels seat before sending into a run. The others do the same and so you leave Agrabah as the sun sets.

Not willing to risk beong caught, you continue on a ways into the night before stopping to rest.

Esmeralda: Notre Dame is a two day ride. Once we’re there, we can work on smuggling you out.

You: I can’t leave yet.

Jasmine :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:: What? I’m not giving up claiming the throne, but we can claim it unless we have some backing.

You: Not that…it’s…there’s this Cave of Wonders. It’s supposed to be the only source of magic in all of Agrabah.

Jasmine :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:: What does that have to do with us leaving?

You: I don’t know, but my parents said it could help me fix what’s wrong…perhaps if I get there, I can help ypu claim your throne.

Jasmine: :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: Alright, if you want to try to do this, then we will look for it before going to Notre Dame.

Esmeralda: Not me. I am not going to sift through the desert sands for some magic cave that may or may not exist. I am helping you as a favor to Quasimoto, but I’m not waiting around.

Quaz :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:: Esmeralda! You have to help him!

Esmeralda: No, I don’t, and I won’t. It’ll take time to make travel arrangements. You guys can spend two extra days scrounging through this wasteland while I get everything ready. If you aren’t there by then, we cut our losses.

Jasmine :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:: Two days is plenty of time. Let’s go, Troy.

You: No…Jasmine, you go with Esmeralda. If I fail, or get caught, you can’t be with me. I’ll find it alone.

Jasmine :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:: Alright, Troy, if you’re sure…

You: Quaz…

Quaz :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:: If you even try to say it, I will punch you.

  • Quaz, I need you to go with them.
  • Quaz, I wouldn’t ask you to leave me.

0 voters

You: I wouldn’t ask you to leave my side now, Quaz.

Quaz :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: : And I wouldn’t leave if you did, Master Troy.

+5 Quaz Favor

Quaz :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:: Now that that’s settled, we will see you soon Esmeralda, Princess Jasmine.

Esmeralda: So long you two!

Jasmine and Esmeralda mounted their camels again before heading out into the night. Meanwhile, you turn toward the open desert.

Quaz :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:: So, where is this Cave of wonders supposed to be?

You: I followed the tracks out this far before…the tracks of the guardian. That’s all I have to go on though.

Quaz :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:: Not much, is it?

You: Nope…

You and Quaz mount your camels before slowly scouring the surrounding desert. The sun rises and the desert starts blazing before long. You search through the sifting desert sands the entire day, but find nonmore of the tracks you saw before.

That night, as you rest by your campfire, you suddenly become aware of a thump in the distance. As it gets closer, the ground shakes with each thump. You share a look with Quaz, before you both crawl up a sand dune. Before you, a massive stone creature strides forward. His footfalls thump and send the surronding desert into a momentary quiver before the sand settles again. The Guardian!

Quaz :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:: Now what?

You: I’ve never even seen the guardian before, he is supposed to lead us to the Cave of Wonders.

Quaz :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:: If it leads us there, then what is it supposed to be guarding?

You: Uh…good question…

Quaz :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:: Do we have to fight it? Because I don’t think we stand a chance.

You: Let’s just follow at a safe distance, for now.

Quaz nods his agreement and the two of you crawl back to camp and climb into your camels.

The guardian seems to wander aimlessly, but you are sure he must be patrolling around the Cave of Wonders. As you follow, you glance all around looking for anything strange. At last, the sun peaks over the horizon and still you have found nothing. You give an exasperated sigh.

You: Let’s just go…we won’t find it…

Quaz :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:: Wait, master. The guardian is…

You veer back around to observe the guardian, which has now stopped its march. As you watch, the desert sands begin to slush beneath it, and the guardian slowly sinks beneath the ground. It stops sinking when the sand reached its neck. From there, the surrounding sand leapt up, as though carried by a tidal wave, and splashed down on top it’s head, then the desert was still for a moment.

You: Well…that happened…

Quaz :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:: What’s it mean master Troy?

  • The guardian only patrols at night.
  • The guardian is the Cave of Wonders.

0 voters

You: The guardian is the Cave of Wonders.

Quaz :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:: That…that’s crazy, that’d take all kinds of crazy magic!

+5 Quaz Favor.

You: True, but the Cave of Wonders is the only place with magic in our entire kingdom…it isn’t to farfetched.

Quaz :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:: So now what?

You: We go inside.

Quaz :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:: There isn’t exactly a cavemouth…

You: No, but…

You pull a chain up from beneath your shirt. Dangling at it’s end is a golden beetle.

You: This Golden Scarab is they key to unlocking it.

Quaz :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: : Oh! I’d almost forgotten you have that.

You: Yup. The one family treasure Jafar couldn’t take away.

You unhook the scarab from your necklace, and then extend it in your palm while slowly advancing towards the structure. All at once, the scarab rips out of your hand and dashes into the mound of sand, leaving an impact that swiftly fills with sand.

After another moment, the sand lit up and the head of a tiger slowly formed as the sand peeled back. Within the tiger’s gaping maw, you can make out stairs descending into a red hued glow.

Quaz: Alright then…that’s actually pretty terrifying.

+10 Quaz Favor

The tiger head says nothing, merely gaping at you in silence. It’s glowing eyes seemed to seep into your very soul. After a long moment, the tiger inhaled deeply, before opening his mouth wider.

Quaz :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:: I…think he wants you to be lunch.

  • You encourage Quaz to come with you.
  • You ask Quaz to wait for you outside.

0 voters

You: Well Quaz, you wanted to come this far with me, and I appreciate it, but it is for the best if I go in there alone. You can just–

Quaz :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: : I said I was going with you, and that won’t change now, Master Troy. We will just be eaten together.

-5 Quaz Favor

With Quaz willing to continue, the two of you gingerly step over the lower teeth of the tiger, and into it’s mouth. Though his tongue looks soft, it is as hard as any cave floor. Slowly you continue into the cave, Quaz standing next to you.

The cave floor ends with a drop off, though several ledges and handholds mark the way down. You gulp once before slowly setting your foot into one of the indentions.

Next to you, Quaz easily climbs down to the first ledge before looking back up at you.

Quaz :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: : You can do it, Master Troy!

You have never done something like this before, given your back ground. None the less, it is not too hard for you to make your descent, you’ve never been particularly afraid of heights, so that helps, although you do avoid looking down.

Your foot slips from one of the footholds beneath you leaving you unbalanced.

  • Hang on with your hands while you get your bearings (Requires Strength)
  • Move to other footholds quickly (Requires Agility)
  • Fall

0 voters

Caught off guard, you slowly fall back. Time seems to slow as your life flashes before your eyes. Your parents’ smiling faces, everyone in your life who has come and gone or is still here. For one second you know what it’s like to be as free as the birds. Then you land on something soft that grunts beneath you.

Quaz :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: : Master Troy, you are much heavier than you look, and while I don’t mind being you servant, I must draw the line at being your chair.

-5 Quaz Favor

You glance around and realize you have landed on Quaz. You quickly pull yourself to your feet and Quaz groans beneath you.

You: Sorry Quaz, I…slipped.

Quaz :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: : Yes, you certainly did, Master Troy. I’ll stay next to you on the ledges to make sure you don’t fall again.

Aside from that ledge, there are three more for you to climb down as well. Quaz climbs at your side, occasionally glancing at you to make sure you are okay. By the time you have reached the bottom, your hands are raw and your knees have been scratched up a bit.

Quaz :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: : You did really well for someone who has never climbed like this before, except for where you fell of course.

+5 Quaz Favor

+50 Experience

Experience [150/500]

You: How come you can climb like this so easily?

Quaz :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: : I used to climb all over the Notre Dame bell tower, this isn’t much harder.

You: You never talk about Notre Dame…

Quaz :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: : Not my fondest memories…but I’ll tell you anything about it, all you had to do was ask.

Quaz is your friend and willing to tell you about his past!

Quaz passed his first Favor Test.

+50 Experience

Experience [200/500]

Quaz :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: : Let’s just do one question for now.

Tutorial: Take advantage of opportunities to gather information, while not necessary, having the intel can help you make a better choice, or even rarely unlock new choicee options within the future!

  • I ask Quaz why he left.
  • I ask Quaz about his life there.
  • I ask Quaz about the ruler, Frollo.

0 voters

You: Why did you leave?

Quaz :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: : That’s…a bit complicated…Frollo was after the gypsies of Notre Dame. Phoebus and I helped save a bunch of them, which made Frollo come after us. Phoebus went into hiding, and I fled the city.

You: Who is Phoebus?

Quaz :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: : Phoebus is an old…friend. He was captain of the guard till he realized Frollo was corrupt.

You: That’s awful. And Frollo is still in charge?

Quaz :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: : Yup. He’s got connections everywhere now a days…

The two of you reach the end of the cave, and it opens into a chamber piled from floor to ceiling with loot of every kind. The compiled gold shining off of everything blinds you for a moment.

In another time, with another attitude, you might have eagerly grabbed some of this loot. As it stands, you cautiously continue through the room, ignoring the treasures. Quaz follows behind you, nodding to himself. He is evidently very happy you didn’t try to take any of the loot.

+5 Quaz Favor.

Compass Consequence: The temptation of treasure did not over power you.

Upon exiting the room, you look back to see the treasure has been replaced by massive seething serpents. Touching one of them would surely have caused them to attack you.

You turn your back to the room and continue further in. On top of a pedestal in the middle of the room, you see a lamp. Four giant stone pillars surround the pedestal.

You slowly climb up the stairway, and stand before the pedestal, Quaz right behind you. Before you can interact with the lamp in any way, blue smoke springs forth from it, slowly coalescing into a spirit like figure who moans loudly as he awakens.

As he materializes, chains spring up from the pillars, one wrapping around each arm, one around his neck, and one around his waist.

He groans frustrated as he tries to break the chains, clearly not even having seen you.

???: Why are these chains still here!? It’s been ten thousand years for crying out loud!

He pulls on the chains again, but the pillars hold fast. You clear your throat and the spirit stiffens before turning to face you. He stares at your for about 5 seconds, and then his face alights with recognition and he screams before jerking to hide, but the chain around his neck pulls tight and he gasps for breath once before awkwardly being pulled back towards you. He then proceeds to cover his face with his hand.

???: Maybe he will go away if he can’t see me.

Quaz :grin:: Master Troy, please tell me that isn’t the thing that is supposed to be able to help us? I’d make a bigger bet in a freak sand storm covering Agrabah than this.

The spirit opens two fingers and peeks out with one eye. There 's a puff of smoke and then the spirit has his arms crossed.

???: I’ll have you know, that I am the most powerful genie you will ever meet.

His face morphed to a baby’s

???: Course I’m the only genie, but what does that matter?

You: A genie?

Genie: Yup! Though…not much of a genie at the moment, I’m a chained down over here.

You: As a genie though…you can grant wishes right?

Genie: Well yes! No…uh…eh…kinda? I’ve been trapped here with these chains, and they take away all my powers.

Quaz :grin:: Who ever did that, they probably had good reason.

Genie: At the time it was a good idea. Back when the kingdoms were one, some evil dude made a wish off of me to give him rule of the kingdom. Now as an amazing genie, I can interpret wishes however I like, so I divided up the kingdoms and gave him the one with the part he asked for. Then, he wishes for everyone to lose their happy endings, except him. That winded up shipping to this place where everything is a mess. To keep anyone from fixing what was done, him and the other corrupted leaders used powerful magic to bind me to these columns and this pedestal.

You: That’s awful.

Genie: Tell me about it. So, I’ve been waiting for someone to find me, to help me out, so that I could grant their wishes and restore peace.

You: Sounds like exactly what we need!

Genie: Really?

You: Sure. How do we get these chains off of you?

Genie: You need to collect the relics from each kingdom. Once you do that, you bring them here for the next step.

You: Uh…search across the kingdoms huh? Sounds fun! We’ll do it!

Genie: I appreciate this, but why? What’s your motive?

  • You wanna wish for wealth
  • You wanna restore the kingdoms.

0 voters

You: If the kingdoms were once like how you say they were, then I want to restore them to that.

Your Moral Compass has Shifted

Genie: Fixing Everything up! Okay! Cool for y’all. So with the only part of my magic they couldn’t take, I can give you the ability to sense the relics, but…you have to make it a wish.

Troy: Alright then. Genie, I wish for you to give me the ability to sense these relics.

Genie: Alright!

Genie sends a burst of magic at you from his fingertips and you feel suddenly lighter. You feel a light tug in five different directions. Before you will it away.

Quaz :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: : Have you got it, Master Troy?

You: Yep!

Genie: Don’t fail, I’m counting on you, Troy.

You leave the Genie’s room and slowly climb back up the ledges and exit the mouth of the cave. As the cave closes behind you, your Golden Scarab flutters back to you. You restrap it around your neck, and prepare to leave for Notre Dame.

Chapter Status:

Quaz: [80/100] :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

Jasmine: [55/100] :smile:

Chapter 4: Notre Dame

Character Status:

Quasimodo: [80/100] :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

Jasmine: [55/100] :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

Experience (Level 2): [200/500]


Charisma: Unlocked
Manners: Unlocked
Agile: Locked
Cunning: Unlocked
Strength: Locked
Weapon Knowledge: Locked

Dueling: Unlocked
Hand to Hand: Locked
Heavy Weaponry: Locked

Discovered Kingdom skills:

???: Locked
???: Locked
???: Locked
???: Locked
???: Locked

You and Quaz continue over the desert sands, your camels sending you lurching in all directions. Despite this, you have learned to ride a camel quite well. You glance up too see the desert sands gradually giving way to lush green in the distance.

You glance back down at the Golden Scarab your parents had given you. Who would have thought it was the key to saving everyone. Quaz interrupted your thoughts.

Quaz :grin:: We are nearing Notre Dame. Though I imagine we can’t stay long. Esmeralda is bound to have everything ready to get us out of here. Unless…is there a relic in Notre Dame?

You focus on your gift, pulling it up. There are five pulls, but all are too weak to be coming from Notre Dame.

You: I don’t sense any.

Quaz :grin:: That’s a pity, it’d be easier that way.

You: I suppose…

You two remain in comfortable silence until you enter Notre Dame, which as it turns out is full of bustling people, all of whom ignore you.

You and Quaz slide off your camels and leave them tied up by a tent before slowly weaving through the streets. You eagerly anticipate a bath to rinse of the desert sands from your body. So much so, in fact, that you nearly miss the cries ordering you to make way.

As you glance up, you notice people partying for a man in a priests robes, flanked by four guards.

  • You step out of his path, and bow your head. (Requires Manners)
  • You remain where you are.
  • You trick someone into revealing who he is. (Requires Cunning.)

0 voters

You know that under these circumstances, your best bet is to fade into the crowds. With a bowed head, you swerve out of the way. Nobody pays you any mind.

+50 Experience
Experience: [250/500]

Quaz :grin:: That’s Frollo. We must go.

Quaz leads you away from the procession. Along the way, a few people point at him. Some glare, others whisper, and others have horrified expressions on their faces. Quaz ignores them, and so you do as well.

Eventually, Quaz leads you before the cathedral the town is named after: Notre Dame. The breathtaking architecture stuns you, but Quaz enters as if it was the most ordinary building ever.

Inside, a priest quickly advances to you both.

Priest: The ladies are awaiting you within the bell tower.

Upon saying this, the priest immediately leaves the room. You and Quaz share a look before he directs you to stairs leading to the bell tower. As you climb…

  • You ask him why people look at him strangely.
  • You remain quiet.

0 voters

You: Hey, Quaz?

Quaz :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: : Yes, Master Troy?

You: Why was everyone looking at you so strangely?

Quaz :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: : Look at me, Master Troy. It’s hardly a secret that I am what I am.

Quaz gestures down the length of his hunched frame.

You: Well yes, but…I would have thought people would have a greater reason to whisper like that then that.

Quaz :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: : I’m afraid you would be thinking wrong then, Master Troy. I am what I am, and that’s all there is to it. I’m…used to it, I guess.

You: You shouldn’t have to be used to it, though.

Quaz :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: : It’s quite alright, Master Troy.

Before you can say anything more, Quaz bolts up the stairs. You shake off your emotion and follow him up.

Before long, you have climbed the stairs to the top. Jasmine is staring at a small set up of the town below, and Esmeralda is perched on a chair, idly staring out over the town.

Jasmine :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:: Troy! Quaz! You both made it!

Esmeralda: Not a day too soon either. I got everything rigged to head out within the next 24 hours. We’ll put you right inside the Kingdom of Magic. I assume you found what you are looking for?

Quaz :grin:: It was a crazy story, almost unbelievable, but we found it.

Jasmine :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:: So, what’s the help?

You: We have to collect some relics.

Esmeralda: Oh lovely. How’d you swing that?

You tell Esmeralda and Jasmine the story, leaving out the parts where you fell down, though Quaz insists on including the treasure disguised snakes. Upon finishing, Jasmine lets out a low whistle.

Jasmine :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:: Looks like a lot to do to get a happily ever after.

Esmeralda: Not even the half of it.

Esmeralda begins listing items on her fingers.

Esmeralda: The Animal Kingdom is in a civil war. The Kingdom of Magic is about to start their social season, that always has chaos, the Kingdom on the Water is dealing with some kingdom collapse, and the Tech Kingdom is preparing to conquer all the other kingdoms. Obviously our kingdom is still recovering from gaining a new ruler.

Jasmine :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:: That…sounds…chaotic.

Esmeralda: Indeed. You’ll have to navigate each one long enough to steal their relics. Luckily for you, you have met me. I have an insider everywhere. I’ll start putting the word out. See what I can dig up.

Jasmine :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:: Troy, a word please?

Jasmine takes you out of earshot of Esmeralda and Quaz, before folding her arms and whispering.

Jasmine :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:: I don’t trust Esmeralda.

You: What? But she helped us escape!

Jasmine :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:: Yes, but…Look, I know you do some things out of the kindness of your heart, but everyone else I have ever met has had an ulterior motive. What bothers me is I fail to see what she gains from helping us.

  • You tell Jasmine you trust Esmeralda.
  • You tell Jasmine you are using Esmeralda.
  • You ask Jasmine to keep an eye on Esmeralda.

0 voters

You: I don’t know what to make of her yet. Keep an eye on her for me.

Jasmine :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:: Huh. I half expected you to blatantly declare your trust in her. Good to see you are cautious.*

+5 Jasmine Favor

Having discussed it, Jasmine stepped away from you and went back to Esmeralda. Quaz rounded the corner and raised one eyebrow suspiciously.

Quaz :grin:: What was that about?

  • You make something up. (Requires Cunning)
  • You tell him the truth.
  • You refuse to tell him.
  • You explain that it is between you and Jasmine. (Requires Charisma)

0 voters

You: Quaz, Jasmine asked me to keep it between the two of us. I’m sorry, but I cannot tell you.

Quaz’ face fell slowly, but he straightened up again quickly.

Quaz :grin:: You don’t have to tell me anything, Master Troy.

Still, you get the feeling he is hurt by your refusal to confide in him, even though you let him down easy. Perhaps words can’t always solve a problem. That is good to know.

-5 Quaz Favor

+50 Experience
Experience: [300/500]

Esmeralda glances up as Quaz storms past her, but you don’t glance at her.

Esmeralda: If there isn’t anything we need from here, then we should get moving.

She glances at Quaz.

Esmeralda: You know Quaz, you don’t have to come with us. You can stay here, in charge of the bell tower like you used to. Nobody is out to hunt you, and Frollo hardly cares about this church anymore.

Quaz glances at you.

You: I’d have made you free years ago if being a servant didn’t keep you safe. Since we have left Agrabah, there isn’t a reason for you to be my servant. You can stay here, or come with me. Whichever you prefer.

Quaz glances from you to the model of the city on the table. His eyes roam over the bell tower with all of its elegance, and then, they harden with resolve.

Quaz :grin:: I cannot possibly let you brave everything on your own. I’m staying with you.

You: Thank you Quaz.

Esmeralda: In that case, let’s get going!

The four of you treck down the tower and out the front door, where you are greeted by none other than Frollo himself, surrounded by guards.

Frollo: Well well well. It would seem my dead hunchbacked has returned. Did you discover that the outside world hates people like you?

Quaz snarled, but Frollo wheeled toward Esmeralda and Jasmine.

Frollo: And look, the gypsy has found another gypsy. Jafar suspected you might come here after he identified the smoke bomb.

Frollo’s eyes darted up and down Jasmine before he turned away, glaring at you.

Frollo: And as for you, Troy, I will have the guards throw you off the highest of Notre Dame’s spyres!

Having said this, Frollo pointed towards you, and the guards around him surged forward to engage your group. Quaz charged forward with an inhumane screech and easily toppled a guard. Jasmine pulled a dagger from her cloak and parried the blow of one guard. Esmeralda blew smoke into the eyes of another before stepping behind you.

Esmeralda: Sorry, I’m not much of a fighter.

A guard charges toward you, sword raised high and you…

  • Parry his blow. (requires dueling.)
  • Jump out of the way.
  • Trip him.

0 voters

You draw your own blade and easily block his blow before you kick him hard in the gut sending him down with a wheeze.

+50 Experience
Experience: [350/500]

Evidently Frollo did not expect you to deal with his guards so quickly, because he is now stepping back with a nervous expression on his face. He glances at a pocket watch, then smirks as more guards pour out of an alley.

Quaz begins to race towards them.

  • You stop him and escape.
  • You join him in his charge.

0 voters

Without another thought you dash down the streets toward the guards as Quaz nears one. Behind you, you here Esmeralda shouting.

Esmeralda: Stop fighting and priortize escape! He’s obviously stalling for something.

Jasmine :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: : Indeed! Come on, Troy, don’t let the exhilaration of battle cloud your mind.

-5 Jasmine Favor

Quaz swerved sharply aware from the guards before barreling full force into a guard advancing along the main street.

Esmeralda dashes up to you an catches your arm before tugging you away from the guards. You glance around for Jasmine, only to find she has already slipped past the guards and is assisting Quaz in getting up.

The guards scream at you all to halt, but you dare not break your pace now as Quaz and Jasmine sprint through the streets ahead of you. You soon have passed Esmeralda’s sprinting form when you hear a tear a loud smash and a grunt. Behind you, Esmeralda has tripped, and you see a guard catch up to her and wrench her arm painfully behind her back.

Esmeralda: Let me go you–Aah!

She cries out as the guard grabs her other arm as well. You consider. The guard is alone right now, but the others are coming up rapidly.

You still aren’t sure whether or not to trust her. You may need her connections in the other cities, but you also could probably talk your way through. This would be the perfect opportunity to see where her loyalties really lie.

Tutorial: This is a Fate Choice. These choices can sometimes be worth double or even triple the amount of moral choices. Whatever you choose, you never know how it will impact your journey moving forward. Choose carefully.

  • You save Esmeralda.
  • You leave Esmeralda behind.

0 voters


Honestly, you are a little shocked you considered leaving her behind. That’d be crazy risky, even if she is a spy. You race back to Esmeralda and land a solid punch in the man’s side. He releases her with a grunt and turns to grab you instead, but Esmeralda blows a puff of her purple smoke and the guard grabs clutches his burning eyes. You and Esmeralda dash away as the other guards catch up.

Esmeralda: Thanks for not leaving me.

You: You have to try harder if you want to get away from us.

Your Moral Compass has shifted.

Esmeralda grinned but turned back to the city streets. You soon burst out of an alley, only to find that the city gates have been securely locked.

Jasmine and Quaz pop out of a nearby alley as soon as they see you. Quaz seems delighted that Esmeralda is okay, Jasmine has a more hesitant expression.

Quaz :grin:: Esmeralda! You are alive!

Esmeralda: Yes, Quaz, Troy rescued me.

Jasmine :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:: This is all very touching, but the gate is locked. We need to get away, remember?

Esmeralda: I haven’t forgotten.

Esmeralda points at a nearby building. You note a pulley set up between it and the wall.

Esmeralda: We’re going up and over.

You: That’s…not the way put I had expected.

Your group enters the building where a blonde man waits. He greets Esmeralda with a kiss on the cheek before leading you all up a flight of stairs.

Esmeralda: Phoebus here will get us over the wall. After that, another contact has arranged transportation.

Your group passes over the wall one by one by sitting on a platform while Phoebus turns the pulley.
Once you make it over the wall without incident, you find a young man sitting upon a carpet awaiting you. As he sees your group standing atop the walls, he seizes two corners of the carpet and pulls up. The carpet springs to life floatong to the top of the wall.

Esmeralda climbs on first with a grin, and Quaz steps on second as you and Jasmine hesitate.

Esmeralda: Oh relax. This is Philip’s magic carpet. It is really quite safe. Now hurry!

Jasmine glances at you with a raised eyebrow. Evidently, she awaits for you to make a desicion.

  • You go first.
  • You ask Jasmine to go first.

0 voters

You tentatively put one foot on it. It beends slightly beneath you, but otherwise holds. Slow you put your weight on that foot, painfully aware of the drop down to the ground below you. Finally you move your other leg to the carpet and now stand upon it. Noticing that Quaz and Esmeralda are sitting on it, you proceed to sit down too, but not before offering a hand to Jasmine, who took it gratefully.

+5 Jasmine Favor

Once you are both settled in, Philip pulls on the carpet and you all shoot through the sky, the wind whipping Esmeralda’s hair into your face.

Aside from that, it isn’t a very uncomfortable ride. You speed over the grassy plains, and you can see the desert sands in the distance. This Carpet is sleek and fast, contrary to the jolt of a camel or gallop of a horse. If all transportation in the kingdom of magic is this magnificent, you may decide to live there.

In no time at all, you see a grand castle with spyres that make Notre Dame’s look like tje model buildings within it.

You: What is that building there?

Philip: That’s the castle of my cousin! The king is hosting a ball tonight.

Esmeralda: It will be the perfect opportunity for us to find this relic, and make connections.

Philip: And it will be fun in general.

Despite the grandeur of the palace, you can feel an underlying evil cast over it all. Whatever happens at this ball, it will not go over easily.

Chapter Status:

Quaz: [75/100] :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

Jasmine: [70/100] :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

Chapter 5: Masquerade

Character Status:

Quasimodo: [75/100] :grin:

Jasmine [70/100] :smile:

Experience (Level 2): [350/500]


Charisma: Unlocked
Manners: Unlocked
Agile: Locked
Cunning: Unlocked
Strength: Locked
Weapon Knowledge: Locked

Dueling: Unlocked
Hand to Hand: Locked
Heavy Weaponry: Locked

Discovered Kingdom skills:

???: Locked
???: Locked
???: Locked
???: Locked
???: Locked
???: Locked

The carpet soars up to a balcony and hovers over it’s edge. Philip swiftly dismounts then offers a hand to each of you in turn as you all climb off. Once you have all dismounted, the carpet slowly floats down into a nearby garden.

Philip: Esmeralda has told me a bit about you all, but I don’t know what you need from here.

Esmeralda: We’re trying to acquire some relics. Troy has some means to sense where the relic is, but that’s all we’ve got.

Jasmine coughs next to you.

Jasmine :smile:: I’m very grateful for your assistance in getting us out of Notre Dame, but if you don’t mind, we’d like to discuss our next move on our own.

Philip grinned.

Philip: Of course, of course. I have no problem be excluded. When you are done with your secret chit chat, ring this bell and some servants will come and prep you for the masquerade ball.

Philip stepped through a door and swung it closed. Esmeralda rolled her eyes at Jasmine, but did not say anything about it.

Esmeralda: This will be a masquerade ball. Our goal is to locate the relic, but we also need to make a good impression on Lady Tremaine. Contrary to what you might think, she’s the real ruler of this kingdom. If we can get on her good side, everything will be easier.

Jasmine :smile:: Troy, you can focus on searching for the relic. It is within this castle, isn’t it?

You cast out with you skill and soon fill the familiar pulls. You focus on the closest one. You can feel a light hum. It’s definitely within these palace walls.

You: Well, yes. But I don’t know where it is within.

Esmeralda: The whole palace will be on display during this ball. I’m sure someone will know something.

As if deciding she was done discussing it, Esmeralda pulled the golden chain Philip had indicated. A few minutes later, the doors burst open with servants rushing into the room. Colorful fabrics, ribbons, needles, golden and silken threads surronded you. The woman around you giggled with giddiness as one of them measured you. Within all the din, you notice one servant handing a basket to Quaz for him to hold. Jasmine who was standing next to you whispered something to you between measurements.

Jasmine :smile:: Quaz will stand out in this masquerade even as a masked guest, and we could use someone to be eyes and ears among the servants.

You understand what she is getting at, and you know Quaz would do that without a word of respite, but at the same time, Quaz has never attended a gathering like this as a guest, and you know he would love to do so.

Tutorial: Being a leader means sometimes taking sides. Whichever you choose will shape how this part of the story goes and impact your relationship with both people involved.

  • You have Quaz intermingle with the servants to do recon.
  • You have Quaz join you as a masquerade guest.

0 voters

You: You make a fair point, Jasmine. This isn’t the time for a party. We need to get what we came here for, and get out.

As you leave Jasmine’s side to speak to Quaz, you see her nod appreciatively.

+10 Jasmine Favor

Jasmine is now Loyal.

You lean over to Quaz, as he holds the basket for a seamstress.

You: Quaz, can you do some searching behind the scenes? We need to find this relic and get out of here.

Quaz :grin: : I’d rather not lave your side, but…yes, I will find it.

-10 Quaz Favor

Quaz is no longer loyal.

For the next couple hours, you, Esmeralda, and Jasmine are measured, accidentally poked with needles, and surrounded by brilliant colors until at last each of you has an outfit befitting royalty.

Jasmine wears a sky blue dress with a light veil covering her shoulders. Her mask is that of a sea turtle. Esmeralda wears a scarlet red dress, paired well with a red feathery mask. Esmeralda took it upon herself to name everyone for the masquerade. She called Jasmine the Sky Turtle and herself the Red Raven. Upon reaching you, she glanced at you up and down. The servants had put you in your favorite colors meshed together to look just so. They had presented you with a fox mask, styled to set off your eyes.

Esmeralda: I’m thinking of calling you… Golden Fox.

You laugh at her nickname for you, but soon calm yourself as Philip reenters, wearing a prince’s attire. He wears a half mask which covers only one eye.

Philip: You all look wonderful, I fear I will be outdone by the work of my own servants. Princess Jasmine, you look lovely, and Esmeralda, like a rose freshly plucked.

Philip notices Quaz’s simple attire.

Philip: If you will accompany a servant, I can see that you fit with proper clothing of your status.

Quaz glances at you hesitantly, but soon follows a servant out of the room.

You: Who can we expect to show up tonight?"

Philip: Why I dare say everyone. The nobles of our kingdom, their court wizards, dukes, duchesses, Everybody! Might I suggest that you make a positive influence on every one you meet? Lady Tremaine has already heard you will be attending, and she loves to gather the gossip about a person before she meets them herself. You want her favor, get the favor of everyone else.

Esmeralda: That’ll be an important part of the game plan, she can make things difficult for us, and anyone can put a good word in for us, even our hosts.

Esmeralda slips a glance at Philip and you realize for the first time that he can also help sway Lady Tremaine. Philip seems to catch something, because he glances at you with a broad smile.

Philip :raised_hand:: Is there something you want to ask me?

Tutorial: Lady Tremaine is a major ally who cannot directly gain favor. Minor allies throughtout the ballroom will instead give Favor to her, later. Depending on whether or not You succeed in making Tremaine your ally, the next chapter will be extremely messy, or extremely easy.

  • You ask him to be your ally
  • You trick him into being your ally (Requires Cunning)
  • You shrug off Esmeralda’s glance.

0 voters

You: Just hoping that you’ll put in a good word with Lady Tremaine for us?

Philip :raised_hand:: Wow, asking me directly, huh? That’s very bold. Lot’s of people don’t like others who are so outspoken, but for me, I’ll be sure to.

+20 Philip Favor
Philip is now your ally.

You: Thank you.

Philip :handshake:: Of course. Now, you all will be fashionably late. Get out there and woo this crowd.

From any other origin, you might have freaked out a bit knowing the ball had already started, but for you, you feel merely a brief chill before you calm yourself. Philip leads you through a hallway, and stops before a servant.

Servant: How should we announce you all, sir?

Philip :handshake:: A good announcement will go a long way in getting the attention of the crowd.

Jasmine :grin: : That is assuming we want the attention.

  • You have them announce you by Esmeralda’s nicknames.
  • You have them announce you by noble names.
  • You have them announce you plainly.

0 voters

You whisper your preferred names to the servant. He raises an eyebrow, but not with disdain.

Herald: Announcing, Golden Fox, Red Raven, and Sky Turtle travelers from a grand and mysterious land.

As you all climb down the steps you hear oohs and aahs, along with some snickers from among the guests. You certainly are giving off a mysterious vibe. You sweep the room. People laugh and mingle with fancy dresses and suits, a lively band plays a tune to which many couples dance. One woman near the back catches your interest. She wears sweeping black and purple robes and is head and shoulders taller than the people near her. She clutches a golden scepter in her right hand, and has a crow resting on her shoulder. She stares at you from beneath a white mask, not unkindly. As you descend the stair case, your grand view quickly fades and you lose her in the crowds.

Two women step up to you, one dressed in blue, the other dressed in pink. As they come closer, you noticed almost transparent wings rest against their backs. These two are fairies.

Fairy Lady 1: Quite the mysterious entrance, young man.

Fairy Lady 2: It certainly was, I must admit I so very much wish to peak behind your mask!

+10 Favor with the three fairies

Fairy Lady 1: Now, Merryweather, you must control yourself.

Merryweather :raised_hand: : Oh, Flora, I am always in control of myself, I daresay you could stand to control yourself a bit more when it comes to your waistline!

Flora :raised_hand: : Why, Merryweather! You could stand to lose a few pounds yourself!

Jasmine whispers to you quietly.

Jasmine :grin: I suggest you interject into their conversation, and do so well.

Tutorial: Duel skill choices require you to have both skills needed in order to use them, but they always offer big rewards. There will be different combinations of skills required.

  • You charm them both (Requires Manners and Charisma)
  • You show them a magic trick. (Requires Cunning and Agility)
  • You talk about a past battle, with mild demonstrations. (Requires Strength and Weapon Knowledge.)
  • You leave them to their bickering.

0 voters

From your formal training, you know that fairies love compliments to their wings.

You: Ladies, I am pleased to make the acquaintance of both of you, you are both absolutely stunning, and your wings are glimmers of stars in the sky.

The two fairies stop their squabble and both turn to you, Merryweather blushes slightly, a blue hue coloring her cheeks.

Flora :raised_hand: : Such a proper gentleman, aware of the way to charm us?

Merryweather :raised_hand: : Hush, Flora, tell us more about ourselves!

+5 Three Fairies Favor
The Three Fairies are now your allies.

Jasmine shoots you a thumbs up before heading off into the crowd.

+5 Jasmine Favor

+50 experience
Experience: [400/500]

You spend several more minutes appealing to the fairies’ sense of vanity before another fairy dressed in green appears from the crowd.

Fairy Lady 3 :handshake: : What are you two doing here, we’re supposed to be doing recon for–er…

The fairy trails of and glances at you. You take that as your cue to move on.

You: It’s been a pleasure, ladies, but I must mingle with others.

Merryweather :handshake: : Oh Fauna, you mustn’t be so rude, it’s this lad’s first day in our kingdom!

Flora :handshake: : Merryweather, our duties come before our socializing. It was very nice to meet you, Golden Fox.

Fauna raises an eyebrow at your name, but soon bustles away with her sisters.

Esmeralda :smile: That was well handled, and they are your allies now as well. There are far too many present for us to stay grouped up. I’ll take a page from Jasmine’s book and start some conversations of my own.

Now on your own, you weave through the guests, mingling and speaking with a silver tongue. You cast out with your skill, searching for the relic, but it feels out of reach. What’s worse is that with all these magic users present, your senses are tugging you every which way, making it utterly miserable to concentrate. A young man bumps into you.

Young Man: Oh, pardon me.

He does a double take.

Young Man: I do believe you are Golden Fox. Such a silly name, as if you have something to hide. I on the other hand, have nothing to hide. You may have heard of me as Prince Hans of the Southern Isles.

The name does sound familiar, but the rumours were not good ones. Of course, how well can rumours be trusted?

You: Just a little, but I don’t recall you living in the Kingdom of Magic.

Hans :raised_hand: : That’s because I don’t. I’m here gathering support. You see, there is an awful witch in charge of the city my fiancee lives in. The snow queen is what everyone calls her.

Hans shudders

Hans :raised_hand: She can place curses of ice, she freezes oceans, and she kills all that she dislikes. My fiancee was her sister, and the rightful heir to the throne, but the Snow Queen impaled her when she tried to take the throne. She is still there to this day, a statue of ice in a kingdom of scared people.

You: And how can I help you?

Hans :raised_hand: :Well, like how I’m doing, inform everyone of how awful she is. We have to fight magic with magic, and frankly, I have none.

  • You feign disbelief to gather more info (Requires cunning)
  • You refuse to help him.
  • You agree to help him.
  • You make suggestions for weapons he could employ against such a person. (Requires Weapon Knowledge)

0 voters

You: So, this Snow Queen turned her sister into a statue of ice, because her sister tried to take the throne from her? If the Snow Queen is so dangerous, why did you let her try to claim the throne at all? Didn’t you love her?

Hans :raised_hand: : Of–of course I did, she insisted that–

You: Right, and you went along with it, and now are attending a ball rather than planning some kind of assassination attempt, or declaring war? That seems pretty cowardly.

Hans :raised_hand: : Yes, well…I will not get emotional, I have a strategy.

You: Well evidently you do. Come here and trash talk the Snow Queen without a shred of proof to encourage an inter-kingdom war. Peace is fragile enough as it is, but you couldn’t care less about that.

Hans :raised_hand: : Now see here!

You: On the contrary, you listen. I have no intention of assisting in your bad talk, leastways until I find how the story really unfolded. Good night, sir.

+50 Experience
Experience: [450/500]

Prince Hans stutters after you as you walk away. No way will he be your ally now, but you can’t say you want an alliance with a man like that.

???: I’ve never seen someone put that man in his place like that before.

You hear someone say behind you.

You: Yes, well, he certainly belongs in the stables with the rest of the livestock.

???: Ha!

+10 Favor with ???

You spin around to see a woman in a gorgeous white dress. A crown sits embedded in her almost white hair. She wears a mask resembling a snow flake. Given the theme, you’d guess she is the Snow Queen.

You: The Snow Queen, I presume?

The Snow Queen :raised_hand: : I personally hate that title, I’m Queen Elsa of Arendelle, but titles are extreme, so just call me Elsa.

  • You ask for her side of Hans’ story.
  • You comment on how lovely she looks.
  • You ask how she is able to attend this if she is a witch.

0 voters

You fold your arms and stare at her, keeping your face carefully neutral.

You: Forgive me Elsa, but I’ll need to hear your side of the story.

Elsa :raised_hand: : Straight to business. Good.

+5 Elsa Favor

My sister was charmed by Prince Hans. I saw it for it was, an attempt for him to get an into the royal line in Arendelle. Unfortunately, my sister was blinded by “love” as she called it. I determined that rather than force her away from him, she could instead go with him. I thought that that would be something he did not want…however, that man is cunning, if nothing else. He claims to have married her on the ship back to his kingdom which also was sunk by a “freak iceberg.” So now he has a line to my throne, and my sister is dead. This nonsense of an ice statue is nothing more than an attempt to undermine me.

Elsa pauses to catch her breath

Elsa :raised_hand: :I don’t have any true influence here, but Hans does. I understand how these functions go. Everyone wears a mask of false intentions to hide what they are truly seeking. I expect you will do the same. If the favor of this court is more important to you than what happens to Arendelle, than I understand.

Elsa’s eyes follow Hans as he talks to another noble.

Elsa :raised_hand: I…have to continue my damage control.

Elsa gracefully walks away before you can ask any further questions of her. As you weave through the crowd, you muse over the encounter. Two very different stories, but which is truth and which is lie? You consider Elsa’s advice about favor. Siding with Hans is sure to get favor with him, and consequently Lady Tremaine, but siding with Elsa also could be useful within the future. Of course, you could leave them to their own devices and focus on your mission.

  • Tell people Elsa’s side of the story.
  • Tell people Hans’ side of the story.
  • Stay out of their dispute.

0 voters

You spend sometime telling people what Elsa told you, some take great interest in this gossip, for good or bad, others wave you off, clearly uninterested in what happens in another kingdom. After doing this for a time, you feel a top on your shoulder. As you whirl around, you come face to face with the tall woman from earlier.

???: Keeping a kingdom in order is better than risking a war. Regardless of who is in the right, I’d say you made a good choice.

+5 ??? Favor

You: I saw you earlier, you seemed…particularly interested in me, miss?

???: Maleficent. Just Maleficent. I’m the king’s sorcerer.

You: It’s a pleasure.

Maleficent taps her temple for a moment.

Maleficent :raised_hand: It might be. I am undecided right now. I haven’t heard much about you, except that you seek something within this place. I wish I could help you, but I do not have the magic to do so.

You: What happened?

Maleficent: You have already briefly met Flora, Fauna, and Merryweather, I assume. They have twisted the tales within this kingdom. It is…rather difficult to explain, but let me suffice to say that everyone within this court has dangerous secrets. If you’d like to know more, come and find me later.

With that, and a sharp caw from the crow, Maleficent weaves through the crowd. A moment later, Philip appears by your side.

Herald: Announcing his highness’s bride to be, Princess Cinderella.

Philip coughs next to you as a stunning woman in a blue sparkly gown appears at the top of the staircase. Another young man appears on your other side, staring wide eyed at her. Philip leans over to you.

Philip :handshake: : Cinderella is quite lovely, Lady Tremaine was gracious enough to offer her as my bride. It’s an obvious ploy to actually gain access to the crown.

You: She is quite lovely though.

Philip :handshake: : Yes, but her heart, much like my own, belongs to another.

Philip glances over at the other man as Cinderella gracefully descends the stairs.

Philip :handshake: : My cousin, Henry. He was going to wed her before the curse that has befallen my dearest.

You: Indeed? Who is your dearest?

Philip :handshake: Just someone I met once upon a dream. I could tell you more, later, but for now, I must meet my wife-to-be.

Philip soon vanishes into the crowd and you watch Henry do the same. You wander the hall, and interact with different people throughout the night. You scour a couple rooms, but still have no idea where the relic is located. As you glance through the hall, you consider catching up with someone.

Tutorial: Choosing who you talk to at an event may take up all the time you have open. Want to learn more about Maleficent’s past? Or would you rather see what can be done about Philip’s hopeless love connection. Whichever you choose will not cause you to lose favor with the other, but who knows what will happen. Choose well.

  • Learn more about Maleficent’s past
  • Learn more of Philip’s true love.

0 voters

You snag a drink from a passing server and pass through the crowd in search of Maleficent. You eventually find her, leaning heavily against the wall with a saddened expression on her face. As soon as she notices you, she straightens and adjusts her face to a neutral expression.

Maleficent :raised_hand: : Ah, Come to hear more of the secrets within the court, eh?

You: Secrets worth knowing have as much value as gold, if not more.

Maleficent :raised_hand: : That is true, but they can pose a greater danger as well.

You: Perhaps.

Maleficent :raised_hand: : Let me see, which secrets will you hear? I know many, but I hardly have the time to share them all.

Tutorial: Acquiring secrets of a person will make interacting with them easier. You may also be able to blackmail them to gain their favor. Whose favor will you need? Secrets can be great ways to gain it.

  • Tell me Hans’, and Elsa’s secrets
  • Tell me Tremaine’s secrets
  • Tell me your story

0 voters

Maleficent :raised_hand: : Ah, the kingdom of Arendelle. Now there is a tale. Hans’ secret is rather simple. He wanted to become king of somewhere–anywhere-- and he has his sights set on Arendelle. Anna was a means to secure a line to the throne, but I don’t believe he intended for her to die on that ship.

You: Then the ship wreck is true?

Maleficent :raised_hand: : Oh yes, quite. I can’t say whether or not the iceberg had anything to do with Elsa, but whatever the case, Hans spun the story to his favor. It certainly didn’t help matters that Elsa made a statue of Anna as a memorial. He twisted its origin too, and Elsa loved her sister to much to dispatch it even if it hurt her reputation.

You: And what is Elsa’s side of this?

Maleficent :raised_hand: : Elsa’s darkest secret is what went down in the forbidden forest. I haven’t been able to visit, but from the scrys I have made, Elsa discovered an awful secret. So awful she chose to keep the forest-- and its inhabitants-- locked up rather than expose it to the light of day. Perhaps it was a good choice. What with Hans after her kingdom, she’s one scandal away from being exiled.

You: What’s a scry?

Maleficent :raised_hand: : That’d be when you look through a magical object to project your mind across the world. You can see most anything anywhere, depending on the magic of it.

You: That sounds useful.

Maleficent :raised_hand: : I suppose it is.

+5 Favor with Malificent

Maleficent :raised_hand: : Now, we have time for one more question before the big event of the evening.

  • Ask for Maleficent’s story.
  • Ask about Lady Tremaine’s secrets.

0 voters

You: And Lady Tremaine? What secrets does she have?

Maleficent :raised_hand: : Lady Tremaine has more skeletons in her closet than anyone else, but she’s dealt with black mail before. Despite her power, she has to listen to the nobles around her if she wants to stay in power. From what I hear, she’s got a means to the throne.

Maleficent nods towards Cinderella before continuing.

Maleficent :raised_hand: : If all else fails, your best chance to get her on your side is to offer her a second kingdom to be under her control. People like her can’t resist having more power, even if it’s too much for them to handle.

You: I must thank you for sharing this with me, Maleficent.

Maleficent :raised_hand: : Of course, Golden Fox. I’ll be sure to tell Tremaine about you.

+10 Favor with Maleficent

Maleficent is now your ally!

Before you can ask anymore questions, you suddenly feel a heave within you. The relic has moved into this room. You look around, and your eyes fall onto a massive cart pushing a boulder. Within the boulder, you see a sword sticking out.*

Herald: Announcing Lady Tremaine and her daughters, Anastasia and Drizella

An older woman appears at the top of the stairs, and two younger women appear behind her, one to either side.

Tremaine :raised_hand: : Welcome to the ball, and with it, I send out a challenge. Whichever young man is able to pull the sword from the stone, will win the hand of my daughter, Drizella, and become heir to my entire estate.

You hear oohs and aahs as men began to eagerly rush towards the rock. This will prove to be a problem for you. Regardless of who takes out the sword, you need to steal it somehow.

Chapter Status:

Quaz: [65/100] :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:
Jasmine: [85/100] :grin:
Philip: [20/20] :handshake:
The Three Fairies: [15/20] :handshake:
Hans: [0/20] :raised_hand:
Elsa: [15/50] :raised_hand:
Maleficent: [20/20] :handshake:


Chapter 6: Masked-raid.

Character Status:

Quaz: [65/100] :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:
Jasmine: [85/100] :grin:
Philip: [20/20] :handshake:
The Three Fairies: [15/20] :handshake:
Hans: [0/20] :raised_hand:
Elsa: [15/50] :raised_hand:
Maleficent: [20/20] :handshake:

Experience (Level 2): [450/500]


Charisma: Unlocked
Manners: Unlocked
Agility: Locked
Cunning: Unlocked
Strong: Locked
Weapon Knowledge: Locked

Discovered Kingdom skills:

???: Locked
???: Locked
???: Locked
???: Locked
???: Locked
???: Locked

Tutorial: Your choices have already dictated whether or not Tremaine is an ally and how easy or hard this chapter will be for you, but that doesn’t mean the choices you make have no impact on her or others. After all, seeing is believing. Good luck. :wink:

You gape at Tremaine’s announcement, then at the crowd eagerly charging towards the sword. Even some servants seem to abandon their posts and join the rush. Jasmine appears next to you, arms folded.

Jasmine :grin: : Men. It’s no wonder none of them are married.

She glances at you for a moment.

Jasmine :grin: : Excluding you. You aren’t rushing towards it. Now, I have a random hunch, but please tell me I’m wrong to think that is the relic?

You tear away from the sight and glance to her and nod.

Jasmine :grin: : Oh, wonderful.

Philip :handshake: : Excalibur is a legendary blade, it’s been embedded in that stone for years, they say only someone worthy can pull it from the stone. I already have a woman I will wed, and I can’t say I particularly would want Drizzella as a wife.

He stares pointedly at the woman. She has a haughty air about her, and clearly disapproves of everyone climbing over themselves to reach that blade, or maybe the prospect of being so obviously sold in a marriage.

Quaz appears next to you for the first time since the masquerade started.

Quaz :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: : Master Troy, are we not going to try ourselves?

You: I suppose we should. We need it.

Jasmine coughs next to you as Philip raises an eyebrow. Thankfully, Esmeralda shows up before he can ask a question.

Esmeralda: I’ve scouted through the castle and I believe that the relic is indeed that sword.

And, never mind, not thankful at all. Esmeralda has answered at least one of Philip’s questions.

Philip :handshake: : Relic, huh? I assume that blade has something to do with your quest?

You: Yup.

Philip :handshake: : Well I can’t help unless I know more about it.

You aren’t sure whether or not you can trust Philip, but it might be worth the risk if he has information.

  • You explain that you need it, even if you have to steal it.
  • You explain as little as possible.
  • You ask him to mind his own business.

0 voters

You: Basically, it’s important to acquire that blade.

Philip :handshake: : I see… well, I can think of a super easy way to acquire it. Barrel in there and see if you can pull it out.

You: Uh…well…

Philip: Take Quaz with you, you never know, we might get lucky.

  • You barrel over and try to take the sword. (requires strength)
  • You wait for the crowd to let up
  • You make plans to steal the sword after someone else takes it out. (requires cunning)

0 voters

Rather than reveal more to Philip, you slowly begin weaving through the crowd, Quaz following you.

You: We need that sort, Quaz. Lady Tremaine thinks someone here can pull it out. We’ll have to move quickly to take it from them.

Quaz nods slowly. Meanwhile, you scan the crowd. From what you’ve read of excalibur it won’t be any old person who can take it out. Your eyes land on a scrawny young lad weaving through the crowd. You notice an old man outside the crowd smiling grimly at the crowd, eyes following the boy.

+50 Experience
Experience: [500/500]

Level Up!

Tutorial: Choose which new skill you would like to unlock.

  • Agility
  • Strength
  • Weapon Knowledge
  • Hand to Hand
  • Heavy Weaponry

0 voters

Weapon Knowledge Unlocked!

You keep your eyes on the lad and soon spot him leap onto the boulder. Somehow, you know exactly what will happen. The boy’s skinny hands wrap around the blade hilt, and it slides out of the rock with a loud ring. The boy hardly seems surprised, but it certainly caught him off guard because he tumbles to the floor, narrowly missing himself with the blade’s point. For a split second, everyone is quiet, and in that split second, you dart foward, and have to make a desicion.

  • Help the boy up and out of the crowd.
  • Attempt to take the blade from the boy.

0 voters

You dive into the crowd again and swiftly pull the lad to his feet. He grips the sword handle tightly, and you pull him through the crowd which has now started to riot around him. You help him to the foot of the stairs, where Lady Tremaine waits on top.

Lad: Thank you for your help.

You: Of course.

Behind you, you hear whispers. Evidently, some people aren’t happy that a young lad like that will become the air to the Tremaine Estate. Having clearly picked your side, you draw your sword and stab it at the closest of the men.

You: To get to this lad, you must first go through me, but I hope it won’t come to blows, given that is certainly not what Lady Tremaine wanted.

As you say this, you doubt it all together. If Lady Tremaine didn’t want a ruckus she wouldn’t have so carelessly made the announcement, and she would also have tried to stop the mad rush for the sword. Your suspicion is confirmed when she calls out again.

Tremaine :raised_hand: : Actually, the one who brings me the sword shall have my estate. You have a head start, Arthur, and a gentleman willing to help you to your fortune.

This compliment does not go unnoticed by you, you are sure your decision has curried some of her favor.

+5 Tremaine Favor

Arthur stands behind you dumbfounded as the group of men slowly advance on you.

You: Get up the blasted stairs or I’ll take the blade up there myself.

Your order seems to make him come to. Arthur slowly turns and begins climbing the stairs. Meanwhile, the men surge forward. Despite your threat, the stairway is much too large for you to cover it all, and you have no intention of harming anyone at this masquerade. Instead, you swiftly sheathe your sword and tackle the first man in the crowd. He kicks you off before rejoining the unnecessarily huge crowd. All at once, there’s a poof of smoke and dozens of squirrels running after Arthur where there were men before. The old man whose beard barely avoids dragging across the ground waves a wand and shouts after Arthur.

Old Man: Up the stairs, faster Arthur! This is our chance at fortune!

Just before the squirrels can reach Arthur, he hands the sword to Lady Tremaine. She lifts a hand, and a tingle fills the surronding air.

Tremaine :raised_hand: : Away! Bibbidi Bobbidi Boo.

With a wave of her hand and the incantation, the squirrels were catapulted down the stairs, each landing in a seat before turning back into their human self.

Tremaine :raised_hand: : Today, my heir has proven himself.

Tremaine switches the sword to her right hand and points it over Arthur’s shoulder, and straight at you.

+15 Tremaine Favor

Tremaine now likes you

Tremaine :+1: : my heir is not decided by whom pulls the sword out, nor whom brings it to me, but to he who is clever enough to see an ally in all. Come forward, Golden Fox.

The crowds stare at you. The old man from before glares daggers at you, while Arthur looks crushed. You slowly climb the stair case, but Lady Tremaine meets you half way. She offers you the sword, and you take it, before the two of you continue back down the stairs all the way and sit at a table.

Tremaine :+1: : I’ve heard a lot about you. Flora and Merryweather couldn’t stop gushing about you.

+5 Tremaine Favor

Tremaine :+1: : Although, Prince Hans did not like you at all. That man is the most transparent man I’ve ever met. Still, he’s a good indicator of who someone is, and who they aren’t.

Lady Tremaine frowns at you slightly.

-5 Tremaine Favor

Tremaine :+1: : I had my doubts about you, but then Philip spoke up. Surprisingly, even Maleficent spoke highly of you. After what you did for that boy, a sly move by deciding he would be more use indebted to you than as a subject himself.

+25 Tremaine Favor

Tremaine is now your ally

Tremaine offers you a slight smile.

  • Explain that I saved Arthur because he needed help.
  • Agree with her on it being for personal gain.

0 voters

You: Actually, I saved him because it was the right thing to do.

Tremaine was silent for a moment as she stirred tea that a servant brought her.

Tremaine :handshake: : Well, that’s certainly up to you. I couldn’t care less about your motives, the point is that it would benefit you greatly to make an ally of my heir.

Your moral compass has shifted.

Tremaine took a sip of tea.

Tremaine :handshake: : The sultan of the Kingdom of Reality reached out to me. He suspected that some criminals were going to try to intergrade themselves into society here so that they could overthrow my reign. Quite frankly, I do not fear Sultan Jafar, and I most certainly do not take orders from him. So, Troy.

Your heart skips a beat when she says your real name.

Tremaine :handshake: : Since you are an honest person, make me a promise.

You: What promise?

Tremaine :handshake: : You will continue on your business, with my blessing, and assistance – I’ll even teach you a few things about magic-- and, if you do succeed in overthrowing Jafar, you will wed Drizzella to create a stable alliance between the Kingdom’s of Magic and Reality.

You: That’s a generous offer.

Tremaine :handshake: : Yes, it is quite generous, isn’t it? But I can sense when I would be at a loss to miss an opportunity to ally myself. You are going to do a great many things, and I would very much like to be a part of it.

Tremaine extends her hand, palm down. You think about her offer. Learning more about magic would certainly be good, but you aren’t sure how much she knows. Does she not realize your quest is not to overthrow Jafar? Or does she not care either way? Or is she testing you in some way?

Tutorial: Lady Tremaine is offering to teach you a kingdom skill. Kingdom skills are powerful skills that will be of great use later on. Learn them all to unlock a special ally for the final battle. To get the skill, maintain a relationship of Ally (:handshake:) with Lady Tremaine until the end of this chapter.

  • You explain that Jasmine will be inheriting the the throne.
  • You kiss her hand, hoping she does not know more.
  • You explain your quest, and that you will not be claiming the throne.

0 voters

You: Actually, as you are no doubt familiar with, Princess Jasmine will be reclaiming the throne of her kingdom.

Lady Tremaine paused, her teacup inches from her lips. She offered a stare at you then slowly smirked.

Tremaine :handshake: Well, yes. I suppose that is what you initially intended. You really should hold your cards closer to your chest.

Tremaine paused to have another sip of her tea.

Tremaine :handshake: : Now, I am changing your plans entirely, and I will do whatever is necesary to ensure what I will happen, happens.

She frowned slightly, and you slowly meet her eye. You hold her gaze for a moment, a psychological stare down in which you feel both compelled to continue, and repelled completely.

Jasmine :grin: : Excuse me, Golden Fox, but Red Raven is feeling poorly and–

Jasmine appears out of no where, thankfully there to interrupt your icey showdown. Tremaine takes a look at Jasmine before interrupting her.

Tremaine :handshake: : And this must be Jasmine. You are quite lovely, for a princess.

*Tremaine’s attention on Jasmine is bothering you after she had just threatened to have Jasmine killed.

Tremaine :handshake: : And yet, you are the one who currently stands in the way of my plans. Tell me, how would you like it if I struck you down, here and now so that Troy could take your kingdom?

Jasmine glances in your direction, teeth clenched before glaring back at Lady Tremaine.

Tremaine :handshake: : It’s as simple as a hand gesture.

Tremaine raises a hand into the air and you note several guards poised around the room perk up. Tremaine offers you a menacing smile, but Jasmine folds her arms and rolls her eyes.

Jasmine :grin: : You know, Lady Tremaine, I have already made quiet the impression on your guests. Despite your bold claims, you would never harm me so publicly. Secondly, even if you did, it would only ensure that Golden Fox does not sit upon the throne in Agrabah. Lastly, if an alliance is what you wish from the Kingdom of Reality, I see no reason Golden Fox, a member of the noble houses, could not be married off to forge the alliance.

Jasmine is not afraid of Lady Tremaine. She has passed her favor test!

Tremaine :handshake: : My my, the lady has quite the tongue. Yes, that will be quite satisfactory.

Tremaine lowers her hand and the guards relax.

Tremaine :handshake: : You have gained quite the perfect little pet.

+5 Tremaine Favor

Tremaine turns to you a moment later before snapping her fingers. Maleficent steps through the crowd, staff wavering in a white knuckled grip.

Tremaine :handshake: : I’m a woman of my word. Maleficent will teach you magic, and Drizella will be your wife when you both claim Agrabah.

You stare at Maleficent, who has her eyes closed and sweeps into a practiced bow.

Maleficent :raised_hand: : I will teach you as well as I can. Come this way.

Maleficent leads you to a side door through which you enter. Quaz meets you on the other side. You’ve always wanted to learn magic, and now you will.

Chapter Summary:

Quaz: [65/100] :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

Jasmine: [85/100] :grin:

Tremaine: [45/50] :handshake:

Maleficent: [20/20] :handshake:


Very cool concept! Think we will end uo with a great story :smile:

Also I choose charisma and manners from what I have read about Early Modern Diplomacy. Not really a favourable situation if you got the manners and rituals wrong. So I hope this knowlegde will be usefull to Troy


Looks pretty good so far and looks forward to read the story as it goes and partake in the story :-).

Though a bit curious if there are plans for the character to get magic or more so something for later?
There aren’t a “I am a mage” option which I find otherwise missing if magic isn’t intended to be something for later and not letting the character have magic right away.

Either way really good work and looking forward to seeing what happens :-).

I have a question: will we ever be able to go back and see what might’ve happened if we picked different options? That might be cool to see.

I’ll put it simply, yes, there will be an opportunity for magic.

I can’t go into more detail right now cuz I don’t wanna spoil anything, but I’ll explain that when we get there.

:thinking: Since the story changes depending on choices (for example the origin you pick does alter the story later in several ways) That would be difficult. However, perhaps at the end of the story I can restart it so you can make different choices, if it is popular enough.


Very excited that this is finally released.


Yeah, same. Hope y’all like it! I bet you will! It was some work, mostly done by David :v::sweat_smile:, but it was great fun too and yeah, let’s start


I see and assumed this was the case, magic coming later instead :-).
Best of luck on the story ^^.

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You have chosen for Troy to have a Noble Origin.

The next choice is now out.

A consistent theme… lol.


Hum…, seems like the choices lean towards a “Prince Charming” type character approach.

Will be intersting to see how this goes :-).

So this is like a Batman or Guardians style Telltale Series? Nice. I’m interested to see how this continues

Unsure of what either of those are, but I’m glad thi caught your interest. :grin:

Here :-).


You cannot use a skill you do not possess. If the majority ever pick an option requiring a skill Troy does not possess, the option will not be considered. Please keep that in mind as you make your choices. The next choice is out now in any case. :grin:

Meant to comment back earlier, but oh well.

Anyway, I find it interesting that you put Quasimodo in Agrabah, but I suppose this is a mixed universe kind of story which you did kind of say in the opening, even though I didn’t anticipate that it would mean that characters from different stories/movies would be mixed.

I suppose the fact that the story is a mixed universe in that sense make it more interesting as we don’t know who are likely going to meet in the story as such :-).
So yeah, looking forward to see who we might see next ^^.

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