Disney Mirrorverse

That looks so cool!! Can’t wait until it releases on App Store!

Found fractured Anger.


Lol anger looks like one of the dead guys in the River Styx in Hercules lol

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I noticed that. He’ll probably be coming at the later update

Just downloaded Mirrorverse… Any tips for me?

Is it on the App Store?

I downloaded it on Google Play.

Oh okay, it should come on the App Store soon

No, it’s not on AppStore just yet

How? It’s not even released yet

The characters don’t look that “exciting”, I mean the designs look cool but it’s still missing something

I could download it! Don’t ask how.

Look here!



Press F to pay respects.

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I am very anger-y that it hasn’t been released on App Store.

Apparently all the stuff is ready for the App Store, but when I click on the link I get this

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It’s not available in the country, but it apparently soft launched in the Philippines so maybe October or November of this year

There are some way to get this if you’re using Apple

I would use the live action Cat In The Hat gif…

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