Disney Mirrorverse

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Credit to Hillshadow


Garwsh!! Goofy is in another RPG game besides from dhbm

And another game that has Onward

Yeah. Especially when I thought that Mickey, Elsa, Jafar, and Anger coming in the update. Maybe the Magic Mirror will be playable soon

Goofy doesn’t look to bad

How so?


Oh no! They gave Ian a hoodie! :sob:

He’s wearing a hoodie

Sorry, typo.

My point is that they ruined his look imo

I still find the game strange, but on the other hand I like it.


I agree. The concept of the game looks well, and the quality of graphics looks good as well. Unlike some one 3D Disney RPG game

Especially an upcoming game made by Ludia

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Which one though?

Idk about Ian’s new clothes. He’s gonna look more “laid back”. The other ones look great!

Amazon doesn’t have it. :frowning:

That’s because it’s not released yet

When will it come on the App Store?

I hope USA gets the game soon.


Soon. Be patient

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