Disney Mirrorverse

Holy heck! No way

Is it me or does Aladdin look like he came straight from naruto? That’s a really cool design!!

That Anger looks like a creep.

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Anger looks too normal

Yeah…anger does look the most like how he does in inside out and dhbm

The only thing missing is his tie

Yeah I noticed that he was missing his tie as well

As for Aladdin, he looks like a ninja

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If that game comes to the App Store I’m playing it

Fun fact: his sword is his tie :rofl:

It is? Holy heck

…ok…that is just hilarious.

Now in Colours


I want to play this also

This looks awsome. Is there a storyline to this?

Yeah, Disney Mirrorverse has story content and a storyline in it :-).

Was is it?

What do you mean by that?

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I am not sure if I quite remember the storyline exactly right now as it is a while since I played ;^^.

Della Duck, Lena, and Captain Hook

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