Disney Pixar's: Dante!

Disney Pixar’s: Dante!

Source: Coco

Description: Dante is a hero who will save allies by dealing damage

Quote: Arf!

Stars: :star:

Role: Tank

Position: Front

Team Trials: Yellow


Basic Attack: Hits enemies by stomping on them

Entrance: Runs in

Victory: Shakes(while laying down)

Defeat: Whines


White Skill: Runner.

( :fist:t2: Normal Damage)

Dante runs through 3 enemies, dealing X damage, stunning those 3 enemies for 6 seconds, and boosting allies and himself attack power by 50% for 10 seconds.

While Dante is running he is untargetable.

Green Skill: Ruff!

Dante barks loudly, silencing 5 enemies for 14 seconds.

Blue Skill: Such a charmer.

(True Damage)

Dante make puppy dog eyes, charming all enemies for 10 seconds.

Purple Skill: Roll Over.

Dante rolls over healing himself for X HP.

Red Skill: Speedier

Every time Dante uses “Runner” he and his allies gain 25% and X reality and armor

The speed movement has a chance to fail if allies are above level X

Additional Stat Boost:


2 seconds to “Such a charmer”

X Tenacity

Battle Badge

Is charged in battle when:

  • Armor and Reality goes to 5 enemies
    When Charged:

  • Skill Power: +X

  • Basic Damage per Yellow Team Hero: +X

  • Invisibility: 7.0 seconds of invisibility


Dante and Miguel

Disk Name: Best Buddies

Star: Dante heals allies for 10% of his HP

(2% per star)


Dante and Gerald, Marlin, and Nemo

Disk Name: Animal friends

Star: Dante gains a reflect for 7 seconds when he uses “Roll Over”

(2 seconds per star)

Levels: X Basic Damage

I hope you guys like my concept, feedback is appreciated!

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A few things to say:

This description could be better.


How long is the stun, and do you mean damage? If it is, by how much or what percent? And, long does it last?

How many enemies?

How many enemies?

I’m not sure how it will deal damage but okay?

Does this have a timer?

So, when they are buffed?

What does it do per star?

This should be a number, not a variable, and what does it do per star?

5/10 concept.

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