Disney TV Series: Milo Murphy

Milo Murphy

Stars: :star2::star2::star2:
Quote: “Sticks and stones may damage your vital organs, so always wear body armor.”
Position: Midline
Role: Control
Team: Blue
Entrance: Walks into battle with smoke and fire trailing him
Victory: Milo pulls out a lemon helmet out of his backpack and puts it on
Defeat: A sinkhole opens below Milo and he falls in
Basic Attack: Milo throws an item from his backpack

White Skill: Murphy’s Law
:eight_pointed_black_star: :dizzy: - Normal Damage and Stun

Passive: Milo can use this skill and his blue skill even if he is stunned or frozen (not basic attacks)

Active: A wrecking ball, lamp post, ceiling fan and pistachio cart fall on the enemy with the highest health, dealing X damage and stunning them for 20 seconds while the debris is cleared

While stunned, the enemy can’t be buffed and the stun can’t be removed

The stun has a chance to fail against enemies higher than level X

Green Skill: Rooting for the Enemy
:peace_symbol: :sleeping: - Sap and Fatigue
Milo cheers on the enemy team, sapping them for 10 seconds and applying 1 stack of Fatigue to all of them.

The Sap and Fatigue have a chance to fail against enemies above level X

Blue Skill: Walking Disaster Magnet
:eight_pointed_black_star: :dizzy: :wind_face: - Normal Damage, Stun and Knockback

A truck drives through the enemy team, dealing X damage, stunning them all for 5 seconds and knocking them back

Purple Skill: The Llama Incident
:eight_pointed_black_star: :wind_face: - Normal Damage and Knockback

At the start of each wave, Milo rides in on a stampede of Llamas, dealing X damage and knocking back enemies.

Red Skill: Any Eventuality
:infinity: :stop_sign: - Passive Skill and Immunity

Milo gains 2 Tenacity every time anyone is debuffed.

Milo cannot be disabled.

The immunity to disables has a chance to fail against enemies higher than level X


Milo and Phineas and Ferb

“Murphy’s Law and Order”

“Murphy’s Law” removes 0.10% armor per star for every second they are stunned
+Skill Power
Allies: Chief Bogo, Li Shang, QoH

Milo Murphy and Chesire Cat

“Strange Occurrences”

“The Llama Incident” allows Llama’s to stampede 1 extra time per wave at random
+20% Max Health per star
+Max Health
Allies: The Beast, Mike Wazowski, Robin Hood

Cavendish And Dakota are next!

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