Disney Virus Claimed! (Ongoing Series)

Question 1: No Once a Character is Infected Then Its Over For Them

Question 2: I Would Like Some Help On This, Mainly The Story, I Have The Idea For The Main Story, But I Would Like Some Ideas For Side Stories :grin:

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Can I help?

If you would like to Than yes, you can PM me with your ideas, this goes for anyone as well :blush:

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I just noticed Stitch is Infected… because the Experiment gone wrong that’s Stitch right @Cookie101
Poor @TherMasterStitch

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Now, this scares me.


Yes it does mean he’s infected

I need to start wording things better right :rofl:

Hmmm not completely accurate accoring to the story as Vanelope gets infected and then turns uninfected…

It would be interesting to see someone like Hercules desperately try to save Meg who became a Fecto, only to be turned himself…

It actually could work for any hero couple.


I’m still not 100% sure about being able to become Uninfected but I might include it thanks @Champion_David


Now I’m sad because most of my favorites are basically dead

•Mr. Incredible
•Probably more lol

Maui And Mickey were mentioned as well :pensive:

I know it’s sad that Mickey is basically dead

Does not mean that soem that are mentioned to be infected will not show up again :smirk:

DarkWing appeared at the beginning infected and hasn’t been seen again so was QuackerJack

Darkwing was not mentioned as infected

Only Quacker Jack

Oh so DarkWing isn’t infected?

Nope! :smile:

I thought both Darkwing & QuackerJack we’re chasing Megavolt

So will DarkWing be in the story or just name dropped lol

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