Dodger ( Oliver and Company)

Dodger (Oliver and Company)

Bio: Dodger is New York’s coolest quadruped. He uses his street savoir faire to out-smart his enemies and support his allies.

Quote: Absitively posulutely!

Entrance: Dodger enters the fray while dancing to his favorite tune.
Attack: Dodger bites enemies
Victory: Dodger tosses his sunglasses in the air and they land on his face
Defeat: Dodger falls to the ground and closes his eyes.

Stars: :star:
Role: Control
Trial Team: Red
Position: Middle

His skills:

  • White Skill: One Bad Puppy- Dodger lunges at the frontmost enemy dealling X Damage and stunning them for 5 seconds (Fantastic Damage :sparkles:).

  • Green Skill: Catch the Beat- Dodger dances and charms the enemy with the highest Basic Damage for 5 seconds.

  • Blue Skill: Why Should We Worry?- At the start of the wave Dodger howls inspiring his allies and giving them X Energy.

  • Purple Skill: Why Should I Care?- Dodger will ignore Debuffs placed on him.

Dodger will fail to ignore Debuffs from enemies above level X

  • Red Skill: Street-wise- Why Should We Worry will provide a Shield at the begining of each wave equal to 10% HP for all allies.

Why Should I Care will turn debuffs into buffs

Turning Debuffs into buffs has a chance to fail if Dodger is above level X.

Additional stat Boosts:
+Y Armor
+Z Tenacity

The Rythm of the City
Dodger needs to get his bearings in his new home. He knows that to navigate the City he must catch the beat, so he goes to Powerline for help.

Power Disk: Beat Master - Increases the amount of time enemies are Charmed by Catch the Beat by 2 seconds.

Allies: Miguel, Angel, Animal

Care-free Lifestyle
Dodger wants to teach Oliver a little more about how to live a life of no worries. He takes Oliver to see Baloo, known to be a master of the Bare Neccesities of Life.

Power Disk: No more Worries- Increases the amount of Energy Dodger gives when using Why Should We Worry by X Energy

Allies: Timon and Pumbaa, Stitch, Maui


Good done!

This is called a quote.

This animation is not needed.

This is called the role.

You do not need this.

The stun can be longer. Additionally, the chance to fail can be removed.

It would be highest basic damage. Length can be increased. The chance to fail can be removed.

This can be removed from blue skill.

The phrasing here is awkward.

These are always X or another variable and not random numbers.

I am not sharing feedback on disks because it is important to focus on improving skills. Try looking at some really truly good concept makers and heroes in game for help. Feel free to PM me with questions.

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Thanks for the feedback, what is weird about phrasing?

I just do not know what exactly is happening.

Ok, I’ll get right on that, about chances to fail I wanted to kind of adapt it since with most characters who have stunning or stuff like that it doesn’t always work

Right but you do not want things to be underpowered. Finding the balance is key!

Thanks, I know balance is key. Like I said I went off from what I’ve seen with the stuns and charms with most characters. Those skills don’t always work. Itdepends on the level.

How do you recomend I fix the Red Skill’s phrasing?

“Why Should We Worry” now provides a shield to all allies equal to 15% of Dodger’s current HP. “Why Should I Care” now turns debuffs into buffs. Changing debuffs to buffs may fail if Dodger is over level X.

Fixed the skill

Everyone is better at making concepts then me.

I don’t know, but thanks for the praise

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