Does this happen to WALL-E

WALL-E used his white attack then when he came back he still had the Extinguisher particles attached to him

Is this a bug and did this happen to you



I get that too it’s nothing just a glitch

Yeah it seems to be a bug.

Wall-E is a good hero! I see many challenger arena player use him.

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So aside from Ralph, who isn’t trash?

His answer is probably gonna be Forky…

Checked his old posts; he’s said before Felix, genie, Jessie are good.

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In some cases Genie and Jessie can be good.

Jessie felix hiro Barbosa Jack sparrow nick mr.incearble moanna miguel Duke caboom ducky and bunny Ralph anger frozone darkwing duck

There are not trash

Frozone and Felix I beg to differ, but you do you

Wow, so like you like the OP heroes and the trash heroes and that is it? Ok, noted.

He didn’t say he liked Yax he’s ultimate trash

All the heroes are good!


Yes all of the heors I said were good and you think Jack sparrow is trash you think Barbosa is trash you think Ralph is trash and you think all of the heros I said were trash no all of them are not trash @Champion_David

Heh heh, perhaps you cannot read. I said ypu like the OP and the Trash.

DarkWing Duck is a super good hero he’s my favorite and my strongest lol and he is sorta OP

I like all the heroes

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I can tell you that no one has ever said that jack sparrow is trash since his buff. Absolutely no one.

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Oh jack is pretty strong

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