Donald Ducks Enemies

A suggestion list of Villans that encounter Donald duck , here’s some ideas , feel free to suggestions.

  1. Pete
  2. Ajax the gorilla
    3.Aracuan Bird
    4.humphrey the bear
    5.Witch Hazel
  3. Mountain Lion Louie.

the most likely out of all of these is Pete

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I want pete in the game tbh

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Pete is the only charther out off these since he is the most familar character out off these 5


Could also be Gladstone gander

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True for Pete but it’s just suggestions.

This isn’t suggestions for characters that could appear the game, just a fair amount of different enemies Donald have met over the years.

First of all, definitely Neighbor Jones. (A character in the Donald Duck and Co comic, Donald and him nearly always fight when they are in the same comic, even though in the rare cases they can collaborate a well even if it is a temporary lasting).
Donald’s creditors I suppose can be counted kind of as enemies.
Technically Scrooge too could be considered an enemy of Donald when it is in terms the debt list Scrooge has on Donald.
Gladstone kind in some stories as well, even if more so the counterpart antagonist role than an actual enemy.

While more enemies of Scrooge, the Beagle Boys and Magic, Argus McSwine should probably be enemies of Donald as well, business Flintheart_Glomgold and John D Rockerduck.
A slightly more obscure one would probably be Arpin Lusène, the Black Knight from Don Rosa’s stories.

If including Mickey’s side Pete and Phantom Blot would be right as enemies of Donald, but without Mickey Donald is never really with Pete or Phantom Blot if Mickey isn’t in the comic.

I don’t remember the antagonists’s names from the Golden Helmet story by Carl Barks, but those two would definitely be enemies of Donald.


Let’s not forget lunaris, mark beaks, and don karnage all of them from the new DuckTales. And then there is chip and dale and that guy from the three caballeros show on Disney+

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Also could be Mortimer Mouse

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Ah I focused on the comic characters, so didn’t include any that aren’t in the comics so that’s why :-).

As for Mortimer not sure what to say as I have never seen Donald and Mortimer together in a comic story. So not sure on that one even if most likely enemies if Donald is helping Mickey,

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