Drama in this game

Thanks to you, you said what I should not do if there is drama, and I am not using that global.

Well cool good for you!

Tch come on over to server 8. We will show you drama :sunglasses:

No thanks, i am in server 9, and the drama is in mine is spanish

No better go to server 14 you’ll wish you didn’t chat is horrible!!

Anytime somebody starts talking Spanish, another one does and it SPREADS.

True lol
20 characters

I do go in server 14

But 14 is really awsome.

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What’s you’re username?

X D mine aint Spanish!! We just fight each other in english

Iwish I was therelol

Welp that is weird

This is a screenshot

Of course it is weird!!! Weird is fu n :upside_down_face:

I am on server 9
I don’t go to global and therefore don’t feel any stress from global drama. If I need help with something beyond what my guild can help with, I go to VIP. Just stay out of global, problem solved.

So what’s the issue? Are people not allowed to use whatever language they want to in an international game? The translator may not be perfect, but it works pretty well so other languages shouldn’t be an issue.

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14 is awesome, but it also has people that cause lots of problems
one for example was kicked from at least 2 different discord channels. But I wouldn’t say 14 is any better or worse than 9
it all depends on who is online and what the topic/mood of the day is.

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Certain people on global or combinations of people make it Hype!!

Just catching up on what i haven’t read in the last couple of days - you have made numerous posts for literally the same thing @BrotherTiana. Maybe you are the drama???

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