Dynamic Duo - Phineas & Ferb Hero Concept

Since it’s getting close to my school’s Summer Break, I decided to do a special Hero Concept(s) for this occasion! I hope you enjoy! Please let me know in the replies if I missed or messed up something as I am doing my first double-concept post.

Phineas Hero Concept

Description: Phineas is a young inventor who uses his boundless creativity and a variety of gadgets to outsmart his enemies and support his allies in battle.

Role - Damage
Position - Back
Team - Red Team
Quote - “Hey, Ferb! I know what we’re going to do today!”

Entrance - Phineas skates into battle on a skateboard powered by rockets, wearing goggles and a helmet.
Victory - Phineas jumps up, pumping his fist into the air.
Defeat - Phineas jumps back, letting go of the invention in his hand which is smoking.

Basic Skill - Rubber Bands: Phineas snaps rubber bands at enemies.
Baseball Launcher: Phineas uses a baseball launcher to shoot baseballs at enemies.
White Skill - Eureka!
Phineas uses one two inventions. Depending on what invention he uses, he switches his Basic Skill.

  1. Rollercoaster (Basic Skill - Baseball Launcher): Phineas quickly draws a blueprint, puts it away, and steps to the side as a rollercoaster zooms across the battlefield. This deals X AoE (Area of Effect) fantastic damage.
  2. Phinedroid (Basic Skill - Rubber Bands): Phineas summons a Phinedroid which distracts the enemy and also raises Phineas’ attack speed until the Phinedroid is defeated.

Green Skill - Summer Anthem
Phineas strums his guitar, healing himself and his allies and giving them X energy.

Blue Skill - Treehouse Robot
Phineas quickly builds a treehouse robot that attacks the enemy, dealing X normal damage. Phineas can call up to two treehouse robots.

Purple Skill - Blueprint Blitz
Phineas quickly reads a blueprint, raising his Armor stats, healing 25% of his health and has a 30% chance of giving him a shield for 5.0 seconds

Red Skill - Inventive Mind
The Rollercoaster with Eureka! does a “loop-de-loop,” so it attacks two times, if Blueprint Blitz grants Phineas a shield. If the Blueprint blitz grants Phineas a shield, it allows Phinedroid to use Phineas’ Basic Attacks.
Extra Stat Boosts:
+X Max HP
+X Skill Power
+X Attack Speed

Friendship 1 - Phineas/Dr. Doofenshmirtz
Disk: Music-Inator
Summary: Phineas helps Dr. Doofenshmirtz with making an invention.
Allies: Agent P, Audrey Ramirez, EVE
Stat Boosts: +X Max Health, Armor, Skill Power
Star Effect: Summer Anthem Charms enemies for 2.0 seconds. This time is increased by 2.0 seconds each star upgrade.

Friendship 2 - Phineas/Gizmoduck
Disk: Upgraded Parts
Campaign: Mechanical Upgrades
Summary: Phineas decides to use some of his ideas to upgrade Gizmoduck.
Allies: Darkwing Duck, Gadget, Rocketeer
Stat Boosts: +X Attack Speed, Basic Damage, “Eureka!” stun time
Star Effect: Both of Phone’s Basic Attacks have a 5% chance of stunning the enemy for 5.0 seconds. This percentage goes up 5% each star upgrade.

Ferb Hero Concept


Description: Ferb is the silent thinker who uses his exceptional building skills to construct devices that protect and strengthen his team during battle.

Role - Support
Position - Midline
Team - Yellow
Quote - “Well, this is what we call a dilemma”


Entrance - Ferb rides in on a hoverboard.

Victory - Ferb presses a button, and a machine shoots out confetti.

Defeat - A button in Ferb’s hand (the same one that is supposed to cause the Victory) sparks. Ferb shrugs and tosses it behind him.

Interesting/Funny Defeat: Ferb stops in his tracks, and smoke starts pouring from his ears revealing that it was just a Ferbot that was battling! The real Ferb’s peeks out from behind the machine, shrugs, and disappears behind the Ferbot.

Basic Attack - Toolbox
Ferb throws wrenches at the enemy.

White Skill - Inventor’s Strike
Ferb uses one of two skills here.

  1. Laser: Ferb shoots the enemy with a high-tech laser gun that stuns the enemy as well for 3.0 seconds.
  2. Hoverboard: Ferb hops on his hoverboard and rides across the battlefield, damaging anyone in his path.

Green Skill - Defensive Dynamics
Ferb enhances his team’s defenses, providing them with a shield that lasts for 2.0 seconds and increases their armor.

Blue Skill - Ferbot Fortification
Ferb builds a Ferbot to attack the enemy. This deals low damage but produces a knockback that keeps the enemies at bay. Ferb can summon two Ferbots max.

Purple Skill - Man of Action
Ferb’s actions speak louder than words. Every time he uses a skill, he increases his reality and hardy.

Red Skill - Inventive Resilience
Inventor’s Strike’s Laser now has a chance at dealing damage overtime while enemies are stunned enemies while Hoverboard can now knock back enemies. Extra Stat Boosts:

  • +X Max HP
  • +X Armor
  • +X Skill Power

Friendship 1 - Ferb/Hiro Hamada
Disk Name: Science Fair Project
Campaign Name: Science Showdown
Summary: Ferb and Hiro team up to create and take part in a science fair for the City, but Creeps are ruining the event.
Stat Boosts: +X Basic Damage, Max Energy, Ferbot Fortification Damage
Star Effect: Man of Action can now also increase Attack Speed. The amount of Attack Speed Ferb gets from Man of Action increases each star upgrade.

Friendship 2 - Ferb/Phineas
Disk Name - Greatest Summer Ever!
Campaign Name: Summer Vacation
Summary: Phineas and Ferb work on an invention together to fight the creeps.
Stat Boosts: Max HP, Attack Speed
Star Effect: Laser now deals damage overtime while Hoverboard sets “traps” that can damage enemies and keep them I one spot.

Note: This was a pretty long concept since I put two in one. I would not be surprised if I missed something. Please let me know if I did! Also, I may also release another concept I’ve been doing on the side (Phineas and Ferb as a duo Hero), please tell me if you would like to see that on June 1st since many schools end on or around June! Thanks!


Wow, you have improved a lot! Good job :+1:

Thank you so much! You are very kind!

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This is really good. Keep up the great work!!

Thanks so much!

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