Edna Mode Hero Concept

"My god you’ve gotten fat.

Entrance: Edna walks in the battlefield.
Victory: Edna smiles and claps slowly.
Defeat: Edna gives enemies a mean look.
Role: Control
Position: Back
Team: Red

Basic attack: Edna pulls a rolled up newspaper out of her pocket and whacks an enemy with it.

White skill (Combustion Imminent)
Edna takes out the baby monitor tablet and scans all enemies, Edna then sets 3 enemies on fire which deals X fantastic damage over time, the other 2 enemies who are not set on fire are blinded by the fired enemies and gets drained, corrupted, and sapped.

Green skill (Cape lecture!)
Edna yells at enemies about having capes, that makes the enemies confused, silenced, and scared.

Blue skill (Hobo suit)
Edna points at an enemy with a “hobo suit”, she gives them a disgusting look, then shoo’s the enemy away with her hands. The look deals X basic damage, and that enemy is stunned when shoo’d, also, the enemies armor, reality, and skill power is decreased by X.

Purple skill (Unbothered)
After the skill “hobo suit”, Edna is invincible for X seconds.

Red skill (Fight the problem!)
Whenever an enemy gets a debuff or disable, it cannot wear off, it can only be removed by being cleansed.

Ednas skill power is increased by X from each silenced enemy.

+X skill power
+X Max HP
+X Armor

Miss piggy (Empowering Fashion)
+X Reality
+X Basic damage
Allies have their attack and movement speed increased by X after “cape lecture” is used.

Jack Jack (Baby Power)
+X Basic damage
+X Armor
+X Skill power
Allies are now energized
at the start of each wave.

Done, this is my 2nd concept so please let me know if there are mistakes.


You forgotten the stars of rarity (1,2,or 3) but other than that. It is greate

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Its likely she would be 1 stars because recently all new characters are 1 star. Thats why I didnt add those lol. But thanks, ill do it in the future.

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Ok but you can add it 1 star now tho

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Wow! :star_struck: Edna Mode!

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