Eeyore: Character Concept Idea

NAME: Eeyore
ROLE: Support

QUOTE:Could be worse. Not sure how, but it could be…

ENTRANCE: Walks in, slowly, his head drooping low.
VICTORY: Turns to the side and smiles. Kind of like this:
DEFEAT: Swings his tail and rump around and tips over face first. Kind of like this:

WHITE SKILL: Rained On- Instead of getting rained on himself, he blows a cloud over an enemy and they get rained on. Deals 215 damage at level 1/white hero.
GREEN SKILL: Umbrella Oopsie- An umbrella attatches itself to Eeyore in place of his tail and he gets blown backwards, hitting his enemies. Deals 405 damage at level 1/white hero.
BLUE SKILL: Healing Hop- Smiles and hops at least once, healing his whole team by 600. (Let me know if you think that’s too high.)
PURPLE SKILL: Too Good to be True- Eeyore sits down and rolls his eyes before closing them. Gives enemies the Damage Decreased combat status. Might not work on heroes over level 41. (Level 1/white hero)

FRIEND/S: Joy, Text:

Joy: “Sadness, is that you?”
Eeyore: “No… just me. Eeyore…”
Joy: “Well… Hi, Eeyore!”
Eeyore: “Hello…”

DISK: -Smile More
hologram image: ‘standard smiley face’
-Healing Hop increases healing by 25% (let me know if that seems too high)
-increases damage dealt by 15%
-decreases damage taken by 7%

If any of you have any other ideas I can use, let me know!


Please give insight to what effect the skills would have on the fight.

These tell me what the animations do, but how does the skill affect eyore and the fight?


Okay! Thanks for telling me. I’ll add that soon.

Skill Review! :man_superhero:

White Skill•

This seems to have no effect I’m confused on what this is meant to do doesn’t seem to do damage or healing nothing really wrong but it is hard to understand and confusing since it doesn’t seem to do anything?
Emoji: :face_with_raised_eyebrow:
Notes: Nothing really wrong but can u specify what it’s meant to do cuz right now I’m confused

Green Skill•

Ok the skill is ok but does this do damage, does it give a debuff? Again a little confusing again overall great skill but what can this skill do?
Emoji: :face_with_monocle:
Notes: A little specification would be nice but overall not bad for a beginner.

Blue Skill•

Nice skill good for healing and I can see it can revive allies aswell?? Overall really good but it would be kinda OP if it revived allies Everytime but either way this skill is good!
Emoji: :smile:
Notes: I don’t really have a problem with this skill pretty good overall!

Purple Skill•

I like it really nice! Nothing really to complain about here!
Emoji: :hugs:
Notes: A Purple Skill is mostly passive or a one time animation tho but anyway still good for a beginner!

My Three Emojis!
I was confused but liked the concept really like that you used gifs gives a concept a lively feel giving dialogue to the friendships is again really good to!
Welcome to the forums!
Can’t wait to read more of your work @Kurb!


Thank you for the feedback! I’ll keep those things in mind and change the concept a bit to make it less confusing.

No problem also welcome to the forums! Overall your concept was great! :hugs:

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I think what they meant was that it heals for 1/4 of max hp.

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Ohhh makes more sense. Was confused for a sec

Nice one. I came up with the Eeyore and Joy on Cruella de veil concept

Oh! I didn’t read the comments on that one. Do you want me to credit you or something?

Sure. By the way, did you actually read the Cruella de veil concept?

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