Elimination Game

"In my book, experience outranks everything."

I agree on Herc, he has one of the best soundtracks Disney has ever made. :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


Prince Eric is gone.

You’re getting a “cool” Pic next round…

Round 11:

Who needs to be kicked out from our Top 5?
  • Aladdin (Aladdin)
  • Flynn Rider (Tangled)
  • Hercules (Hercules)
  • Kristoff (Frozen)
  • Li Shang (Mulan)

0 voters

I love the cactus


From now on we only have cool guys, so choices become harder and harder. For me, Herc maybe out next.

Li Shang is cool but I still do not like him. Aladdin and Herc are tolerable.

And Flynn Rider is amazing.

Yep. I just want Al and Kristoff out and then I’m fine with either outcome tbh


With Eric out, I’m okay with anybody left winning :upside_down_face:

Not Aladdin!

@MissingLure, change your vote! Save that underrated prince!


Aladdin will suffer :smiling_imp:

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Who should I help … Missing lure or Prince-Aamir…

  • Aamir
  • Lure

0 voters

To just break the tie. The other one is probably going to be out next round anyway

Li Shang is next to leave…
images (5)

So we have four Princes left!

Round 12!

  • Aladdin (Aladdin)
  • Flynn Rider (Tangled)
  • Hercules (Hercules)
  • Kristoff (Frozen)

0 voters

Thanks @Commander-Rex

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Herc or Al… tough choice! Also, Kristoff and Rider are just a bit overrated

You’re welcome. I am always on your left.

Uh… what? He was 2nd for most of the time and now when he shortly was to be eliminated the actions were taken… really fishy. :roll_eyes:

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