You take that back
So happy this weak song isn’t anymore here with us.
Now we still have to get Almost there out before it gets hard
No. Let it stay at least for 2 more rounds. You have taken Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious, Try Everything, I’ve Got a Dream, Let It Go, Some Things Never Change, and Prince Ali from me. Do not hurt me more please.
It’s not a song, it’s a commercial. Glad that’s over with.
Plot twist
Everyone vote for Hakuna Matata!!!
You are a MONSTER! Explain yourself!
I want Almost There to win, but I would be satisfied with I’ll Make A Man Out Of You, Zero To Hero, or Hakuna Matata, or Be Our Guest
I could care less for Hakuna Matata, but it’s catchy, so
Personally I am rooting for Be Our Guest and Zero to Hero.
ME TOO! Yay! But I would be fine with literally any song we have left on here winning. I still want to know why @Magica_de_spellbook is hating on some of the best songs though.
…I voted for Hakuna Matata…
NOOOOOO! Why TherMasterStitch? Why?
The other songs are much better I think.
Why did this get flagged
Because it was slightly inappropriate
I told you it was a plot twist.
And why is it a plot twist? Try to be more specific.
Well,the reason why I said that was that almost there was losing.I got mad,and just said that.
Sadly it looks like the song How Far I’ll Go has to go.