Elimination Game

Shiny for the win

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Friends on the other side must win! But I will be okay if any of these others win EXCEPT Poor Unfortunate Souls

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Nah. Push those songs out

How this happen!

Again Princess movie will win, ehhā€“

That is unless Be Prepared wins.


No. I still hope for Friends on the other Sideā€¦

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I want all but Shiny to win.

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Why donā€™t you like Shiny?

The others are just so much more superior.

Yes. Thatā€™s trueā€¦ The more I think of it I agree with you

Hard choice but im not a big fan of mother knows best so ill vote that
Also i just watched its our house now and its 10/10

Solution: Stop thinking :crazy_face:


Then change your vote to Poor Unfortunate Souls to attempt to save Friends on the other side

Iā€™m hoping for Be Prepared to win


Poor Unfortunate Souls
Jealous, naive
If they want to kick out this song
Then theyā€™ll have to do some thinking
Their excuses?
They are wrong

Poor unfortuante soooooouls


Heck yeah! I love Shiny!

Me too! Best villian song, especially the last part of Jeremy Irons (the sentence before someone else had to take over)


Jim Cummings

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And that someone else is Jim Cummins imo the best Disney voice actor ever


I did not know that. WOW.

Another reason Be Prepared should win. Why are people voting Friends on the Other Side though?

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