Elimination Game

Awesome suggestion! I’ll definitely keep it in mind!

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She still shouldn’t have acted the way she did :man_shrugging:

Sina is leaves the game
And so we have got our Top 5! Mrs Potts, Laurel Lightfoot, Helen Parr, Queen Arianna and Della Duck! Applause for these ladies!

Round 16:

  • Della Duck (DuckTales 2017)
  • Helen Parr (The Incredibles)
  • Laurel Lightfoot (Onward)
  • Mrs Potts (The Beauty and the Beast)
  • Queen Arianna (Tangled)

0 voters

How does Elasrigirl make it this far.

Because she’s a really awesome mom.

Like imagine having a mom that’s a superhero


That’s true,but my dad is a Tow truck driver and my uncle is a Police officer,they are heroes

That’s true!

I want Elastigirl to make it to the finals, only to be swept by Della Duck.

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Well they are heroes in a way

Why do I have a feeling Mrs Potts gonna win?

Cuz she is awesome!

Imagine having a “normal” mom who was stuck on the moon for over 10 years, and spent all that time trying to return to you despite never meeting you?

I can say, all moms left (and some that were voted out earlier) deserve the title! Anyone agree?


No. Only Della deserves it.

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Yes. I agree.

Della for the win!

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No. Every Mom deserves that spot since they’re all great.

I think I’ll vote for Della now…


No. That depends on what kind of
Mom they are. Della is the best kind.

You’re making me sick. :face_with_thermometer:



It’s official: Our next Elimination Game will be about my least powerful In-Game Characters! Thanks to @Lucas1999 for the idea, I’m already working on a Pic. I think I’ll be able to share it later today or tomorrow. :slightly_smiling_face:
Greetings, Irrer Minnie :kissing_heart:

Have the same feeling

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You have voted out another amazing mom!
Round 17:

  • Della Duck (DuckTales 2017)
  • Helen Parr (The Incredibles)
  • Mrs Potts (The Beauty and the Beast)
  • Queen Arianna (Tangled)

0 voters

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