Elliot (Pete's Dragon) Concept

It would potentially make more sense that way, but as I have never seen the movie, I cannot say if it fits his character. :grin:

It would be fitting. He is super shy, even with Pete at times. So being shy and hiding from friends makes as much sense as hiding from enemies. And this would give him the unique mechanic of invisibility without making him overly op.

I love it! Now I think he is a pretty flushed out design. Thank you guys!

Anyone else have suggestions or ideas? :grin:
@Filadae_Djaq you especially, you like commenting on concepts.

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Here is the list that you requested @Geadaan:

  • First off, Elliot would be too OP when invisible. Stunning Elliot could help Elliot and you do not want him to get stunned. The only windows of opportunity are freezing him and dealing splash damage
  • I think it would be better for the sneeze just to push back enemies to the back of the battlefield instead huddling them up in a group
  • You might want to suggest the amount of time it takes for Elliot to sneeze. Maybe 2 or 3 seconds?
  • When eating apples, you shouldnā€™t gain a shield. It would be better if the apples just healed Elliot
  • The purple skill makes him less OP but what if he is alone? He would be targetable the whole time
  • His Rex disk is basically a boost where Elliot is ā€œCouraged,ā€ but it being ā€œCouragedā€ is only exclusive when Maui is on the team. So maybe rewrite as ā€œElliot starts with 120 energy at the beginning of every battleā€

Overall Score: 7/10

Honestly I have never watched Peteā€™s Dragon (neither of the versions) but this concept is pretty decent

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Ok, some good points, thatā€™s why I tagged you of course haha. So Iā€™ll make a few adjustments on a couple things. But I have questions on some.

Originally I had the apples do a heal, but it was pointed out that perhaps being invisible and healing would be too much, you donā€™t think so?

The Rex disk change I am good with, it can be you start with x energy per level.

The sneeze makes sense and sort of what I was going for, I might have described it wrong. I imagined a big gust of wind that pushes people backward (or away from him)

Your question of what would happen if he was solo, yes he would not be invisible, he is reliant on teammates to activate that ability. Though really there arenā€™t game modes that would require him to ever be solo unless you are clearing low level surges 1 toon at a time. I decided to add this to remove the idea that he could be invisible constantly and run out the timer in defenses. This way when attacked in pvp youā€™d kill his team and then heā€™d be visible for attacks afterwards.

Going to add those changes! Let me know what you think about the reply.

And what about sparring in chat?

Honestly I think healing is better than shields. Every single skill in the game that involves food heals the hero. Like Barbossa. And having a shield when invisible is pretty pointless. Especially when you can not be attacked most of the time

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Yeah good call, I changed it to heal but made him more vulnerable during this time by making him drop invisibility for 6 seconds to eat the apples slower. So the heal would be a heal over time during the the animation period.

I guess so, but itā€™s not a game mode that has any reward or accomplishment. Maybe I can think of a solution for that specifically but without ruining the current idea.

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Howā€™d you put those when there was a remake

The original is always the best. Also the original was a more cartoonish look that fits this game style way better.

That depends if you count Jack Jackā€™s skill or not :wink:

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