Embarassment concept (likely)


Description:He can be shy but when he gains courage he can be a good friend.

Quote:She’s got us oh yeah right? He he he… She maybe






Entrance:Embarassment walks to the stage

Win:Embarassment has a slight smile and raises his fist

Lose:Embarassment is embarrased closes his hood and hides


Main Skill:
Embarassment hit the enemy and accumulates 1 point of discomfort(can accumulate 20) normal damage

:white_circle:White Skill:Empty bucket
Passive:Every time a battle starts Embarassment choose any enemy to use “Empty bucket”

Active: Embarassment lower an empty bucket that falls to an enemy and when it falls on the enemy it does normal damage to nearby enemies and acumulate 1 discomfort point(fantastic damage towards the chosen enemy)

:green_circle:Green Skill: Great Courage
When Embarassment accumulate 3 discomfort points decides to take off his hood and recovers 30% of his life and has a shield for 5 seconds

:large_blue_circle:Blue Skill:
Embarassment closes his hood and blocks an enemy attack and has no effect on his Allies (then returns to normal)

:purple_circle:Purple Skill:
When Embarassment accumulate 5 points of discomfort He hits the enemy timidly with his fist, the damage is normal and returns 1 point of discomfort

:gear::red_circle:Red Skill:Embarassment time
After Embarassment use “Empty Bucket” recovers health by 35-40% and damage increases to incredible damage



Disk name:Sadbarassment
Disk efect: Embarassment takes less damage from passive attacks

Meilin lee

Disk name:Turning pink
Disk efect: Embarassment will accumulate more discomfort points
Allies:Clawhouser,Honey Lemon,Ennui

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