Emerald Rarity Preview Part 2

Answer is fairly obvious, it’s because Y30s have more than just 2 level dependant stats to work with. and unlike Emeralds, their level dependant stats aren’t pathetically low to the point of borderline uselessness.


Remember when @Samm said that Y heroes against E heroes will perform worse? And then said it won´t be there.

Basically that´s the whole point. If Y heroes indeed had to obey the ambition, leaving hero at Y30 would be useless. But since it´s the opposite, E0 is now mostly useless instead.


Honestly, we can sum up the core problems with Emerald in that one single word, “Ambition”

Because it functionally negates all the level dependent stats, it actually turns the subclass concept from “specialise to do this thing great.” to “choose this thing to do it kinda good.”

Unless modded to do so, Emerald heroes cannot crit unless they subclass into it. Heck, some probably would need to subclass into a crit even WITH maxed mods, Ambition puts that high a wall in front of it.

If Ambition wasn’t a factor, and subclasses were just ineffective against Y30 and lower, then Emerald would actually be a significant and versatile power boost.


The Emrald verity looks fun we can play the game more and level up more which is pretty good


Da exact si eu ma gandeam la asta
Foarte buna intrebarea

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