Emerald Rarity Preview Part 2

So a few thoughts after trying subclasses out more:

  • It’s actually not THAT bad for some heroes, those whose important stats weren’t working and happen to be in tier 1 (or any tier for crits cause mods exist) actually got somewhat ok-ish improvements. Problem is the majority had a bunch of important stats that worked well, and are badly hurt by the ambition stat. So it still needs some changes…

  • The first thing would be it’s necessary to immediately remove tiers from subclasses, and let every character get the amount of stats tier 1s get. The reason is simple, stats from tier 1 are meh in quantity but actually do something, but heroes with other tiers are just screwed no matter how you look at it. 50 evasion is inconsistent, 15 will never do anything. This would be great for an immediate fix to alleviate issues, more can be adjusted with future updates

  • Then I wanna say change normal and fantastic crit stats given from 90 to 100. This would guarantee a regular crit exactly, letting you adjust the chance to super crit with mods if you want to (ideally guaranteeing it with 2 fully maxed mods)

  • The other stats might be trickier to balance as only battle badges give them. If you count the battle badge, 50 is actually pretty decent. But the problem here is most heroes don’t have one of those stats on their battle badge, and even for ones that do it’s only one stat. I would either change them to 100 too (giving fully working stats to everyone, and making the battle badges act as a 3rd stat that works at a lower percentage should the player choose the two subclasses to be different), or change them to 75, giving a slight advantage for picking a specific stat on heroes that have a battle badge that gives it but not punishing other heroes too much

  • Finally, the biggest issue, the fact that most heroes are much weaker because of their previous stats not working anymore. This one is really simple at least in theory, just make it so that ambition only affects stats that weren’t working previously, setting them to exactly 0% effectiveness, but make it not affect stats that worked before. At this point, just add 5 of each already working stat per rank, in addition to the 5 added to each subclass, to make sure they never stop working. If for some reason this can’t be done, a somewhat fine solution would be to let us pick 3 subclasses per character. Not as good, but would for most heroes let them still be effective if combined with the increases I mentioned in previous points


All secondary stats given by Emerald should be at the maximum effectiveness, and not as now, useless 15 or 50 evasion, and crits in amounts which never allows to super crit.

Normal And Fantastic Crit: 200
Crit Damage: 100
Evasion and Tenacity: 90
Armor and Reality Negation: 100
The extra values of 800 should remain as now, this is fine, it allows debuffs to not taking full control.

Another thing…

I don’t understand the reason to have 5 tiers when heroes only have tier 1, 3, or 5.
Tiers should change their purpose and instead decide how many new secondary stats can hero gain.
Tiers 2 and 4 should be removed completely, and reduce number of tiers to 3.

Tier 1 Heroes can gain 4 Secondary Stats
Tier 2 Heroes can gain 3 Secondary Stats
Tier 3 Heroes can gain 2 Secondary Stats

And finally… Ambition should be completely removed, and previous secondary stats should be unaffected by Emerald. Emerald only should give NEW secondary stats (or improving preexisting ones) not replacing them completely, making heroes which had all secondary stats working like for Hiro or Dash getting nothing and making them completely useless.

@Samm @TheGrillFather @Polaris

I was happy before that Basil will be finally able to get working Negation and Evasion (with previously fully working Normal Crit and Crit Damage). Now he has half working Evasion and Negation which barely does anything, and his crit stats aren’t working at all, congratulations, he is even worse now.

As for now, I will keep heroes at Y30, Emerald is a HUGE downgrade and nerf to all heroes.
(What a nice-not-nice way to save stamina)


You know what, this is a great idea…


THIS. This is what should be changed!!! It will make EVERYONE happy

Like many players, I’m in no rush to reach Emerald, and if it doesn’t change, I don’t want to reach it at all

Guess how long game will last without people trying to reach the new (and way too expensive) rank?


Basically what Emerald rank did:

If Yellow+30 was “punished”, everyone would be forced to go to Emerald.
Now… since stats at Yellow+30 affect Emerald Heroes as they did before (no ambition is applied)… everyone who got to Emerald is mostly screwed.

Solution: change the Ambition stat to 390. Tiers would be better if only 1 and 2 existed…
And make only the Subclasses stats be affected by Ambition.

Basically the second percentage won’t be even needed then and the menu would be easier to read @Samm @TheGrillFather @Polaris


Also… if stat number > Ambition, then only the bonus % would be applied.

Example: a hero has 406 Tenacity. Tenacity Subclass Tier 1 gives 50% and 390 Ambition.
Since 390<406, only 50 is added to Tenacity, making it 456. (=66%)


We appreciate all of the feedback so far on Emerald. We’re reading through all of the comments and taking the suggestions into consideration and will make adjustments as needed.

I do want to add that leaving your Heroes at Y+30 puts you in a spot where all of your stats ignore the Ambition of your enemies. That may seem like a good idea, but then YOUR Heroes don’t have Ambition. Here’s an example: An Emerald enemy has 2 effective Level Scaling stats and they choose two other Level Scaling Stats for their Subclass. Now they have 4 Effective Stats against your Y+30 Hero in combat. If you promote your Hero to Emerald, the enemy will now only have the 2 chosen stats that will be effective against your Hero.


Oh ok that’s cool👍🏿

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The base stats are not ignored. Once a Hero reaches Emerald, they get their pre-Emerald base stats AND Emerald stat bonuses in addition to that, for any stat slots you chose.


Are we suppose to celebrate it? Why this would be even a thought?

The secondary stats are ignored, and what is possible to get from Emerald is nowhere near enough, it nerfs heroes.

Y30 Aladdin easily kills E0 enemies.
But E0 Aladdin barely does anything against Y30 or lower.

Where are these 4 stats coming from??
Emerald only gives 2 barely working secondary stats, and all other stats are deactivated.


If this is indeed true and can be taped on a video, then there is a rather serious problem.

But there is one more problem @Samm which I can tell is happening.
As you said before… Yellow heroes against Emerald enemies still have their secondary stats and logic.
But as soon as you promote the hero to Emerald the ambition essentially nullifies any stat below 750 total to 0% meaning the heroes perform significantly worse against Emerald enemies.

I can tell that after one Surge already where Y30 heroes had no problem clearing it (those refreshed and new), but if they were at E0 they were defeated rather easily.
This is the main fault that needs an amendment currently.
And is also why I proposed for the ambition to not be a thorough stat, only affecting secondary stats given by subclasses.

Prime example of what others said is Calhoun.
Y30 Calhoun will deal tons of damage against Emerald enemies.
E0 Calhoun will deal nothing as her secondary stats are affected by ambition, without Normal Crit and Armor Negation/Crit Damage subclasses.


which is correct? :man_shrugging:


To clarify, when I say “base stats”, I’m referring to the level dependent stats that a hero has naturally due to the badges they had to equip to rank up.

When a hero is raised to Emerald, Ambition raises the functional level of that hero by 360 (in terms of the level dependant stats). This means that in order for those stats to still matter, they would need to be at LEAST 751. THAT’S what I mean when I say the stats are ignored. There is no hero that had ANY of the level dependant stats at that high an excess naturally. Any that does only does because of Disks, Mods or Skills hyper inflating those stats to an absurd degree.

And I’ll add, because a hero needs to be at Emerald for the level nuffying effect of an Emerald opponent’s ambition to kick in, that means that a hero with a high crit rate at Y30 has that crit rate still effective against Emerald enemies.

The ONLY saving grace is that, in addition to the increase stated by the subclass, it also gives enough of that stat so that the initial starting point is 0. (Using Dash as an example, going for the normal crit subclass says it gives 90 normal crit, but checking the stats shows it actually gives 195 so it can actually give the stated effect of a 90% crit rate)

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The base stats. Ambition only negates the stats when dealing with other Emerald heroes.
So E0 Dash still supercirts against Y30, for instance.

Course, they’re ignoring that THE SUBCLASSES AREN’T SUPPOSED TO WORK AGAINST Y30S AND LOWER, so that point is MOOT! The heroes have the effective level scaling stats that they had to begin with and choosing 2 others for the subclasses is supposed to do NOTHING for it.

Saying that, tested it. The subclasses actually DO matter against Y30s and lower. Because it has to rasie the level dependant stat to an absurd degree to reach a “0” starting point, subclassing into crit makes EVERY attack a supercrit against Y30s.

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Fantastic and thrilling.

Obviously this is impossible once Aladdin is Emerald and lose all his secondary stats.


Pegasus should one punch him that’s crazy well Aladin also has a entrance so that’s how he won but that’s impressive but yea i know what your saying

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@Musketeer @Samm In summary, the emerald range is a disappointment, I think it was not the time to add it to the game, it has many flaws and inconsistencies need to be fixed.

Good that you tagged @Musketeer but they are not part of the development team :wink:


@Prince_Phillip_LXV I know, he only mentions it because he was talking about it, not because he was from the PB team

We still don´t know why Y30 on our side vs Emerald feels stronger than Emerald on our side vs Emerald, that´s the point.

Because I would really like to reroll most of my heroes (excluding those that actually got stronger) to Yellow+30. How ironic.

That´s what everyone says about being worse.
A Y30 (or any yellow really) vs Emerald performs better than when you get the hero to Emerald. Does not need a genius to figure out something is really wrong there. Heroes should perform better not worse.

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