Ennui Hero Concept


“It’s what you would call, the boredom”

Role: Control
Position: Backline
Trials Team: Yellow

Basic Attack: Ennui doesn’t basic attack but instead she gains stacks of “Weary” every disable the enemy receives.

Entrance: Ennui boringly arrive on the battefield all the way to her couch to lounge(Reference is the photo below)

Victory: Ennui still lounges on her couch and makes a sarcastic face. (Reference below)

Defeat: Ennui loses her phone and panics. (Reference below)


White Skill: Boringgg
:sparkles: Fantastic
Passive: Instead of Basic Attacking, Ennui gains stacks of “Weary” every disable the enemy receives. Every stacks of “Weary” she gets is equivalent to 1 hardy. A hardy used or removed doesn’t scale up immediately to match her number of stacks of “Weary”, if she gains 1 stack of “Weary” then she gains 1 stack of hardy.

Active: Ennui uses up all of her stacks of “Weary” to deal damage to the enemies for X Fantastic Damage and randomly apply disables to random enemies. One stack of “Weary” is equivalent to 1 disable. Every stacks of “Weary” used, she gains a shield of X HP for 10 seconds.

Green Skill: How Sarcastic
:sparkles: Fantastic
Ennui makes a sarcastic face and uses 10 stacks of “Weary” to the enemy with the highest damage and reduces their Attack Speed for 200% within 10 seconds while damaging them for X Fantastic Damage and stunning them after for 5 seconds.

Blue Skill: Non (french for NO)
When the battle begins, Ennui chooses an enemy to control on her phone and having the enemy to be charmed for 10 seconds. While this skill is active, Ennui gains 1 stack of “Weary” every 2 seconds and the enemy charmed receives 100% attack and movement speed. She can cast this skill again if it wears off every 10 seconds.

While the battle is on auto, Ennui chooses the enemy with the highest Basic Damage.

Purple Skill: Boop
Every 10 stacks of “Weary” used, Ennui cleanses herself and is immune to disables for 2 seconds.

Red Skill: Excusez-Moi
Whenever Ennui and her allies receives a disable, she converts it to a random buff. Ennui can only convert 1 disable every 5 seconds. If a disable is converted, she receives 2 stacks of “Weary”.
This has a chance to fail against allies above level X.

Ennui’s Memory Disks

“You’re Odd” from Joy

  • Memory disk star level

    • Ennui starts the battle with 2 stacks of “Weary”
  • Memory disk level

    • X Reality
    • X Skill Power

“Alike Personality” from Gerald, Marlin, and Nemo

  • Memory disk star level

    • Ennui and her allies heals for X Hp whenever she uses up 1 stack of “Weary”
  • Memory disk level

    • X Max HP
    • X Reality

P.S. It’s been so long since I made hero concepts, and here’s Ennui because I’m bored lol.

I have watched the movie and it has a lot of takeaways and I just took an official quiz wherein what’s my dominant emotion is and it shows Ennui, ever since she is now my fav in one of the new emotions of Inside Out.

Hope y’all like it🫶


Defeat animation ennui be like that AOOOOAAAAAHHHH meme

Wow! :star_struck: She’s indigo! It’s amazing! What does “Ennui” mean?

It means boredom

Oh, that’s right!

Fun fact:
Ennui’s voice actress also does Ennui for the French version of Inside Out 2.
She also does Ember for the French version of Elemental.

The ultimate “french” actress.

It’s Violet.

Not to be confused with mauve since fear is clearly mauve

Actually, it’s indigo. Wait. Who’s Violet?

Yeah, I know.

Yeah, I know, but she looks anxious and scared about her phone. Like, uh oh, that’s not good, it’s bad.

No the color of violet.

I’m saying that fear is mauve

Actually ennui looks more of a mauve color

Well, you’re right! Ennui’s skin is violet.

Yes I know. Here’s a suggestion, if you don’t wanna get banned, plz stop reviving ded topics.

You may like them, don’t reply to them for no reason

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