Eren Yeager Concept

So, i just finished Attack on titan (all 3 season of rn). And I felt like I should do a Eren concept. Hope u guys like it.

Eren Yeager

Eren is a 2 star midline control. Burned with hatred for titans, having countless friends & his own mother being killed by one, really has put a mark in his life. But with that rage within him, Eren never puts down a fight & keeps pushing foward. With his titan killing skills & his titan abilities, Eren will always be feard by his enemies.

“If you win, you live. If you lose, you die. If you don’t fight, you can’t win!”

White: Attack Titan
Passive - Instead of having a basic attack, Eren gets angry & clutches his fist, which gives him one stack of Fight. Eren can stack up to 15 stacks of Fight.
Active - Eren uses his ODM gear & swings right above the enemy team. Eren then bites his left hand, turning into his titan form which also consumes his stacks of Fight. Eren’s Titan has Y health & X basic damage. Each stack of Fight gives his titan another Y health & X basic damage. If his titan is defeated, Eren will swing back to his original position.

Green: Titan roar
Eren’s titan now roars all enemies, dealing X damage & silencing them for Y seconds. Deals Normal damage.

Blue: Fight to win
Eren uses his ODM gesr to swing into the backline enemies, slashing them, dealing X damage. Eren also gets 5 stacks of Fight after using the skill. Deals Normal damage.

Purple: Brutal Body slam
Now when Eren’s titan is defeated, its body now slams head first into the enemy team. Dealing X damage to all. Deals Normal damage.

Red - Each stack of Fight now gives allies additional Y armor & X basic damage.

Entrance - Eren swings into battle with his ODM gear.

Victory- Eren makes a victorious smile while making a glare of pure hatred

Defeat- Eren falls to his knees & screams in sorrow & rage


Emotion control
+1000 skill power
Eren now gains Y skill power each time he does Fight to win

Loosing someone
+1000 health
Enemies now take X damage for Y seconds after Brutal Body slam.


Es bueno me gustaría que vieran esto como el que hici del pato Donald

Asking him/her to look at your concept doesn’t sound polite. U just ask them to check out your concept on someone else’s concept, dude really? Don’t just say that. He/she can check it out if they want to, WITHOUT YOU ASKING

Ok, push that aside, I think you did a excellent job on this @Drone_IX. Really amazing. I also do enjoy AOT & this is a perfect concept for him. :+1:


Thxs @Bone_Tones, I really had a lot of fun making Eren. :grin:


So he can turn into a titan himself??


Spoiler alert!


Oh, I guess I should have warned u guys about it. :sweat:

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