Experiment 133


:pie:, Midline, Control

Honk, honk!

Basic attack: PJ throws a tennis ball at an enemy.

White: 20 Dollure (Normal damage)
PJ throws a 20 dollar bill attached to a string at the farthest enemy slowly pulling it forward PJ lures the enemy to frontline, after the enemy has reached the frontline PJ squirts the enemy with water from a squirt bottle sending them to the back of the battlefield, dealing X damage to them and reducing their tenacity by 40% for 9 seconds.

Enemies the knocked back enemy passes through are dealt X damage and have their tenacity reduced by 25% for 9 seconds.

The tenacity reduction is less effective against enemies above level X

Green: Pie suprise
PJ throws a pie at the closest enemy dealing X damage, slowing them by 60% for 10 seconds and increases PJ’s skill power by X until the end of the wave.

Blue: Taunting honk
PJ honks the horn on his tail granting himself and allies 100% attack speed for 11 seconds.

PJ steals 4 of the closest enemies’ buffs with 50% of the duration.

Purple: Practical joker
Enemies with reduced tenacity lose 20% of their energy gain for the duration.

Allies heal X hp each time they damage an enemy with reduced tenacity.

The energy gain reduction is reduced against enemies above level X

Red: Joke gone mad (Normal damage)
Every 7 seconds nearby enemies are dealt damage equal to 50% of PJ’s skill power.

PJ gains X skill power for every buff stolen from “Taunting horn”

Additional stat boosts:

  • +X Max hp
  • +X skill power
  • +X more healing from “Practical joker”


Dash, “Prank spree” - Faster energy gain

+X skill power
PJ gains 15 energy every time an enemy is slowed.
+15% energy gain

  • +15 energy and 15% energy gain per level
  • +X skill power per level

Stitch, “A joke too far” - Debuffs close enemies

Nearby enemies lose X armor whenever they damage PJ.
Enemies can only lose up to 16% of their armor from this effect.
Nearby enemies deal 10% less damage to PJ and his allies.

  • -X armor per level
  • +16% more armor can be lost and 10% less damage per star.

I hope you enjoyed!

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