EXTREMELY RIDICULOUS- 50,000 STAMINA PACKS to upgrade 1 character to Y20

I don’t see the point in talking about it. for 3 years, they wrote a bunch of times that the dressing system in the game is disgusting. all that was needed was to increase the experience between account levels 10 times. but the developers chose the path of fast levels and heavy dressing. And here comes the second problem. you need to change the store in the game. not to make a store = a bunch of shares, but to make a full-fledged store: I wanted to buy a hero, I bought it, I wanted to buy a mod, I bought it. well, that is how it happens in the game heroes charge.

LOL… I’ve been playing this game since the beginning…. I’m a guild leader in a top guild. Yes, I figured it out and NOOOOOO I won’t be spending thousands of $$$ to implement such ridiculous things.

THE PROBLEM IS THAT THERE ARE ABOUT 200 CHARACTERS IN THE GAME… AS A POINT, IT JUST TOOK 100K stamina to add badges to FOUR characters below the top 20 that I regularly use. 176 to go…… do u c how the math doesn’t work?

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I don’t think anyone’s claiming that you can use the badge booster crates that are obtainable without spending as a means of keeping all 190+ heroes at the newest rank each month; I’d say the claims are more along the lines of keeping 20-40 heroes updated. They can be very helpful in maintaining a diverse, usable selection of heroes, but they aren’t anywhere close to being sufficient for maintaining every hero in the game.

As to your original point, I fully agree that stamina costs for upgrading heroes are ridiculous. Badge booster crates can help make those costs manageable for a few dozen heroes, but only for players who know how to best take advantage of them, and who invest the time and resources necessary to do so. I’d view that as more of a stopgap measure than a permanent solution, myself.


Oof (S21)

Eu acho que eles deveriam deixar o último nível como o teto por enquanto, parar de subir nível, e começar a trabalhar em fazer modificações no jogo porque querendo ou não está ficando sem controle e muito vão parar de jogar por estar ficando muito injusto com muitos jogadores, realmente independente do servidor é sempre a mesmo conversa aqui, para ter solução, não sei se realmente terá uma… Mas é difícil ter uma motivação onde você vê muita coisa absurdo sem necessidade disso acontecer num jogo que tem tudo pra ser épico nessa empresa, nem todos podem gastar rios de dinheiro no jogo, poderia ter um olhar melhor para todos os jogadores para ser bem justo, se pra nós que jogamos a anos já é difícil imagina pra quem tá começando, por isso desanima e muito irão desistir!!!

Google Translate:
I think they should leave the last level as the ceiling for now, stop leveling up, and start working on making changes to the game because like it or not it’s getting out of control and a lot will stop playing because it’s getting very unfair to many players, really regardless of the server, it’s always the same conversation here, to have a solution, I don’t know if there’s really one… But it’s hard to have a motivation where you see a lot of absurd things without needing to happen in a game that has everything to be epic in this company , not everyone can spend lots of money on the game, could have a better look at all players to be very fair, if for us who have been playing for years it is already difficult, imagine for those who are starting, so it gets discouraged and many will give up!! !

I agree, something needs to be done for Disney Heroes to stay as a desirable product. While Disney will make many come and many stay longer than otherwise, however the magic of Disney and familiarity can’t carry Disney Heroes forever.

PerBlue should focus on Disney Heroes primarily for a few months and get Disney Heroes back to a better shape again.
It is fine if they want to focus on new games, however Disney Heroes haven’t had proper maintenance for a while in terms of making sure Disney Heroes stay actually interesting, so yeah can hope PerBlue focus on Disney Heroes for a while.

So yeah, we will see even though hopefully there will be better later.



This post was originally shared 2 years ago, but it is a good post and yeah it gives some perspective given what we are talking about here now today 2 years later:

Burnout is a serious problem in mobile games.
The other mobile game I play, the Devs are directly engaging with representatives of the major alliances to discuss how to mitigate burnout.

For me personally, I hit my burnout threshold sometime last week, because I keep encountering these 3 specific enemies/playable characters that are purposefully designed to obliterate or hinder your team solo.
2 of those enemies are always used in combination in PvP, so I think the playerbase is very much aware how well they can KO an opposing team.
Then there’s another 5 enemies/playable characters I am uncomfortable with seeing in the game.

In the end, it was easier to just stop playing the game to avoid all of the 8 annoyances above then to keep going.

I think that is linked to the stamina issue, when I’m encountering enemy teams at Y14 and I’m stuck down in Y3, the disparity is discouraging.
The enemy NPCs don’t have to pay stamina and gold to level up.

The most I do now is register my daily logins, do an invasion and play a good prize wall if there is one, something quick and easy that isn’t frustrating.
There hasn’t been a good prize wall since 19/5/2022.

From Perblue, let’s talk:

TL; DR: Fix the scaling of resources to gain expenditure before the player base gets so overwhelmed that they find a new game to play.

This poster must have been quite insightful, because that’s exactly what I just did.
I spent $80 on Disney Dreamlight Valley in the hopes that it would be a superior crossover game.
It is.

I really really hope that EVERYONE will stop spending, to force them to improve the in-game economy :roll_eyes::roll_eyes::roll_eyes:

Many complaint, yet players still pay :roll_eyes::roll_eyes::roll_eyes: how is that gonna pressure Perblue into changing???

It has been 3 months + and nothing changed!!! They said they stopped giving sign in heroes to work on the game? What has been worked on, really???

Hero chips needed are still as insane as ever. Codebase has never been updated for nearly 2 years (21 Yellow ranks). Diamonds needed for TFT is over the top to say the least (while they reward us around 2k per month - so fair :roll_eyes::roll_eyes::roll_eyes:)

I don’t know what they are doing but clearly, they doing a horrible job.

Roadmap hasnt been updated in ages and if it has, nothing interesting came up :roll_eyes::roll_eyes::roll_eyes:.

State of the game post is as boring as possible. And it is rare these days too. It takes them months to write some basic information that we all know and hate and then offer no solution :roll_eyes::roll_eyes::roll_eyes: Give me 30 mins and I can write a better note :roll_eyes::roll_eyes::roll_eyes:

Like I said, they don’t care about us or the longevity of the game. What they care is to milk players as much as they can, while they still can. That’s all. And is it a surprise? Sadly not


I disagree, you changed the post subject to something else that we also need it but it’s different than subject

Why a game costs that much of money just to keep playing?

Perblue needs to re-think of the way they manage this game or it will go down quickly by players leaving it because of the high cost

I suppose I changed the direction a bit, but Badge Booster Crates are something that is related to stamina in many ways so I don’t think we can ignore Badge Booster Crates in the discussion of stamina entirely either.

That said, I 100% support and agree with that the stamina costs should be lowered.
I wouldn’t mind the game resetting some economy wise and making it possible to play without needing Badge Booster Crates to keep up with 15 characters.

Before I could maybe keep up with 5-7 characters before the Badge Booster Crates and this was back at Red, maybe mid Red so yeah likely worse now with Yellow.

The healthiest for player interest and long term financial stability for Disney Heroes would be to allow players to have 15 characters without needing Badge Booster Crates, and if being allowed to have 15 characters I think we wouldn’t really need the Badge Booster Crates that much either.
Like if we can keep up with 15 characters naturally we can play without being compromised for Coliseum and Guild War afterall.

While I do think the Badge Crafting Trees should be looked at as well, I think the easiest way to reduce the stamina some is to have “The City” map’s stamina cost reduced from 6 stamina to 4 or 3 stamina per raid, that should help a lot in terms of making the many Purple badges we need more accessible.
“The Hub” map can still cost 6 stamina, but yeah “The City” map’s stamina costs should definitely be adjusted by now.

What I think at least :-).


Great suggestions, fully agree :slight_smile:

An average player should be able to at least keep e.g. 5 heroes maxed out without spending money or using badge crates. This will help the community a lot by making every player feel viable!

As for badge crates, probably 90% of the community doesn’t know how to use them, and given how important they are, creates a big problem. PB needs to address this problem. E.g. simplify them somehow and figure out a different way for top players to min-max them that does not add a knowledge barrier for the rest of the community.

Glad to her you like them :-).

As far as 5 maxed out it depends on the type of maxed out you mean.
If you mean badge maxed out as in 5 at the newest badge rank that’s too little, it needs to be at least 10 and preferably 15. (5 is stressfully low, I know from experience).

For Red skill maxed out and Mod maxed out and similar I can more so agree with 5, those aren’t as important compared to badge rank in the same way, but yes Red ranks are really important technically just more so need badge ranks to survive I think.

Yeah, I have addressed the problem with the knowledge barrier in terms of the Badge Booster Crates. I am not sure how much PerBlue can do or want to do in terms of making the Badge Booster Crates more accessible, but we will see I suppose.

I try to at least inform people of how the Badge Booster Crates works and help them, thereby letting them have a more fun time rather than being stressed they can more likely actually enjoy the game with the Badge Booster Crates :-).

That said, I can only help those who chat, those who doesn’t chat are the silent players that just play yet don’t necessarily know better either. Can’t really blame them given their situation, but yeah they are unfortunately unreachable players.

So yeah, short term is to let the people who chat know about the Badge Booster Crates, long term it is for PerBlue for example to lower the stamina in “The City” map from 6 to 4 or 3 stamina.

Need stamina, that can be done quickly…


Badge crates are very helpful, they can drop new-ish badges which allows saving tons of stamina, so it does fix the stamina issue slightly, but like not that much to pray pb for that.
And it looks like nothing ever will be done, so… :flight_departure:

I mean… a crate deal for half the price can potentially save like… 40M raw stamina

and 200k stamina is 12M raw so… eh?

I will write the testimony tomorrow… oh boi.

Exactly…. I’ve spent over $1000, that’s one thousand dollars. And this game treats me like a punk newbie. I am only here because I run a top guild on my server. Otherwise I would be long gone. 4 years of this is getting old.

Most other games I play respect their players and know when to stop bleeding them. At a certain point, you have more than paid your dues and should be able to continue playing at a competitive level without having to keep spending.

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Musketeer, stamina is only ONE part of many parts of what it takes to make a competitive character. Your 12M stamina gets you 4 FOUR characters from white to Y20. Now you need to drop $2000US for all the rest of it to make those 4 characters worth playing.

The deal you show is $49.99 in the US.

Something I haven’t seen mentioned yet is battle badges. I’ve looked at upgrading them, seen the cost and said forget it. I don’t have the resources to just dump into one upgraded battle badge. (Well, technically I probably do if I dump every XP drink I have into it, but you get the point.) 70 million XP is insane, and you need megabits too. Level up the battle badge and most of it is gone and you have to start over. It’s pointless. Especially when codebase is repetitive and boring with no raid feature… I’ve quit bothering even doing codebase and just get megabits from the crates here and there, I just don’t care.

Unrelated to that, but I have noticed that server 14 is getting a lot quieter the last couple weeks… guild members are going silent, war grinding to a crawl, arena and coli even dropping off… with Sorcerer’s Arena, Mirrorverse, and other Disney games as competition, the horrible QoL here is starting to really erode the player base I suspect…

Barely 30 colossal drinks :man_shrugging: Level 330 to 335 costs altogether 10 of them.

Of course… no scaling… as 98% of the game.

Well how do you think… afterall this game and company is still a business… they are going to make money?

It’s very simple - you either have to trick newbies (which stops working after some time) OR milk what I call uhmmmm addicted players.

So the “most other games” likely do the former and still get away with it… while this game simply doesn’t anymore.

Besides, especially the second sentence is so wrong… you want to expect royalties from spending on something? It’s a video game… not a furniture shop.

Everything is so darn expensive on stamina because all the other stuff (mínus megabits, the battle badges are useless anyway) is given in deals at a reasonable amounts and you barely have to spend anything to keep up now.

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