Farmer McColl Unlikely Hero Concept

Farmer McColl

Description: This farmer decided to take action against the enemy and use his farmer expertise to hinder his enemies.

Quote: ‘‘Slow down Thomas, you will brake my eggs’’
Star: :star: :star:
Role: Support
Position: Backline
Trial Team: Yellow


Entrance: Farmer McColl walk in the battlefield with a confidence expression, while Katie jump in joy with McColl.

Victory: Katie Start running in circles of Farmer McColl, as he laugh happily at Katie.

Defeat: Farmer McColl look cross at the enemy-line, Katie growls at the enemies.


Basic Attack: Farmer McColl shout at the front most enemies, dealing X Fantastic Damage.

White Skill: Heavy Storm:
Farmer McColl and Katie duck down for safety, as a huge storm process to blast through the enemies team. Dealing X Fantastic Damage, applying Sap and Curse for 8 seconds.

The Sap and Curse has a chance to fail against enemy above level Y.

Green Skill: Precious Egg:
Farmer McColl present a box of eggs, healing X HP to the two front ally and apply them with 4 Stack of Hardy for 12 seconds.

Blue Skill: Sheepdog Control:
Katie Start barking causing 3 sheep to run across the field and each sheep target 3 random enemy, dealing X Fantastic Damage and applying Sap for 8 seconds.

The Sap has a chance to fail against enemy above level Y.

Purple Skill: Responsible Farmer:
Every 3 Basic Attack of Farmer McColl, now apply a Reality Decrease by 40% for 8 seconds.

“Sheepdog Control” now apply Stun for 4 seconds.

The Stun has a chance to fail against enemy above level Y.

Red Skill: McColl Farm:
When Farmer McColl successfully apply Sap to a enemy, he heal himself and his Allies X HP.

“Precious Egg” now grant 300 Energy to his allies.

When Farmer McColl is Ko’d by the enemy, he’ll immediately use “Heavy Storm” before dying.

• + Z Skill Power
• + Z Max HP
• + Z Tenacity


[Farmer McColl and Bulgy]
Description: As Farmer McColl was at his farm feeding his chickens, he soon heard a loud horn from a distances. Soon Bulgy roar in the farm with a furious expression, explaining to McColl that he had come to take care of his chicken problem once and for all. He soon explained that yesterday, a couple of chickens were sleeping in his cab and have jump on a couple of passengers scratching and harming, this of course upset the passengers and so was told by the bus company to remove the chicken as their were ruined the company.

Disk Name: Liking Of Chicken
Disk Power:
• + X Skill Power to Farmer McColl and his Allies
• + X Max HP to Farmer McColl and his Allies

• Enemy that are Stun by any source, lose X Basic Attack for 4/5/6/7/8 seconds.

Allies: Elizabeth, Gonzo, Ralph


[Farmer McColl and Woody]
Description: Farmer McColl decided to take a vacation with Katie after a few weeks of hard work, though he couldn’t leave without maintaining his farm and animals he called Woody to look after his farm while he was gone. This of course should be fine, but unbeknownst to Woody a pack of creep we’re slowly approaching the farm to purge the animals.

Disk Name: Farmyard Showdown
Disk Power:
• + X Max HP to Farmer McColl and his Allies
• + Damage Role enemies lose X Skill Power
• + X Skill Power Per ally whose Role is “Support”

• At the Start of Each Wave, Farmer McColl and his Allies are heal X HP per seconds for 3/4/5/6/7 seconds of the battle.

Allies: Slinky Dog, Elizabeth, Jessie

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