Fearsome 5 character concepts

Ducktails whoooooo!!!

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HammerHead Hoof and Mouth a :star: Damage hero
Quote: “Why didn’t you two think of that?!”
Team color : Red
Entrance : walks in with then takes out their guns
Defeat: passes out with abunch of creeps circling their heads
Victory: they use their phone to contact bulba to tell him they won

Basic skill : they all 3 shoot a gun at a enemy

White skill “Get them!”: Hammer head tells Hoof and Mouth to open fire and shoot at all enemies (sorta like stitches)

Green Skill “Sorry Boss” : They call Bulba telling him that their not doing to good then in the phone he yells at them and they get determined to for fill their mission (this buffs them)

Blue Skill “Hammering heads”: HammerHead head butt a enemy this stuns a enemy for 4 seconds

Purple Skill “Boss We’re almost out for the count”: right before their about to get KO’ED they call bulba and from Bulba’s tone about them failing the mission they gain defense to keep on fighting

HammerHead, Hoof & Mouth-Bulba “Bosses Henchmen”:their purple skill gives them energy along side the defense so they get offensive and defensive

HammerHead, Hoof & Mouth- SteelBeak “Business Negotiation”:
Their green skill now charms buffs the whole team

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Lilliput a :star: Control hero
Team color:Red
Entrance: comes in with ants holding him
Victory: his ants build him a chair
Defeat: falls over shooting himself with his shrink ray and cries
Basic attack : shoots a enemy with his gun

White skill “Shrinking feeling”: Lilliput Shoots a enemy with his shrink ray shrinking them taking their damage and defense down for 5 seconds

Green Skill “Itsy Bitsy Antsy!” : Liliput gets his ants to attack a enemy this confuses them for 3 seconds

Blue Skill “Antennae defense”: Liliput’s ants worn him of attacks when his health is low

Purple skill “Anton of defense”: After being warn of attacks Liliput’s basic skill damage increases

Liliput-Megavolt Mad Scientists !: Liliput’s “Itsy Bitsy Antsy” last’s 1 second longer per star (max time 8 seconds)

Liliput-Finnick “Short Crimes” : Liliputs White skill now gives him the defense and damage from the enemy he took it away from

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image image Tuskernini a :star: Control hero
Team color:Red
Entrance : walks in and takes a photo
Defeat: his camera breaks
Victory his camera snaps a ton of photos
Basic attack: Takes a photo of a enemy stunning them for 2 seconds

White skill “Lights Cameras Action!”: He uses his cameras to blind all of his enemies for 3 seconds

Green skill “New material”: Tuskernini gets a plan improving his team’s accuracy

Blue skill “Movie artist”: Tuskernini charms a enemy into thinking they’re a movie star for 3 seconds

Purple skill “Star revival of the decade!”: Tuskernini Pulls out another camera after his first one breaks (this is a revive btw)

Tuskernini-Bulba Business men : Tuskernini’s movie artist Skill adds a second per star (MAX time 8 seconds)

Tuskernini-EVE “Is it a Camera!”: Tuskernini’s “Light’s Camera Action” skill now gains 1 second per star (Max Time 8 seconds)

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image Isis Vanderchill a :star: Frontline Control hero
Quote:”Oh DarkWing, my darling little icicle! This is so romantic!”
Team Color:Red
Entrance : walks in and blows a kiss
Defeat: Freezes into a statue
Victory: jumps in excitement

Basic attack: She blows a kiss freezing a foe for 1 second

White skill “freezing kisses”: She blows 3 kisses freezing 3 enemies for 4 seconds each

Green skill “Cold hearted”: she acts like she doesn’t like a enemy after charging them making them want to attack their allies (lasts 4 seconds)

Blue skill “Frosty Defense”: She gives a her team some defense making foes attack her over the team

Purple skill “Charming Kisses”: She blows 3 kisses to charm 3 lasts for 2 seconds

Isis-DarkWing “melting her heart”: her basic attack now charms a enemy into not attacking her for 4 seconds

Isis-Elsa “Frosty girls”: Isis “Freezing kisses”now freezes a second longer per star (max time 9 seconds)

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image Camille Chameleon a :star::star: Control hero
Quote: “Now there’s nothing standing between me and unspeakable wealth…with the exception of two tons of steel”
Team color: Red
Entrance: crawls onto the battle field
Defeat: goes invisible and hides
Victory:laughs and claps

Basic attack: improves her accuracy

White skill “Shapeshifter”: Camille Shape shifts into one of her enemies (note : she steals their skills depending on her color also she can’t shape shift into any ice people so elsa Frozone Olaf And Wall-E)

Green skill “Confusing Otherssss”: Camille shape shifts again confusing the enemies into attacking each other kind of like a charm

Blue skill “energy stealsssss”:Camille steals all of a enemy’s energy and gives it to a ally

Purple skill “Stealthy chameleon”:Camille shape-shifts into a enemy making them avoid attacking her but they still will attack her allies

Camille-DarkWing “Calming the Chameleon”: Camilles white Skill now lets her become a iced power hero 1 Time a round

Camille-Isis: “Cold Blooded”:Camille becomes immune to ice attacks


@Queen_Kate Tnx

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No thank you for your contribution to the forums

Keep up the good work.


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Oh ok no problem that’s the 12th character to be added to this thread

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@Queen_Kate do you like any of the other concepts here?

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As I’ve said before I’m not good at judging concepts. However I do like all of the characters you have comprised here & can see you have worked very hard to produce a very attractive thread. I tend not to like concepts as many times someone with a knack for grading them, comes along & trys to point out everything wrong they can find.

Anyway I do like the characters you portrayed.


PS I went back and liked :heart: your original post. Maybe others will also give your original post on this thread A :heart: hopefully you will get 10 :heart: & a badge.


There’s gonna be like 21 characters in this thread I think

I know who’s next for August 6th

The 5th is a duo character btw

image image Ammonia Pine and Ample Grime a :star: Control hero
Team color: Red
Entrance : Walks in cleaning and littering
Victory:Ammonia waves around broom while Ample throws around trash
Defeat:Ammonia gets dirty and Ample gets clean

Basic attack : Ammonia sprays soap at a enemy while ample throws garbage at another enemy

White skill “Clean Dirty”: Ammonia sprays Soap all over enemies blinding them then Ample sprays 1 enemy with dirt stunning them for 3 seconds

Green skill “Recycling”: Ammonia recycles her bottles gain them 50% energy (half the bar)

Blue skill “Trashing Everyone”: Ample dumps trash on the lowest health tank blinding them for 2 seconds

Purple skill “renewable trash”: Ammonia sprays the strongest tank in the eyes after Ample trashes the lowest health tank blinding them for 4 seconds

Ammonia and Ample-Wall-E “Cleaning the planet”: their green skill raises 10% per star (max 100% or full energy)

Ammonia and Ample-SteelBeak “F.O.W.L agents”: Their white skill now stuns for 1 second per star (max time 8 seconds)

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Jumbalaya Jake And Gumbo
Quote:”Why, Gumbo get-’em”
Entrance:Jake and Gumbo run into the battle field (kinda like looney tunes characters or cartoonish characters of the 90’s)
Defeats:Jake gets thrown off the screen and gumbo follows
Victory:They Run off for do some crimes

Basic attack:Gumbo chomps on a enemy

White Skill “Gator meat”: Gumbo’s Starvation increases their attack damage by 120%

Green skill “Little bit small”: Jake being small makes enemies not be able to see him so Jake and Gumbo don’t get attacked for 5 seconds

Blue skill “A Vile Milkshake”: Jake pours Grandma’s secret mixture on the ground then it explodes causing splash damage and burning the closest 3 enemies for 6 seconds

Purple skill “A Jambalaya Special!”: Jake and Gumbo’s reality is multiplied by X amount

Jambalaya Jake-Animal “Jambalayan Animals”: “A Vile Milkshake” stuns a random enemy that was burnt for 2 seconds per star (Max time-10 seconds”)

Hey spiderhog it’s big chungus

Ok cool dude

image HotShot & FlyGirl are a :star: Front-line Control duo
Team color-Red
Entrance-FlyGirl Flies on the battle field and HotShot Swoops in
Victory:HotShot makes a Ring Of Fire And FlyGirl Swoops around it
Defeat: Their powers go away and they become weak nerds again

Basic Attack: HotShot Shoots a enemies with a Fire ball or Ice ball

White Skill “Hot Gravel”: HotShot Blasts the the ground with Fire then FlyGirl uses her Gravity Powers to raise the lava on the foes burning them for 6 seconds this does a Burn effect Takes away 100 damage per second (total damage 600)

Green Skill “High Flyer”: FlyGirl Zooms through her foes grabbing one then dropping them in the front line And this lowers their Tenacity by 40% (this attack can only be used once per wave)

Blue Skill “Icy Hot”: HotShot Blasts half the Foes with his Fire abilities burning them for 3 seconds (50 damage per seconds) and the other half he Freezes them for 5 seconds (Freeze has chance to fail on foes above X Level)

Purple Skill “Fowl Powers”: HotShot & FlyGirl’s Attack Damage is increased by X amount and their Defense is also raised X amount

HotShot & FlyGirl-SteelBeak “Fowl Command”: HotShot & FlyGirl’s White skill attack lasts a second longer per star (Max Seconds: 11 seconds) and (Attack Damage Max- 1100 damage)

HotShot & FlyGirl-Timon & Pumbaa “Quad of Life”: HotShot & FlyGirl’s Defense is increased by 100 per star (Max increases: 500

image GnatMare a :star: Control-Hero
Team color: Red
Entrance: GnatMare flies over
Victory: GnatMare lifts his hand in the airs in victory
Defeat: GnatMare gets squished

Basic attack: GnatMare Anti Charms a enemy

White skill “Blink and you’ll miss it”: GnatMare Flies super fast blinding enemies for 4 seconds (maximum amount of enemies effected:4)

Green skill “Your worst GnatMare”: GnatMare silences a enemy by whispering in their ear unexpectedly for 5 seconds

Blue skill “Shell Shocked”: GnatMare defense is increased by X amount

Purple skill “Mutated Fly”: After being KO’ED GnatMare revive due to his Mutation

Red skill “Phobias Fly”: Every enemy that is Silenced health slowly decreases by X every second they are Silenced

GnatMare-SteelBeak “Dark Past”: “Your worst GnatMare” now decreases the enemies Reality by X amount for a second per star (Max-5 seconds)

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