Fergus Unlikely Hero Concept


Description: From the cement work, Fergus have join the battlefield. This old traction engine will reprimand the enemy with his strict personality and experience of working.

Quote: ‘‘Not like that, do it right’’
Star: :star:
Role: Control
Position: Backline
Trial Team: Yellow


Entrance: Fergus drive to his Position and examines the area around him.

Victory: Fergus smile proudly.

Defeat: Fergus gets scared and process to run away by reversing from the battlefield.


Basic Attack: Fergus look at the front most enemy with an annoyed expression, dealing X Normal Damage.

White Skill: Do It Right!:
Fergus target a singular enemy with the most Basic Attack, dealing X Fantastic Damage, remove all of their buffs and Silence them for 10 seconds.

The Silence has a chance to fail against enemy above level Y.

Green Skill: Powerful Push:
When an enemy comes within melee range of Fergus, Fergus wind back and then Bash the closest enemy, dealing X Normal Damage, knock them back and Confusion.

The Confusion has a chance to fail against enemy above level Y.

Blue Skill: Crusher Rumbler:
A well wagon will fly across the screen while carrying The Rock Crusher, causing the floor to shake. Dealing X Normal Damage, enemies nearby the Rock Crushing are dealt additional X Normal Damage and Decrease their Movement Speed by 80% for 6 seconds.

The Movement Decrease has a chance to fail against enemies above level Y.

Purple Skill: By The Rule:
At the start of Each Wave, Fergus gain Z Tenacity Increase for 20 seconds.

“Do It Right!” Now apply a disabled base on their role:

Damage Role: Have 5 Stack of Fatigue for 11 seconds.

Tank Role: Have 4 Stack of Corruption for 12 seconds.

Support Role: Have 2 Stack of Decay for 10 seconds.

Control Role: Have 3 Stack of Weakness for 13 seconds.

Red Skill: Proud Cement Worker:
Before using “Powerful Push” Fergus now gain 4 Stack of Determination to himself for 12 seconds.

While Fergus have a Tenacity buff, he’ll gain 60% of Attack Speed Increase that would last for 9 seconds.

• + Z Reality
• + Z Basic Attack
• + Z Normal Crit


[Fergus and Dennis]
Description: As Fergus was resting in his shed, Sir Topham Hatt came to congratulate Fergus for his recent work, he soon told Fergus of an engine name Dennis that will arrive tomorrow to help out in the Cement Work. Unfortunately for Fergus this engine is very lazy and this may cause confusion and delay.

Disk Name: The Laziest Worker
Disk Power:
• + X Reality
• + Control role enemies lose X Skill Power

• At the start of each wave, apply 2/3/4/5/6 Stack of Fatigue to all Control role enemies for 6 seconds.

Allies: Mavis, Baloo, King Louie

[Fergus and Timothy]
Description: Sir Topham Hatt have sent Timothy to help out Fergus in the Cement Work as they need a second engine for their big delivery. As Timothy was arriving at the Cement Work, he soon saw Fergus who was calmly shunting some truck in the yard for their delivery, so he decided to start a conversation to befriend the old traction engine.

Disk Name: A Friendly Engine Chat
Disk Power:
• + X Basic Attack
• + Support role Allies Gain X Max HP
• + Support role Allies Gain X Armor

• “Crusher Rumbler” deals 20%/40%/60%/80%/100% more damage to Tank Role enemies.

Allies: Bill & Ben, Edward, Arthur

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These are such inspired ideas for Fergus interactions from different eras he wasn’t a part of that it makes me sad he didn’t appear more in the show.

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