You didn’t have to make several parts for one Hero Concept, as it is 1) unnecessary and 2) crowds the Forums.
We’ll see how his skills will do…
Hero Role - unknown
Hero Team - unknown
Stars - 3 (taken from the White Skill’s description)
Position - unknown
Hero Images - They’re good enough on their own, just make sure you download them instead of screencapping it and just drawing on it, as it makes it messy.
Score: 2/10
White Skill - (Skill Name required)
Finn spins for five seconds and damages enemies while blinding them? Good skill…
Score: 5/10
"Super Move" - (Skill Name required)
I don’t know what a “Super Move” is, but it seems like it’s a White Skill, which makes this redundant.
Do note that the game doesn’t allow 5 Skills, so having a “Super Move” is impossible
This “Super Move” is still very convoluted. How will Finn basically do it? Does he touch something like an Item Box?
Score: 1/10
Green Skill - (Skill Name required)
The Skill’s very bland, it’s Violet’s active sans the Hero jumping back…
Score: 2/10
Blue Skill - (Skill Name required)
This Skill would be both useless and convoluted. Using the Skill’s Description, Finn calls Mater out of nowhere and forces him to go to the showers and heals the team?
This is weird, considering that I haven’t seen anything regarding Mater…
Score: 1/10
Purple Skill - (Skill Name required)
Finn’s Purple Skill is directly linked to his “Super Move,” but as I said, the Super Move is very unlikely to be added because there could be no more than 4 Skills…
Score: 0/10