Fixing War matchmaking: options

Hi all!

War matchmaking has been a problem, especially for the guilds ranked 6th to 12th-ish, for quite a while now. In this topic I would like to suggest different options to fix it, with advantages and possible downsides.


In this fix you’ll fight the guild most close in power (or MMR as it currently is) within your current League. So for example in the pictures below: now Black Magic and Three Seashells could face off against oneanother. In this fix the would fight the no. 2 of that League

This could make sure more top-guilds make it to Legendary rank, because they won’t face the top 5 over and over.

However there are also two downsides:
The top 5 guilds may face off more often against each other than right now (if they reach the same League again)
And maybe guilds in top 50 will get it harder against the top 6-12-ish

The up and down - MMR

The second option is to simplify the MMR in such a way that going up Leagues will be easy (but keeping a high MMR a challenge)

For this I propose to remove the relativity of MMR all together. Right now it is orded in this way

Lose Win
Opponent has higher MMR Lose little amount of MMR You win lots of MMR
Opponent has lower MMR Lose more amount of MMR You gain less MMR

I would like to propose that you lose or win a set amount of MMR each victory or loss:
Each win gains you 50 MMR points
Each loss subtracts 100 MMR points

This firstly makes that if you’re guild is the top 6-12th and you lose a match, you will lose 100 MMR points. That will make it less likely you will run in another top 5 guild inmediatly after that loss. That makes going through the Leagues easier.

It also has the advantage of making Legendary for the top 10 much more competitive. If you want to hold your position, you have to win frequently.

The downside of this may be that more smaller guilds will be overrun by top 5 guilds and that those guilds at the same time will get bored fighting those guilds.

Poll and your opinion

What I would like to know now is whether you think one of these options would be a good improvement?

Or maybe you see a good use of parts of both systems to combine?

Or do you have a great idea yourself?

Vote in the poll and comment below

  • League system
  • Up and down - MMR
  • Combination of both options
  • Another fix alltogether

0 voters

Thanks for reading if you came all this way :blush:


Great topic. War matchmaking is so bad. Were the 9th strongest guild in mmr and were getting less rewards than other guilds. Super counter intuitive and rewards luck rather than skill. This needs to be addressed or war will continue to be dead content.

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