Forum Secret Santa!+

okay lovely that’s enough

Yes! Throws ice at the frog



the frog eats the ice, chews it, and spews the pieces rapidly back at you

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i highly doubt he will listen


Silly Trident, you are not the frog and shall be sued due to copyright.

but lgdb does it all the time! do they have this copyrighted?

the flag will make him listen maybe

That was the point of attacking a frog out of nowhere you silly trident.

i dont see a flag


Frog throws silly trident at cake hat


not yet…

Hey, that didn’t hurt so bad. It’s not like being flung-

chains self to sidewalk

Throws a rock at Frog

That will make me do more… :older_adult:t4:


the frog calls its friends and doesn’t listen to copyrights

Frog throws it back

Oh no there are two mean frogs now :sob:

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