Forum Secret Santa!+

You two seem unaware by the fact that your friend Frog 3 died :thinking:

man, you should start-

Honestly I would get my gift ready


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Ghost of frog 3 haunts you

I cant agree more

I’m only helping Lure because I should be the one making him suffer!

well, start putting the pro in procrastination… and also stop procrastinating.

and also, find a way to manage the irl stuff it its not so urgent

these 2 statements contradict



of course it is

shoots frog 1 while ripping frog 2’s mouth in half

Hits Ghost Frog with a Dead Stick

you have been arrested for animal abuse

Frog 3 makes the stick into a scythe

breaks the handcuffs and breaks all the police officers’ bones

the frog escapes and jumps into deep water

“You think you’re all that, but you’re not!”
We will get you next time :rage:

I didn’t know that Drakken became a police officer. Wow, time has changed.

dr drakken has arrested cannon for copyright infringement

you are placed in a jail cell next to his and shego’s lair. both are inside.

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